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  1. #1
    Everyone needs a savior How do you play FFVII the_savior21's Avatar
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    How do you play FFVII

    in terms of raising charactors and battles how do you play the game

    do you level up alot in the begining or not and what do you do about materia and all of that

    I am on my second playthrough and right now i just got to junon

    i have cloud yuffie and red as my party with cloud as a black mage yuffie as a wht/blu mage and red as a attacker/blackmage (i have two fire materia and right now fire does more damage then his attack so)
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  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: How do you play FFVII

    Dude, already made....13 days ago.

    You even posted in it!
    Last edited by loaf; 02-14-2011 at 10:49 AM.
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  3. #3

    Re: How do you play FFVII

    How you play the game is different for everyone. My mate could not defeat the weapons with his party, so I tried it and he could have done it if he had sorted out his materia differently cuz when I equipped his characters I beat the weapons. So how you play it is how you want to play it. Personally I mainly power up near the end of the game, but my friend did a couple of hours of just fighting after Rocket Town just to gain some levels so as I have said it is completely up to the individual. Hope this helps!!!

  4. #4
    Registered User How do you play FFVII Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: How do you play FFVII

    I always level a little bit as I go, making a couple of treks back and forth across each area and then moving on. I've never found a good spot to level after I get up to about level 60, so it gets tedious after that for me, and I've not beaten many of the weapons because of it, or I haven't determined to proper materia usage.

    I do raise a lot of chocobos. I actually name them with familial lineage and jot down notes of who fathered who, so that I don't inbreed them. LOLOLOL. I know that's crazy.

    I would never turn Cloud into a mage though. He's obviously a warrior and I tend to stick with the character assignments. Actually though, the abilities in this game get quickly muted, so almost all of my charaters are just universal in most aspects. I do appreciate games like 10, 9, and others for having unique character abilities. 10 is probably the best at that for me.

  5. #5
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! How do you play FFVII Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: How do you play FFVII

    I tend not to give people specific jobs with materia, preferring just to give everyone two or three Magics, and one or two Summons, and pair it up with some Support Materia, and Command Materia, as appropriate. In the one-on-one battles (Cloud vs Rufus and Barrett vs. Dyne), I give the characters involved Restore and Poison materia when I know they are coming up, and leave it at that, so that they have a nice high HP limit to play with. I always let Cloud have the Long Range materia for some reason. Probably because he never has the opportunity to have a 'long range' weapon and is virtually always present. I like to keep him in the back row for extra protection.

    On my most recent playthrough, I tried to have a White Mage in the party, but this role often fell to the girls, although once I used Cait Sith. Which got me thinking, why are White Mages girls pretty much all of the time? Maybe I should play through again and make Cloud (or Barrett!) a cissy white mage!

    Actually making Cloud one would ensure a constant healer present, apart from when he is off in the Lifestream.
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  6. #6

    Re: How do you play FFVII

    I dunno I just play it through and try not to miss stuff, its hard not to high level early in FF7 and with no level up bonuses there's no real need not to...

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