Hi Jenova.
I went from desperately craving a next gen FFVII remake to consigning myself we will never see one to now actualy hoping that it doesn't happen.
The reason for this is the disturbing road gaming has taken in the last 10 years. With the advances that we have seen over the last decade gaming could be at a level i could never have dreamed of when i played FFVII in my late teens. Instead we have an industrie determined to pander to the whim of morons who can barely string a sentance together and think the churned out block buster money spinners like Call of Retard: Modern Borefest are great games.
All the best developers have sold out BIG TIME Especialy Square-Enix. The monstrosity that was FFXIII still gives me nightmares. Can you imagine what Square-Enix would do to a FFVII remake? I shudder to think. It should not, No, CANNOT be allowed to happen.
Jenova i apreciate your love for the greatest game ever made i realy do and i feel for you because i once thought as you did and i know you are coming from a good place with pure intentions but think of it like this. We already have FFVII. As long as you have your original copy then you can play it whenever you wish right?
Sure the graphics are dated but so what. 10-15 years from now any remake will look just as dated and FFVII will have lost it's soul for the sake of making it look shiney... Not worth it imo.