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Thread: New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast!

  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast! SuperSabin's Avatar
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    New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast!

    It's finally here, folks! a new trailer for the FFVII remake has arrived with more footage and more characters to show. It was presented during Sony's State of Play broadcast. Here is the video that was shown at the trailer and share your thoughts in the comments below. More details about the FFVII remake will be revealed in June which makes sense as that is the month of E3.

    I, personally, really liked the trailer! The combat seems faster paced than it was in the previous gameplay trailer, and more responsive. The characters look sharper, cloud's new design is great, and the action sequences are awesome, I like how the characters' mouth movements actually match the dubbing (which has also been accomplished in the Kingsglaive FFXV movie.) I also think the english voice acting is good so far. I have a feeling this may get a multi-platform release even though only the PS4 label is shown, we will see when June comes around.
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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast! Xanatos's Avatar
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    Gameplay wise looks exactly like FF XV, and that has me worried. I love action RPG's as much as the next guy and don't mind FF VII being one, after all Crisis Core was awesome, but FF XV' gameplay, battle system primarily, is dreadful. Passable at best against smaller enemies, but in fights against larger ones, Cerberus or Ifrit for instance, it's one huge uncontrollable mess. Most of the time I didn't know what's going on, it was beyond hectic, merely mashing buttons proved to be a better solution than any tactic. But worst of all, you couldn't die. Most games in series are fairly easy, but FF XV is on another level, there's no game over because there's no situation you can't solve with your abundance of items.

    Hopefully FF VII Remake actually improves on this.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  3. #3
    Bananarama New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast! Pete's Avatar
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    I really enjoyed the look of the game in the trailer and am excited to see how the feel of the game plays out. I want to still be able to be moved and blown away by the sprawling metropolis of Midgar, and how bad the people in the slums had it. I want to be wowed by seeing the Highwind in it's glory for the first time.

    I am a little concerned that in order to make the towns appear larger or more sprawling, they go with the FFXIII hallway simulator model. That would really disappoint me.

    I also want maybe some more depth into the backgrounds of the rest of the party. I don't necessarily mean including everything from the other games, which I still have a hard time calling canon, but maybe including additional interactions and the like.

    I'm glad the characters appear true to the original artwork, and not overly androgynous like every other FF game in the past 20 years or so.

    As for the battle system, I'm glad that it's a little more fast paced, but I don't it to become a total clusterfuck like XV, where things are just flying all over the place.

    In that same vein, I don't know what I want out of the material system. I thought it was pretty perfect. I wouldn't mind the obvious renaming of spells to fit the rest of the universe (fire, first, firaga, etc.), but I wouldn't change more than that.

    I also don't think I want any skill trees or job boards. I liked the system of obtaining limit breaks, and having to use each one a certain amount of times to develop new ones. I don't really want them to be unlocked by completing a branch on a skill tree.

    I still don't like that this has been in the works for years now, especially since all of the source material is already developed.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  4. #4
    Bananarama New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast! Pete's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo To Launch Soon; Game Split In Two Parts

    News snippets copied from the article:

    Game is in fact 2 parts. Part 1 ends exactly as Aerith is let down into the water after her death and a fade to black.

    -Materia is shown in ALMOST all weapons. They do not appear in accessories nor do accessories appear on your character model. Different weapons will however appear on your model for example Rune Blade will be on Cloud’s back if equipped and exploring.

    -Different weapons have different triangle heavy hits (does not cost an ATB charge) Buster Sword has Punisher Rune Blade for for example has Cleave. You use these heavy hits after a string of regular hits. Regular hits are chip damage and the main damage will be from heavy combo finishers and the of course the massive LIMIT BREAKs.

    -Using Magic will consume ATB along with MP. You get more bars as the game progresses.

    -Summons will work for the most part as cut scenes like the original, they do not fight with you on the field. There is 1 new Summon Amarok and appears to be a wolf and causes darkness in addition to damage.

    -Over-world map is almost seamless. There are some “zones.” There will be roads and methods of transportation. It is open world. Vehicles like the Tiny Bronco work almost exactly the same only being able to go in lighter water. There will be items available occasionally on the field. Chocobos will of course be obtainable after the farm.

    -They have really made an effort to make each town feel lived in, and feel like there is a reason why each place is like the way it is. Each town is very unique from the last. Cosmo Canyon and its occasional dust storms are a stark contrast to the streets of Midgar. Upper Junon feels very much more like a military installation than Midgar as well.

    -Sephiroth is very limited in what is shown of him until the Kalm flashback. Before this you only hear his voice or see glimpses of him during Clouds breakdowns.

    -The HP shown during the state of play is not indicative of what their HP should/would be normally during those times. Simply for Dev showcasing.

    -There will be demos on the game floor with PSN demo following shortly after for people at home directly after E3.(Playstation Plus required)

    -Monster redesigns for a lot of the enemies but most will remain recognizable. Some do not make an appearance. For example there was no ghost enemies in the train yard.

    -Shin-ra HQ wont have quite as many floors to explore but MORE to do on the floors you do go to so it still feels like your fighting through a lot to get to the top.

    -The design for Tifa is also true to the original outfit, her face appears to be mostly similar to her Advent Children design but slightly more western. Materia also shows up on her gloves.

    -Cait Sith seems to be pronounced “Ket” Sith but has undergone no major design overhaul. His fighting style is more close up, and does have his BARS for a LIMIT BREAK.

    -Golden Saucer will have some games that are not playable(yet) because they are essentially replaying a part of a later story mission. Some will be playable right when you arrive. They want it to feel more grand and provide a break from the main story beats while still eventually having to incorporate the story into it later.

    -Red XIII has clones Cobalt XIV and Indigo XV you must fight before he joins your party in Shin-ra HQ

    -Cid does not appear to be smoking but you see evidence that he does. He is clearly upset with Shera but toned down the aggressiveness as they felt it was unnecessary.

    -Yuffie and Vincent are no longer optional. You can miss them up until a certain point where they then become mandatory to get. You automatically get Yuffie if you have not gotten her before Rocket Town for example.

    -Cloud will have a dress and wig in one particular scene. But its fade to black getting in/out of it.

    -Honey Bee in requires GIL to get into instead of a membership card.

    -Squatting mini-game returns.

    -As these are FULL games each will be in fact priced at 59.99 USD

    -Signals have gone out to retailers to prepare for pre-orders.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  5. #5
    Certified tech, come at me! New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast! SuperSabin's Avatar
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    So square finally dropped the release date for the game! March 3, 2020 is the targeted date for the game.

    Final Fantasy VII Remake Release Date Is March 3, 2020 - Siliconera

    Here's a new trailer for the game:
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  6. #6
    Bananarama New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast! Pete's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VII Remake's Action-RPG Combat Detailed

    As per Kotaku (who I can't stand as they are related to deadspin), episode 1 will end with leaving Midgar. Apparently they're really beefing it up to the point where it could be considered ”a solid standalone game in it's own right”.

    Combat will consist of a real time system where you can attack, dodge and block with each button press, as ATB gauges fill. When the gauge is full you can enter a tactical menu which lets you use abilities, items and spells.

    You can also switch between characters with a push of a button. Characters will continue to fight when you're not playing as them.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  7. #7
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast! Xanatos's Avatar
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    Gameplay wise it looks much, much, better than what the last trailer showed. It seems they're taking the best elements of FF XIII & XV and even adding bits of old school feel to it. I do have other concerns though, first part being almost solely Midgar kinda bums me out because Midgar was a drag, the worst part of the original FF VII in my opinion. Secondly, how long will it take for the second epsiode to come out, how will transition from one episode to another work...

    Given that I'm not as big fan of FF VII as others I think I'll wait for the entire package to be released.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast! Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Gameplay wise it looks much, much, better than what the last trailer showed. It seems they're taking the best elements of FF XIII & XV and even adding bits of old school feel to it. I do have other concerns though, first part being almost solely Midgar kinda bums me out because Midgar was a drag, the worst part of the original FF VII in my opinion. Secondly, how long will it take for the second epsiode to come out, how will transition from one episode to another work...

    Given that I'm not as big fan of FF VII as others I think I'll wait for the entire package to be released.
    I kinda felt the same way when I heard about the game revolving around Midgar. Hopefully they take the big negative from the original game and make a positive. That is my hopes anyway.

    I have a few reservations and worries about it, but that also didn't stop me from preordering the second I could do so.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    I kinda felt the same way when I heard about the game revolving around Midgar. Hopefully they take the big negative from the original game and make a positive. That is my hopes anyway.

    I have a few reservations and worries about it, but that also didn't stop me from preordering the second I could do so.
    What limited edition releases do they have?

    I'm sat thinking it's worth waiting for the inevitable release of everything in one package.

    I think it will spoil it for me if I play through the first 'episode' then have to go and do something else for months waiting for the 2nd episode.

  10. #10
    Bananarama New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast! Pete's Avatar
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    I actually really liked Midgar and initially thought that the entire game revolved around it. I'm hoping to see it even more fleshed out and given a lot more character.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  11. #11
    Hi, I wanted to know for the release of "FFVII" it will be in episodic format (like Hitman) or the full game that will be released in March?

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  12. #12
    Bananarama New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast! Pete's Avatar
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    I think it's getting released as a probable 3 part game. The first volume covers Midgar.

    They claim that each volume will be the size and length of a standalone Final Fantasy game
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  13. #13
    Bananarama New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast! Pete's Avatar
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    Minor update. Sometime last week the game got pushed back from a March 3 release to April 10.

    The Final Fantasy 7 Remake Has Been Delayed--Here's The New Release Date - GameSpot
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  14. #14
    So we'll have to wait 14 more days, that's really long but we don't have a choice I guess.

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  15. #15
    Bananarama New Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer from Playstation's State of Play broadcast! Pete's Avatar
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    It could be even longer if you've opted for a physical copy, but the digital download should be no problem.

    I'm hoping Amazon is on point with mine.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

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