Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?
Originally Posted by
PSP is like a PS1 upgraded with a bunch of neat stuff.
It's closer to a PS2 and powerful enough to actually fully emulate PSX games.
The DS on the other hand cannot emulate N64 games and games that are ported really aren't the same game.
Do I want to see any FF over FFVI on DS? Hell no. They'd likely look ugly as hell. If they did do a revamp I'd prefer it on a more powerful handheld, or preferably, on a current home console and possibly PC.
Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?
I'm going to have to say "no" on this one. Also, as someone pointed out, there may be issues with the rights of the game that would not make it possible to remake it for the DS. Final Fantasy VII is available through download via PSN onto a PSP or PS3; if somebody wants to play the game and does not have a copy - they have the aforementiond way.
I also believe that not too many people would love Final Fantasy VII coming to the DS in 4, 5, 7, or 9 cartridges; if an owner lost one of the many they wouldn't be able to play the game and the cartridges aren't discs, they are a lot smaller making them probably a bit easier to lose.
I want closure to the Final Fantasy VII universe; I want the Genesis arc and whatever Sephiroth has left to do to come to an end that way Square Enix and the fanbase can finally move on. I don't want Final Fantasy VII to become similiar to Brett Favre - never retiring.
Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?
I wouldnt want to see it on Ds not only due to cartridge issues but also because they would utilise the touchscreen and turn the game into one giant gimmick which those of us who love the game dont want.
And plus despite having great games i have a dislike for the console which means i never touch it. Not even for chrono trigger.
Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?
Why would you want it on a hand held?? I mean i know they have it for the Psp but come on, its much better on the consoles. The only other hand held i might consider it to be on is the Psp which they have! Im not big on hand helds, never really have been i always got bored of them quick i havent even finished KH:CoM Because i was playing it on my ds. But even the PSP i get bored of, i prefer watching my games form my tv. I dont know why though.
Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?
FFVII should not be remade for ANY system. Its perfectly fine as it is on the PSX, or I guess the PSN now, even though I don't have that.
FFVII remake... FFVII remake... FFVII REMAKE!!!... that's all I hear anymore... >_> (I need to find a new crowd... because everyone about FFVII is honestly, at this point, a broken record.)
Squeenix needs to remake a true FF, like IX... >_> (Screw those fanboys, you DON'T need to cater to their every need! :O)
That's all I have to say...
Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?
So while pondering about I don't know what the thought came to me that it may not be as problematic regarding rights as Pete and I may have thought because the original Star Ocean was released on the SNES and then re-released on the PSP 2 years ago.
Add in the games from Final Fantasy Origins, Chronicles, and Anthalogies all on a Playstation when they are originally on a Nintendo system.
Also the PSP versions of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II.
But still FF VII on a DS would be too much for the DS to handle and would not be a good product.
Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?
Simply because V and VI haven't been remade yet. When they have been remade, then we will see VII remade...for the PS3.
Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?
Originally Posted by
Simply because V and VI haven't been remade yet. When they have been remade, then we will see VII remade...for the PS3.
Sorry to burst your bubble but there won't be a remade version of FF VII for the PS3 at all or in a very long time. The reason behind this was recently explained by Kitase, I believe, that the volume, expenses, and time to recreate the cities/towns of FF VII would be too great at a great HD quality - which is why the towns are the way they are in FF XIII. Some have called this laziness but I don't see it as such - I see it as if they had created more interactive towns it would have taken development way longer (maybe a year more) and the price tag way higher meaning that FF XIII would have had to have sell insanely high in order to make a profit.
Notice as well how back in the NES & SNES era that Square did create full towns however they were not that intricate or detailed. Then during the PSX era the size of towns were scaled down as the player couldn't explore every street corner. Until they learn a cheap and productive way to create towns - at a HD quality they want - reminiscent of the old days it will not be feasible.
Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?
I would want a remake or a sequel but it would have to be like the first one.
Just a little bit adjusted graphics and a lot of extra stuff.
Re: Should FF VII be re-made for the DS?
I thought I had answered this question before but obvioulsy not. In any cas I say no.