I have been looking for this piece for a long time! It was well written. I remember the beginning Cloud is older I think around 30 or so and he live in a shack up in the mountains. I remember he goes to a cave and I think the life-stream is there or sephiroths grave is there...anyway he is sad because he loved sephiroth but he couldn't save him and he was also said because he couldn't save aerith. Well aerith visits him and the other spirits of the life-stream give him a second chance, aerith sends him back in time. Cloud wake up and he is in his 15 yr old body but he retained all of his memories and his 30 yr old mentality.......another part I remember was he asked Zach if Sephiroth and him were together and zach says no because he likes aerith and but zach goes behind his back and has sex with sephiroth in a hottub.....hmmmm another part i also remember was Cloud was practicing his katas to get used to his body again and he started off with the cadet katas then started to work his way up and sephiroth came in and saw him doing 3rd Class SOILDER katas.......another part i remember is cloud is on watch and he is leaning against some crates when he hear someone walking toward him and he look straight at sephiroth, and I remember sephiroth saying that he was impressed with cloud for hearing him........... OH!!! also Zach takes Cloud to meet Aerith and Cloud recognized that Aerith knows who he and is glad that someone recognizes and understands what he is going through a little and Aerith tells him something and say that this will be the last time they talk with each other....
so bascially cloud get sent back in time and retains all his memories and his training and is trying to save is love sephiroth and save aerith too.......