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Thread: Have a listen to this :)

  1. #1
    Hewerya love...? Have a listen to this :) seanb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Red face Have a listen to this :)

    This was a project we had to do in music technology class in college. We had to choose a piece of music and re-create our own versions of it from scratch. By using the Sibelius musical notation editing software and Garage band on the macs, we had to come up with something. Obviously I chose a final fantasy piece, and couldn't resist having a go at the intro-bombing mission from VII.
    Of course its nowhere near the original, and isn not completely perfect, but I think its worth a listen at least.
    Also, has any of you done anything similar to this? I'd be well interested in hearing other projects like this.

    Here it is;
    YouTube - Opening - Bombing Mission, Final Fantasy VII.

  2. #2
    is not a douche Have a listen to this :) Bubble Boy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Where all the cockroaches live...

    Re: Have a listen to this :)

    I like it. Not musically inclined in any way, so never had the opportunity to make a musical piece. Is this the only one you've made?
    Last edited by Bubble Boy; 05-04-2011 at 12:31 PM. Reason: typo

  3. #3

    Re: Have a listen to this :)

    If you look up Final Fantasy (choose the name of the song) on you tube you will get loads of amv videos I have done a few myself and so has my missus but htere are plenty of other people as well. One particular guy has done 4 really fantastic videos but if you want to watch some just do as I sais above!!!

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