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Thread: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

  1. #1
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER* ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    I just watched Advent Children for the whatever-hundredth time, and I had this thought before, but thought I'd post now.

    After the fight between Cloud and Sephy, and it starts raining, of course which is Aeris' doing, Tifa looks at a drop of the rain, and say's that she never left them, and thank you. She then turns to face the camera, smiles and nods.

    Here is my thought, when she turns to the camera, is she thanking us, the player, for never leaving too?

    I think it's no secret that if FFVII wasn't as successful as it was, there would be no compilation. So, what measures success in the business world? Profit. And how do they make their profit? Our money.

    So is this their way of thanking is, or am I blowing this out of proportion and overthinking it?

  2. #2
    Registered User A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*
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    Re: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    I think that Tifa is meant to be thanking Aerith in that scene, but it would be a cool little shout out/fourth wall breaking if she was thanking the fans as well. ^^ It's been a while since I've sat through AC, so I'll have to keep an eye out for that scene next time I get around to watching it.

    I remember in the very very beginning of the movie, there was a little dedication given to the fans by the creators:

    To those who loved this world
    and knew friendly company therein:
    This "reunion" is for you.

    I thought that was a nice message to read.
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  3. #3

    Re: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    I think she's thanking all of the pocky chewers obsessing over this game for buying every single piece of merchandise that's related to this ridiculously overrated game.

  4. #4
    Lady Succubus A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER* Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    Hey, there's nothing wrong with Pocky. It's a good snack even though it's bad for you.
    And don't call this game overrated. If it boomed this much, it had to have been good enough for it to happen.

    So it's not like the game sucks. At its time, it was a phenomenal game. It may be overrated now, but you have to think about at its time.

    But yeah, I think it'd have been nice if it was a lil 4th wall nudge to the player, but I don't think it is.

  5. #5
    I want to play a game. A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER* Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    Quote Originally Posted by Antidrall View Post
    I think she's thanking all of the pocky chewers obsessing over this game for buying every single piece of merchandise that's related to this ridiculously overrated game.
    I "like" this post because Antidrall can't pass a chance on taking a jab at Final Fantasy VII and its fans. Death. Taxes. And Antidrall hating FFVII & fans.

    Onto my reply to the OP. I'm like Dodie where I must watch the movie over again that way I can look at the scene Zantetsuken is referring. Even if Tifa isn't breaking the fourth wall on purpose you (Zantetsuken) - and any other fan - could take it as another thank you to go alongside the message in the beginning of the movie.

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  6. #6

    Re: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    Something I must reiterate. I don't like FF7, but I don't despise it either. Out of 7-13, this is the most playable game, but most of my hatred towards it is caused by the fans that praise it as the greatest game when it's adequate at best. The more people call it the best video game story in existence and ignore Final Fantasy Tactics, makes my ire for this game raise tenfold. There are some redeeming factors, but I'm sure if you look through my posting history, You'd find a lot of posts and threads started by me, you'd get the impression that I use the disks as coasters. No, that job belongs to 8, 10, 12, and 13. But this is totally off topic for this thread.

    As for the whole thank you thing, I don't think she was thanking fans or anything. first of all, she would have needed to have a materia that allowed her to break the fourth wall, second, she would have had to look into the camera and not the camera panning to her. I don't know how the hell she knew that the rain was caused by Aeris, or that Aeris was even able to listen, but whatever.

  7. #7
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    Quote Originally Posted by Antidrall View Post
    Something I must reiterate. I don't like FF7, but I don't despise it either. Out of 7-13, this is the most playable game, but most of my hatred towards it is caused by the fans that praise it as the greatest game when it's adequate at best. The more people call it the best video game story in existence and ignore Final Fantasy Tactics, makes my ire for this game raise tenfold. There are some redeeming factors, but I'm sure if you look through my posting history, You'd find a lot of posts and threads started by me, you'd get the impression that I use the disks as coasters. No, that job belongs to 8, 10, 12, and 13. But this is totally off topic for this thread.
    And yet every single post you've made in the FFVII has been geared towards your hate for it. If you hate it that much, why obsess over it?

    And the thing is, it really doesn't get labelled as the greatest Final Fantasy. It just has a large fan base, just like all of the others. More was done with it as well, with all the sequels and spin-offs.

    As for ignoring Tactics; isn't that a completely different game all together? Not many people have the patience to play a tactical game like that, and would rather just play through a story. I like Tactics, but it's not my favourite FF game. Big deal.

    I notice you missed out FFIX in your stack of coasters. Is that because you like FFIX? IX has a large fan base too, and from what I've played, I don't quite understand why. Don't get me wrong: I like it, but still.

    As for the whole thank you thing, I don't think she was thanking fans or anything. first of all, she would have needed to have a materia that allowed her to break the fourth wall, second, she would have had to look into the camera and not the camera panning to her. I don't know how the hell she knew that the rain was caused by Aeris, or that Aeris was even able to listen, but whatever.
    Very funny.

    I think it's a slight nod and smile towards whoever is watching, just to say thanks for watching and giving your support to the compilation. Even the beginning message, like Dodie mentioned, is a nice touch. As a FFVII fan, it's like a little reward. A very sad reward, but it's nice to be noticed.

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  8. #8
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER* Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    Quote Originally Posted by Antidrall View Post
    Something I must reiterate. I don't like FF7, but I don't despise it either. Out of 7-13, this is the most playable game, but most of my hatred towards it is caused by the fans that praise it as the greatest game when it's adequate at best. The more people call it the best video game story in existence and ignore Final Fantasy Tactics, makes my ire for this game raise tenfold. There are some redeeming factors, but I'm sure if you look through my posting history, You'd find a lot of posts and threads started by me, you'd get the impression that I use the disks as coasters. No, that job belongs to 8, 10, 12, and 13. But this is totally off topic for this thread.

    As for the whole thank you thing, I don't think she was thanking fans or anything. first of all, she would have needed to have a materia that allowed her to break the fourth wall, second, she would have had to look into the camera and not the camera panning to her. I don't know how the hell she knew that the rain was caused by Aeris, or that Aeris was even able to listen, but whatever.
    Aren't you a bunch of sunshine and butterflies ^-^

    *burns you for using FF8 as coasters*

    Anyways, tho I haven't played the game all the way through, the movie seems to have many hints for the community, actually, most spin offs in game genres, successful games I mean, have little tibits or "happy" moments for the customers. Like DMC4 or the Lost in nightmares for RE5.

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  9. #9
    Bananarama A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER* Pete's Avatar
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    Re: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    I don't think it was so much a breaking of the fourth wall, so much as a plot device. The rain is what ultimately cures the geostigma that everyone was suffering from. When Tifa thanks Aeris, it's really to signify that Aeris is the reason for the healing rain. The smile and nod to the direction of the viewers could be that, or she could just be looking in that direction. I don't think they'd do two little "thank you's" but it's possible.
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  10. #10
    Registered User A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER* Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    I always thought she was saying thank you to Aeris for some reason, she had connection with her as well. Not as strong as Cloud but some.

  11. #11
    Registered User A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER* BDub2277's Avatar
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    Re: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    I've always thought FFVII:AC was done by Square because a sequel of some sort for VII was always because they knew the fans wanted it so bad. So it wouldn't surprise me at all if that scene was in part directed at the fans. It also wouldn't be a shock if their were more spots in the movie that does the same sort of thing. A good thing to look for when watching it the next time.

  12. #12
    Scourge of Esthar A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER* CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    Quote Originally Posted by Antidrall View Post
    I think she's thanking all of the pocky chewers obsessing over this game for buying every single piece of merchandise that's related to this ridiculously overrated game.
    I'm with Antidrall as far as the quality of VII goes, but since we are talking about Tifa, and she's one of the few from VII that I care at all about, I'll add something constructive. I believe that the scene was suppose to have a double meaning. As the movie goes, yes Tifa was thanking Aeris, but the scene was also suppose to be a shout out to the fans who (for whatever reason *sorry had to say it*) have stuck with VII's ever escalating list of spin-offs.
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  13. #13

    Re: A thought about AC *SLIGHT SPOILER*

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    After the fight between Cloud and Sephy, and it starts raining, of course which is Aeris' doing, Tifa looks at a drop of the rain, and say's that she never left them, and thank you. She then turns to face the camera, smiles and nods.

    Here is my thought, when she turns to the camera, is she thanking us, the player, for never leaving too?
    Wow, i can't believe i hadn't noticed that before! You might be right about Tifa thanking us the players - there are some clues about appreciating the fans. Namely:

    1) The opening tribute ('This reunion is for you' section)
    2) Reminiscence of FFVII (personal opinion)
    3) Bringing Sephiroth back for a fight (obviously for the fans - they had to work Sephiroth in somehow).

    This bit would be #4. Kudos to you for picking up on that scene i will have to rewatch it now and see for myself
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