Hi everyone.

This thread is about glitched trophies in ff7 on ps4. So far the only 2 we know of are;

-Bromance Trophy
This trophy pops as soon as you get the date with Barret at the gold saucer. This is achieved by accumulating more 'relationship points' with him than the other 3 possibilities (Yuffie, Tifa and Aeris). Naturally, Barret starts with 0 points, unlike his counterparts. So getting his points higher than that of the rest is a challenge and worthy of a trophy. Points are lost and gained via various choices you make during optional dialogue sequences found throughout the game prior to the date occuring. The glitch for this trophy comes from the fact that there is a way to keep stacking up points for Barett at Cosmo Canyon when asking him to tell his story so far (behind Tiger Lily's shop). You have the option to 'hear more' and then an option to tell him to stop talking. Each time you click 'hear more', +3 relationship points will be added to his score. It natually follows that this can be abused by selecting "hear more", and then "no more", hence you can keep asking him to "hear more" each time after. What ends up happening is that if you get too many points into his relationship gauge than you are allowed, it will create some kind of stack overflow in the scripting for the trophy, and while you will get the date for Barret, the trophy will not register. It is advised that you make a seperate save before talking to him at Cosmo Canyon if you are interested in exploiting this glitch but not sure if you will go over the limit of relationship points.

-Chocochampion Trophy
This trophy unlocks as soon as you win your first chocobo race getting out of corel prison. This didnt actually unlock for me the first time, despite winning the race. When I started a new file to unlock the date with Barret, I did the race again and unlocked it. Others have tried winning the race on 'auto' and others on 'manual' with no distinction between them when it comes to unlocking this trophy. People have not attained the trophy at corel prison, yet they have attained it by racing their own chocobo at the gold saucer. Someone claims to have made a bet on a chocobo race, the chocobo lost, and then the trophy popped. So just in case you are hunting for this one, its safe to say its attainable even if it doesn't pop after corel prison.