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Thread: The Remake

  1. #1
    The 37th Red Spade The Remake Coff9's Avatar
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    The Remake


    Hey everyone.

    I hope you are doing well.

    Covid be damned.

    But I am making this post because I wanted to speak on the FF7 Remake.

    Who here has played it/seen it played/looked up stuff/etc, because I don't want to spoil it.
    ~Red Mage~~Knight Looking For Sorceress!~~Member Of The Evil Bad Guys~

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  2. #2
    Bananarama The Remake Pete's Avatar
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    I'm in the process of playing it. Currently I've just gotten to Aeris' (still refuse the proper name, Aeris sounds so much prettier). I absolutely love it. It really gives so much more depth to everything.

    Obviously I know the original story back and forth, but getting to know the other characters, especially the crew in avalanche, it makes the upcoming events cut so much deeper. I know how in the first game, Jessie was a kind of whatever character, who helped you along in the beginning, but seeing the new connection with Cloud and knowing how it ends makes you feel.

    Seeing Aeris fully fleshed out, plus her fully orchrestated music has the same effect on me.

    Honestly, if I had never played the game before, I would be pulling for Cloud and Jessie. And that's what kills me, had the game been fully fleshed out from the beginning. It doesn't hurt that she's kinda hot and super bubbly too.

    But aside from that, I'm just loving everything so far. I love that you can fully appreciate the size of Midgar, as well as how the slums are what they are vs the suburbs of the upper plates.

    The combat system is also decent. I like that you can't beat all of the bosses by only focusing on just one character, though I didn't realize that you had to actually play as the others to develop their skills until later than I had wanted.

    Overall, I'm loving it. I just wish that there would be more once I left Midgar
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The Remake Xanatos's Avatar
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    Not really eager to play this given it will come out in episodes, plus Midgar is my least favorite part of the original. I did bother to keep up with the development, I've seen the trailers, read the news, it looks good if nothing else. Was interested how much they changed/added story wise, and boy o boy...

    this is some Kingdom Hearts convoluted level of bullshit. Time travel? Different timelines? The ending of the original is now somehow the worst outcome. Really? I expected they will add some padding, hopefuly fill some holes, but this is over the top. They're changing the story quite a bit, but then again it's Nomura we're talking about here and his crazy ass so it was bound to happen.

    I reckon a lot of fans will be pissed, I'm so glad I'm not invested in FF VII all that much.

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  4. #4
    The 37th Red Spade The Remake Coff9's Avatar
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    Thank you, Xanatos. Those were my thoughts exactly.

    I wanted to come into this forum and shout to the rooftops:

    It is *not* a remake! It's Nomura! I watched some cutscenes and I was like... "Uh, what? I don't remember this at all. Or this. Or that. Wait a moment! It's... Nomuraaaaaa! Damn you! You've struck again! First you take Kingdom Hearts from me, which is fine, because that was insane insanities to begin with, but now you are attempting to rewrite my childhood? That's fine. There's always modded PC versions of the original. Thanks for letting me rant, as childish as it might seem, haha. - But aren't they like, technically lying? This is basically FF7 2: Days of Past's Present's Future's Deuce Dropping Distance, haha. It's not really a remake, neither in gameplay nor story. But like I said, modded PC versions of the original, haha. I'll get over it.


    Actually, I think I may have figured this out.

    Based on the strange ending of KH3 and its DLCs, and everything that occurs in the FF7 remake, I do believe that Nomura is attempting to create a... Final Fantasy Cinematic Universe.
    Last edited by Coff9; 04-16-2020 at 03:18 PM.
    ~Red Mage~~Knight Looking For Sorceress!~~Member Of The Evil Bad Guys~

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    Currently Playing: - Final Fantasy 1 (All Red Mage Run) - Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Clicker Heroes -

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  5. #5
    Certified tech, come at me! The Remake SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I really enjoy the FFVII remake. I beat the entirety of Part 1 and I am already on a 2nd playthrough and am up to Chapter 13. I love how in-depth the story is and the narration and character development involved. Square did a really good job making this game into a cinematic experience. The combat took some time getting used to but I am getting better at it as I go along. The addition of unique weapon skills are pretty cool and make for a nice strategic experience, and the skill trees are nice for enhancing your weapons, the grid reminds me of FF13's crystarium.

    The remastered tracks are really nice giving the game a serious and epic feel when it comes to combat and the smooth and sweet songs for calm and emotional moments. The amount of effort that went into this remake really shows and I am looking forward to the newer parts of the remake story.

    I'll talk about any negativities and thoughts on the game and story in the spoiler section.
    One of my gripes with the remake are those whispers, they feel out of place in the game world. I understand they are there to ensure the game's story plays out as intended, but their presence doesn't make sense at all. Hopefully there will be a better explanation in part 2. The selection of accessories are kind of lackluster, they don't really have any accessories throughout the game to help protect you from statuses like sleep, silence, and toad. I mean you can use elemental materia to help prevent that and I might have overlooked a colosseum battle that may have an equipment for that.

    I'm pretty sure when those whispers are talking, when they feel the story is going out of sequence, they are saying: "Cloud, you can't do that! You've changed history. You've created a Time Paradox!" That battle at the very end of the game before the final battle was quite bizarre when you're up against the Whisper Harbinger, it was an epic battle, but at the same time it was like Kingdom Hearts level of bizarre. I loved the theme of teamwork when the party is fighting sephiroth, starting with a 1 vs 1 with cloud and sephiroth and then more characters step in to help.

    I'm actually ok with the story getting a twist, I wouldn't mind seeing how it unfolds seeing the party went into an alternate reality. Because of the ending events of the game, I'm convinced that there is a possibility that Sephiroth isn't the main villain in this game, that there is a bigger threat. Maybe an entity that controls the flow of destiny in the game that is responsible for the whisper harbinger and sending Jenova to Gaia? Maybe Jenova will have more of a role than it did in the original game?
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  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy The Remake Rowan's Avatar
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    Guys I loved it so much, I couldnt help but make a youtube video of Tifa in Slow-Motion with her revamped theme. SUSS IT!

  7. #7
    I seem to come late to the party a lot lately, but I still want to add my thoughts on this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coff9 View Post
    Thank you, Xanatos. Those were my thoughts exactly.

    I wanted to come into this forum and shout to the rooftops:

    It is *not* a remake! It's Nomura! I watched some cutscenes and I was like... "Uh, what? I don't remember this at all. Or this. Or that. Wait a moment! It's... Nomuraaaaaa! Damn you! You've struck again! First you take Kingdom Hearts from me, which is fine, because that was insane insanities to begin with, but now you are attempting to rewrite my childhood? That's fine. There's always modded PC versions of the original. Thanks for letting me rant, as childish as it might seem, haha. - But aren't they like, technically lying? This is basically FF7 2: Days of Past's Present's Future's Deuce Dropping Distance, haha. It's not really a remake, neither in gameplay nor story. But like I said, modded PC versions of the original, haha. I'll get over it.


    Actually, I think I may have figured this out.

    Based on the strange ending of KH3 and its DLCs, and everything that occurs in the FF7 remake, I do believe that Nomura is attempting to create a... Final Fantasy Cinematic Universe.
    I don't think I wrote anything that's not spoiler territory xD:
    Final Fantasy Cinematic Universe, you say? Then, have I got some reading for you. *Although, I suppose it's a bit late to be promoting this now, but I'll throw it out there anyway*

    Final Fantasy Exigo

    Before the term Cinematic Universe was a thing. Anyway, if Nomura's planning an FCU of sorts, he's not doing a very good job of it. As far as I can see, it'd be a FFVIICU, which would include FFX given what we know of the two titles from interviews.

    The link between the two games is firmly established here. The Whispers are essentially a cross between unsent and the will of the Farplane, which then could also be the will of the Lifestream.

    If we incorporate my interpretation of the Spira/Gaia connection from Exigo, which also includes Gran Pulse as the final incarnation of the planet, then time travel and alternate timelines is possible through the use of pyreflies, which are the same as Lifestream particles and the Chaos. Chaos appears as black smoke which is how the Whispers are depicted.

    However, that would be where this FCU would end. I don't see any notions towards linking the other FF games. From my perspective, this game feels as if a vivid dream state for one character, likely Cloud, with Aeris and Sephiroth acting as manipulators, the angel and devil on his shoulders, guiding him towards some outcome that will influence him once he wakes. In the game, we see Aeris attempt to keep to the status quo, but slowly accept that the new events established in this new reality cannot be returned to normal and she must adapt to it if she's to succeed. Sephiroth has shown he means to convince Cloud to side with him to accomplish some undisclosed future goal.

    If that's the case, my Exigo already has this story, albeit the remake would be playing out in Cloud's head during said events, with Aeris trying to save him from Sephiroth's manipulating him into causing a disaster. In this case, there's no time or alternate reality and what's being changed is Cloud's memories and emotions of the original game's events, which could be used to push him into a new mindset. By the end of the original game, Cloud had overcome his demons and firmly established who he was and what he needed to do. This led to Sephiroth's downfall, but we see in Advent Children that Cloud still carried doubts. It was then Aeris again, who allowed Cloud to regain his composure and defeat Sephiroth a second time. However, this has established that Cloud is still vulnerable to his machinations. The Remake could simply be Sephiroth's next attempt.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSabin View Post
    I really enjoy the FFVII remake. I beat the entirety of Part 1 and I am already on a 2nd playthrough and am up to Chapter 13. I love how in-depth the story is and the narration and character development involved. Square did a really good job making this game into a cinematic experience. The combat took some time getting used to but I am getting better at it as I go along. The addition of unique weapon skills are pretty cool and make for a nice strategic experience, and the skill trees are nice for enhancing your weapons, the grid reminds me of FF13's crystarium.

    The remastered tracks are really nice giving the game a serious and epic feel when it comes to combat and the smooth and sweet songs for calm and emotional moments. The amount of effort that went into this remake really shows and I am looking forward to the newer parts of the remake story.

    I'll talk about any negativities and thoughts on the game and story in the spoiler section.
    One of my gripes with the remake are those whispers, they feel out of place in the game world. I understand they are there to ensure the game's story plays out as intended, but their presence doesn't make sense at all. Hopefully there will be a better explanation in part 2. The selection of accessories are kind of lackluster, they don't really have any accessories throughout the game to help protect you from statuses like sleep, silence, and toad. I mean you can use elemental materia to help prevent that and I might have overlooked a colosseum battle that may have an equipment for that.

    I'm pretty sure when those whispers are talking, when they feel the story is going out of sequence, they are saying: "Cloud, you can't do that! You've changed history. You've created a Time Paradox!" That battle at the very end of the game before the final battle was quite bizarre when you're up against the Whisper Harbinger, it was an epic battle, but at the same time it was like Kingdom Hearts level of bizarre. I loved the theme of teamwork when the party is fighting sephiroth, starting with a 1 vs 1 with cloud and sephiroth and then more characters step in to help.

    I'm actually ok with the story getting a twist, I wouldn't mind seeing how it unfolds seeing the party went into an alternate reality. Because of the ending events of the game, I'm convinced that there is a possibility that Sephiroth isn't the main villain in this game, that there is a bigger threat. Maybe an entity that controls the flow of destiny in the game that is responsible for the whisper harbinger and sending Jenova to Gaia? Maybe Jenova will have more of a role than it did in the original game?
    Spoilers are more fun to talk about anyway =p:
    Going off solely the information in the game, we know these are related to Spira's unsent. These are the dead come back to the world of the living in order to protect it from Sephiroth's corruption. During their appearances, you can distinctly hear the Hymn of the Fayth in the soundtrack.

    I'm not sure if it's the Whispers telling Cloud about the paradox. It feels more like the Aeris looking from the outside that's telling him this to prevent him from changing things that might influence him in a way Sephiroth could manipulate.

    Based on how the original game and its link to Spira are depicted, I find it implausible that an alternate timeline could be created. Unless we include the interpretation I have in Exigo that includes Gran Pulse in the timeline of Spira/Gaia, time travel has never been a part of Final Fantasy VII.

    However, judging from how the Final Fantasy series has been playing out lately, I'd say you're right about Sephiroth no longer being the main villain. It'd be more likely that Minerva or some even higher power above Minerva might be at the remake's climax. A God of Destiny fits with the modern FF theme of free will overcoming fate. In that case, I'd imagine Sephiroth and Jenova being relegated to other pieces on the board. At best, Sephiroth might play his own role in helping to overturn destiny similar to his role in Dissidia. This could ultimately lead to his survival by the game's end, which opens the door to future installments of his next scheme. However, he could also fall back into his psychosis from the original game, finding destiny ultimately inescapable and assuming the role he feels was meant for him, that being continuing Jenova's plan of destroying Planet in the original game and whatever the God of Destiny will need of him in the remake.

  8. #8
    Hey, new here. I'm trying to find the Final Fantasy 7 Remake online, as I also want to get all of the different characters' "looks/outfits" or whatever they're called, but so far only found Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade at So the "Intergrade" version is much better, I take it, and has all the "looks/outfits"?

  9. #9
    Bananarama The Remake Pete's Avatar
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    From my understanding, intergrade is actually a dlc that includes Yuffie in an additional story, not included in the first part of the remake. I don't think there has been anything offered in terms of different character looks or outfits outside of the modding communities.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

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