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    Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?

    When I was younger, final fantasy VII was the game I REALLY wanted to be re-made for the GBA. But then the re-make of all the final fantasies for the GBA were closed, due to the DS' release. I enjoyed Final Fantasy IV. (More so on the DS than the GBA) I think that Final Fantasy VII would be a GREAT thing to put for the DS. (After versions of it were released on the PS3 and PSP). I don't use my DS lite or DSi as much. (Since I already beat KH 358/2 days and I just gotta new laptop). But if it was re-made for the DS -- I would be al over my DSi again.

  2. #2
    黒い翼の天使 Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? yuki's Avatar
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    at my palace
    i realy would like the remake 2 be for the psp (lets all wish that this dream only comes true)
    and for playing now im realy waiting for kingdom bbs when will it be released in japan (dose anyone know??)so im playing persona on the psp its cool

  3. #3
    Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep is coming out in january ^_^ I'm gonna play the Rom 24/7

  4. #4
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    It's already available for download in the PSN for the PSP, so why exactly should it be remade for the DS or DSi? In that sense we already have FF VII on the go, so I don't think a port to the DS is really necessary.

    However, I do see your point in that it could be available to those who do not have a PSP, and the DS has sold a lot more units, so Square-Enix could cash in big-time with the DS owner market.

    I don't see it happening though, but hey, I could be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time, that's for sure.
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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    It's already available for download in the PSN for the PSP, so why exactly should it be remade for the DS or DSi? In that sense we already have FF VII on the go, so I don't think a port to the DS is really necessary.

    However, I do see your point in that it could be available to those who do not have a PSP, and the DS has sold a lot more units, so Square-Enix could cash in big-time with the DS owner market.

    I don't see it happening though, but hey, I could be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time, that's for sure.
    It's available for the PS3 actually. Crisis core is for the PSP. That game is fun. The best Square Enix game on the PSP. The DS is a huge money maker for Square Enix. After how well FF VII sold on the PC, and PSX

  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?

    No, and it's quite obvious why. You want to see a game with capacity over 1,5 GB to be remade for a console that is far inferior to the one that FF VII was originally made. I would like to see that.

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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?

    No, and it's quite obvious why. You want to see a game with capacity over 1,5 GB to be remade for a console that is far inferior to the one that FF VII was originally made. I would like to see that.
    They did it w/ final fantasy 6. Which in my opinion was the best GBA game made by Square Enix

  8. #8
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dapofola View Post
    They did it w/ final fantasy 6. Which in my opinion was the best GBA game made by Square Enix
    Yes, but if you've noticed FF VI was made for SNES a console inferior to DS and capacity of FF VI is maybe 6 MB which can be put on DS small size cartridge so it wasn't actually a problem to do that, wasn't it. But where are talking about FF VII here, so how do you actually have in mind to see that game for DS, with it staying in the original state of course.

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  9. #9
    Registered User Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?
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    It's available for both. Here's a link explaining it:

    ESRB Confirms Final Fantasy VII for PS3, PSP - PS3 - Kotaku
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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    It's available for both. Here's a link explaining it:

    ESRB Confirms Final Fantasy VII for PS3, PSP - PS3 - Kotaku
    That's good to know. Now I have reason to use the PSp again.

  11. #11
    Ellipsis Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? Meigumi's Avatar
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    A remake for VII?
    Come on, cut some slack. They MIGHT do a remake, though.... But, isn't the story a little too large for a small chip to contain that much?

    ...That is, only unless if they only stick in Cloud's story as a mercenary, then you might screw what I said earlier. ^_^;

    It's quite intresting why VII is far more popular than any other FF game. (Maybe because it involves dramatic deaths, lots of drama, slapping, squats, and cross-dressing?)

    Besides VII, IV was the only one who got a sequel which was After Years. (I think, but never mind that.)

    I'm still waiting for VI, though (even if the release date isn't there). They might make VII, but I guess it's hard to do so... I mean, they have "KH: Birth to Sleep", some Chocobo Series, Dragon Quest, and XIII. >a<;

    I can't blame them for working THAT much. Looks like VII might not come this year, but I guess it will at least be confirmed next year, in like... Summer 2010? I don't know, I'm only guessing... I'm not even sure if they'll make a remake for VII.
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  12. #12
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi View Post
    Come on, cut some slack. They MIGHT do a remake, though....But, isn't the story a little too large for a small chip to contain that much?
    Of course, who knows maybe SquareEnix really wants to butcher FF VII just to do a remake for DS . It's not just the story Megiumi, they would need to throw out much more if they want to make a remake for DS but even if they would manage to make something like that, it would be a FF VII you've never seen before a game that looks awful with downsized story and with no bonuses and sidequests whatsoever.

    Let me give you an example, the first Spiderman game that was made for PS1 was later also made for N64, while on the PS1 the game has capacity of 600MB and it has all the extra content, sub-misions, video scenes, voice actors and much more the one on N64 with cartridge capacity of 32 or 64MB has almost nothing like the PS1 version, not just that, it was further decimated by removing some of the stages.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 12-05-2009 at 07:08 AM.

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  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Of course, who knows maybe SquareEnix really wants to butcher FF VII just to do a remake for DS . It's not just the story Megiumi, they would need to throw out much more if they want to make a remake for DS but even if they would manage to make something like that, it would be a FF VII you've never seen before a game that looks awful with downsized story and with no bonuses and sidequests whatsoever.

    Let me give you an example, the first Spiderman game that was made for PS1 was later also made for N64, while on the PS1 the game has capacity of 600MB and it has all the extra content, sub-misions, video scenes, voice actors and much more the one on N64 with cartridge capacity of 32 or 64MB has almost nothing like the PS1 version, not just that, it was further decimated by removing some of the stages.
    Well, Final Fantasy VII for the PC had 30 save files; I don't see VII for the DS having more than 3

  14. #14
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dapofola View Post
    Well, Final Fantasy VII for the PC had 30 save files; I don't see VII for the DS having more than 3
    Wait, you quoted me just to say something dumb like that, did you actually read the post I wrote. Who cares about save files, that's the least of a problem SquareEnix would have to deal if they decided to port FF VII to DS.

    We're talking about porting a game of 1,5 GB size from a console far superior than DS to a low size DS cartridge, how do you suppose that will happen without butchering FF VII? Do you see any major problems here, do you see the reason why it will never happen at least not on DS.

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  15. #15
    Death Before Dishonor Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Personally I really don't want to see a VII remake, and I definately don't want to see one for the DS. With all the systems out now(PS3, 360, even the Wii) why the hell would someone want it for DS. Plus what Xantos is talking about with the memory size. PS1 was far superior to the Ds and a remake cannot possibly happen on a gaming system with such a low capacity, it would ruin the damn game....

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  16. #16
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    Posted by Meigumi
    It's quite intresting why VII is far more popular than any other FF game.
    Why my dear Meigumi... You should already realize why VII is far more popular that any other FF game....

    It's all because of him.

    Nah... I kid. I could go on about why it's more popular, but mainly it has to do with how much hype it recieved when it was first released, and how rabid the fans have become because of it. I am proud to say that I AM one of those rabid fans.

    Posted by Meigumi
    Besides VII, IV was the only one who got a sequel which was After Years.
    You forget X-2? I don't blame you... I try to forget that game too.

    And about a full remake... SE would probably get an angry mob on thier hands if they decided to remake FF VII for the DS before they did one for the PS3. That's what most fans are clamoring for anyway.
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  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    You got me. Tee heee.

    Haha just kidding. He's not the only reason I like FF VII..

    Hmm.. If they want to remake FF VII, I think it's best with PS3 (or maybe PS4?? Let's see the technology grows..), because I think fans would like to see their favorite-RPG-of-all-time with a detailed graphics (like in Advent Children), with the same gameplay.

    For the DS? Hmm I doubt this. It's too small for a remake of FF VII...

  18. #18
    Lord Deity of Harmony Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Yeah, they should do an Remake for the DS.

    That'll be sooooo neat, Hmmm... I wonder if sephy will be harder than normal and the KOTR not so freaking cheap.
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  19. #19
    Bananarama Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? Pete's Avatar
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    I wanna say VII won't ever be made for the DS, mostly due to title rights. I-VI were all Nintendo owned, and so that's why they're all being ported again.

    VII on, were all Sony owned (with the exception of XI and XIII) and so I highly doubt they'll re-market them or even if they can legally port it to a Nintendo console. I'm willing to bet it's more contractual than anything, like Sony locked up all rights to VII and the like.

    As for the PC versions, I had VII for PC and I'm pretty sure that SCEA also had their hands in the port, so it probably is a legal issue more than anything.

    Also, I would love to see a compilation made. Box up everything VII related, put it on a PS2 (yes, two) disc or three and I might pick it up. I've got no desire to get a PS3 or PSP.
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  20. #20
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    I it should be made on the DS because a lot of people don't have a PSP. I don't think it's fair really because the people who have PSPs are saying no, because they either have or can get the game. The same thing has happened with Little Big Planet which I think could do great on the Xbox 360 as well as on the PS3 and PSP.

    Please note that this is my point of view. I don't think I'm being harsh but please correct me if I am.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Dude1579 View Post
    I it should be made on the DS because a lot of people don't have a PSP. I don't think it's fair really because the people who have PSPs are saying no, because they either have or can get the game. The same thing has happened with Little Big Planet which I think could do great on the Xbox 360 as well as on the PS3 and PSP.

    Please note that this is my point of view. I don't think I'm being harsh but please correct me if I am.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post

    No, and it's quite obvious why. You want to see a game with capacity over 1,5 GB to be remade for a console that is far inferior to the one that FF VII was originally made. I would like to see that.
    Also, I don't have a PSP, and I don't think it should be made for DS. And if you don't have a PSP then get one, no one is going to remake a game because you don't have the system it's for, I know plenty of people who have PSPs

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    Waiting for your sister to turn 18 Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? chrono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Psp = ps1

    ds = n64

    i assume that you are saying that the psp and ds are equivalent to those systems?

    if so i have to disagree i have never had a ds but psp games looks way better than ps1 games.
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    I'm talking about what they can do, the graphics are nothing.

    PSP is like a PS1 upgraded with a bunch of neat stuff.

    DS is like an N64, pretty much is IMO.

    The PSP just had more thought into it's creation imo.
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  25. #25
    I understand how I was stupid with this game. The PSP and PS3 both have capacity of holding 1gb+ games. The DS has no capacity, and the DSi has 512mb I think. Ff VII was a classsic game, but too large to fit on the DS. If they could split it into discs (or in this case cartridges), that would be possible. Although for cartridges there would need to be 7 or 8 at the least. So we're not gonna expect the originally licensed Final Fantasy VII on the DS OR wii any time soon. I am sorry I took up space with this thread.

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    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    PSP is like a PS1 upgraded with a bunch of neat stuff.
    It's closer to a PS2 and powerful enough to actually fully emulate PSX games.
    The DS on the other hand cannot emulate N64 games and games that are ported really aren't the same game.

    Do I want to see any FF over FFVI on DS? Hell no. They'd likely look ugly as hell. If they did do a revamp I'd prefer it on a more powerful handheld, or preferably, on a current home console and possibly PC.
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  27. #27
    Rune Knight Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? Trodorne's Avatar
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    oh man i could scream this from the mountain tops. but i wont so no. there has been WAY too many spin offs as it is. each one getting foam rabid people saying each spin off of VII is a masterpiece . i say let VII die already.

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    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?

    it would be awesome if they made it for the ds cause i would play it all the time

  29. #29
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?

    A remake is not needed for any other handheld console, because we have it for PSP. DS, in terms of specs and like loads of people have said already, is an inferior console to PSP. The other thing is would you want to pay £30 or whatever for a game I'm sure everyone here has just for the novelty of playing it on the go? Get it for PSP.

    In addition, I don't think we should EVER have a FFVII remake for any console. I mean, the PSN version is good because it's the same game. If it was, for example, remade for PS3, I personally think it'll screw with (IMO) a perfect game format.

  30. #30
    I want to play a game. Should FF VII be re-made for the DS? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?

    I'm going to have to say "no" on this one. Also, as someone pointed out, there may be issues with the rights of the game that would not make it possible to remake it for the DS. Final Fantasy VII is available through download via PSN onto a PSP or PS3; if somebody wants to play the game and does not have a copy - they have the aforementiond way.

    I also believe that not too many people would love Final Fantasy VII coming to the DS in 4, 5, 7, or 9 cartridges; if an owner lost one of the many they wouldn't be able to play the game and the cartridges aren't discs, they are a lot smaller making them probably a bit easier to lose.

    I want closure to the Final Fantasy VII universe; I want the Genesis arc and whatever Sephiroth has left to do to come to an end that way Square Enix and the fanbase can finally move on. I don't want Final Fantasy VII to become similiar to Brett Favre - never retiring.

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