Anyone know how to geta gold chocobo its been two years since i've played and my brain that was once a walking strategy guide haas turned to mush...
Anyone know how to geta gold chocobo its been two years since i've played and my brain that was once a walking strategy guide haas turned to mush...
There's a thread on this site that goes pretty in-depth on how exactly to obtain a gold chocobo. Here's a link to the thread:
It's really well written and a good read. Kilala did a wonderful job on it. I hope that it answers any question that you might have.
Oh btw. Your title of this thread is rather misleading. I thought it was supposed to be about the Knights of the Round summon, not "How do I obtain a Gold Chocobo". In the future, I would recommend that you avoid such mistakes.
Click at your own risk.:
Thank you for that advice im still a little new to this so thank you...
anyone have any good stratgeies using KOTR...
ermm, all I'd recomment is use it alot on the hard bosses! also link it with W-Summon materia, twice the power!
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Bringer Of Light - Guiding Souls away from Darkness Since 1989!
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Defiantly W-Summon, also I'm really close to getting Knights of the Round, just need the Zeito Nut. Plus I'm on Disc 2 (Major Awesome)
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good stuff, W-summon just makes it so much better! but longer as well, i used to go and make a cup of tea while it was summoning twice!
When the world decends into darkness - I'll bring the light!
Bringer Of Light - Guiding Souls away from Darkness Since 1989!
Review Writers
Illustrator for a GFX team.
that summoning rocks if every hit does 9999 damage it would be cool if you could get a metiria that makes you do over the limit damage then summon knights and it would do 99999 damage eache hit
knights wooks wonders on emrald weapon it works even better if you have last command pheonix then its harder for you to die
KOTR is not needed for emerald PETE mentioned a great way to defeat emerald...make sure all of your character are at 9999 hp then equip only two materia to each of your three and when emerald uses air taim raid storm(could be called something else been a while)it will take 2222 from each character then attack with each and crazy 7777 attacking will begin...I tried this and was successful very easy win for me...
It would be a good idea to get as much information about breeding chocobos, so pay a visit Chocobo Billy at the farm and the Chocobo Sage, who can be located behind some mountains around the Icicle Inn area using the Highwind.
To start breeding, rent six stalls on Bill’s ranch. You catch chocobos by equipping chocobo lure Materia, which can be bought at Billy’s ranch then moving around the chocobo tracks on the world map. Go to the area around the Gold Saucer and capture a Good chocobo. Once a chocobo has been captured to send it back to the stable, get off the chocobo, then send it back to the stable. Now proceed to Rocket Town or Mideel and capture a Great chocobo. Feed them with greens until their stats are at maximum, the best greens are Sylkis and Regan though they come at an expensive price. Then take them to the Gold Saucer and race them to at least B class or higher if possible. Return to the ranch and breed these two together using a Carob Nut. Make sure one is male and the other female before you train them. You should get a Blue or Green chocobo, breed one of each, then feed them so their stats are at maximum, then take them to the Gold Saucer and race them to B class class or higher. You might find that when you come to breed these two, you are told they are to young, to get them old enough you must fight ten random battles, then they will be able to breed. Breed them together with a Carob Nut. If you are successful you will get a Black chocobo. Now head for the north pole, and explore the footprints around the Icicle Inn , to try and capture a Wonderful chocobo. Once you have one, go back to the ranch and feed both the Black and Wonderful chocobo until their stats are at maximum, then head to the Gold Saucer and race them to Bclass or Higher. When they ready breed them together using a Zeio Nut.
If you are lucky you'll get a Gold chocobo.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 09-30-2009 at 12:29 AM.
Just Beat Emerald and Ruby Weapon,
Ruby - Equip Cloud with 6 Counter Attacks and use hero drinks and keep healing. (I was lucky because i got Lucky 7777 its awesome)
Emerald - W-summon Knights of the round and Mime once then i was struggling just barely beat it.
* Didn't really master much stuff Level 88's didn't have maxed out stats (Strength 106)
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Yeah KOTR + W-Summon + Mime = Massacre
Then throw Ultima + Quad Magic + Mime = Death![]()
usually need Knights Of The Round to defeat her) or you can breed one. To breed one you need to carch 2 great chocobo's form the Mideel area. To increae your chances of a special offspring feed them up (a tip for this is to buy 2 Sylkis Greens from the Chocobo Sage on the northern continent then enter battle and use the W-Item trick to get 99) if you feed the chocobo the 99 greeens it will be maxed out. When you have fed it go to the Gold Saucer race the 2 parents as much as you can (get them to S class if possible but if you cannot manage to get that far you should manage to get them to A class) then return to the norther continent just south of Bone Village. If you fight around here you will soon meet an enemy called Vlakarados (it is a small red looking dragon) you can obtain a Carob Nut of this enemy (steal,mug or drop when defeated) breed you 2 Chocobo's and if luck is on your side you should obtain either a Green or Blue Chocobo. When you have obtained one Blue and one Green of opposite sexes repaet the feeding and racing process I outlined above. Then you need to obtain another Carob nut and breed them this should give you a Black Chocobo. Feed and race this one then you need to go to the Chocobo tracks in the lefthand corner of the northern continent (just below and to the left of Icicle Inn) nad you will need to catch a Wondeful Chocobo of the opposite sex of your Black Chocobo. Feed and race this Chocobo and you are ready to breed your Gold. Travel to the few small islands near the top right of the world map and you will see a small forest on one of them. Go into this forest and you will encounter the enemy Goblin (if you after enemy skills to these eenmies have the enemy skill Goblin Punch) steal, mug or defeat this enemy until you obtain a Zeio Nut. Go back to the Chocobo Farm and breed your Wondeful and Black Chocobo with the Zeio Nut and hey presto you have Gold ChocobO!!! Hope this helps!!!
Last edited by markandrewkinzett; 06-15-2011 at 01:06 AM. Reason: Re log in
Admittedly, i've never used or acquired Knights of the Round. I never had the patience of getting a gold chocobo when i was a kid lol. Maybe next time i get my hands on a copy i will have a go![]()
Spoiler: My TFF Family:
My TFF girlfriend who hearts root beer - Chocobo_Lover 17
My brother of honourable justice - Judge Magistrate
My Canadian sister who travels the skies- R.Kyra
My nameless brother of legend - Hero without a Name
My brother, the Gunblade master - Lion Heart
My supernatural sister of mysterious intrigue - belleZ
And still you necro post, are you retarded?
Spoiler: My TFF Family:
My TFF girlfriend who hearts root beer - Chocobo_Lover 17
My brother of honourable justice - Judge Magistrate
My Canadian sister who travels the skies- R.Kyra
My nameless brother of legend - Hero without a Name
My brother, the Gunblade master - Lion Heart
My supernatural sister of mysterious intrigue - belleZ
Then don't post its a simple solution, your post was lame anyway, added nothing to the topic at hand.