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Thread: Genesis Theory. *only click if you've beaten CC and DOC or if you just know about the endings*

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  1. #1
    Registered User Genesis Theory. *only click if you've beaten CC and DOC or if you just know about the endings* Kenshi's Avatar
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    haha you wish i'd tell you

    Genesis Theory. *only click if you've beaten CC and DOC or if you just know about the endings*

    Okay my theory has to do with what happens at the end of dirge. I remember playing dirge and having no clue who g was at the end when he took up weiss and flew away with his vampire accent. then playing crisis core and finding out about genesis and seeing weiss and nero take him away it confused me even more. So now i wonder what genesis is up to now that he is free. i mean he probably does not remember who cloud his but cloud sure as hell should remember him. having genesis cause the "genesis war" and all. i just have no clue what genesis must be planning by taking weiss having been "reformed" and all.

  2. #2
    Registered User Genesis Theory. *only click if you've beaten CC and DOC or if you just know about the endings*
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    I think they keep it a mystery so that there can be more sequels, which I hope tie up some of the loose ends that you discussed in your post.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Genesis Theory. *only click if you've beaten CC and DOC or if you just know about the endings* HUNK's Avatar
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    Yeah thats what it sounds like to me.

    I think Genesis will be the final bad guy in another sequal for FFVII. I want to see him fight sephiroth and kick Sephy's butt!

    Or who knows, mabey Genesis will see cloud and like freak out and think cloud is zack.

  4. #4
    Master of the Shadow Key Genesis Theory. *only click if you've beaten CC and DOC or if you just know about the endings* KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    What confuses me is that Genesis had Nero's accent and called Weiss his brother. Anyway, I did some research and here is what I found:

    "It is revealed in the Crisis Core Ultimania Guide that Genesis was brought to Deepground momentarily, and that Weiss and Nero attempted to persuade him to join in their rebellion against the Restrictors, who were current leaders of Deepground and 14th Lost Force of SOLDIER.(This was in the Japan-only version of DoC.) Tetsuya Nomura explained that Genesis ends up declining this offer, and decides to seal himself in the flooded cavern beneath Midgar (as seen in Dirge of Cerberus). With both Sephiroth and Angeal dead, he decides that it is up to him, being the only one left behind, to protect the world. In order to prepare for the day when a crisis threatens the world, Genesis seals himself in the flooded cavern. This is possibly a "thank you" to Minerva(The Goddess) for fulfilling his goal. When Vincent defeated Weiss, he emerged, took him in his arms, and flew away." - FF Wiki

    This doesn't lead me to believe that Genesis would be the bad guy if there was another FFVII game.
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  5. #5
    Registered User Genesis Theory. *only click if you've beaten CC and DOC or if you just know about the endings* HUNK's Avatar
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    Well with that it seems like the FFVII sequal spree is finally over. Sounds like Genesis was locking up Weiss so that he could not come back and cause trouble.

    Yay for G!

  6. #6
    I'd love a sequel where you could play as Genisis (since he is my second favorite Final Fantasy villian after Sephiroth). In fact, that's a pretty close comparison on their coolness. I haven't played Crisis Core lately though.. I need to play that sometime soon.

  7. #7
    protecter of the last crystal Genesis Theory. *only click if you've beaten CC and DOC or if you just know about the endings* Noctis Lucis's Avatar
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    segual with genisis as the main wuld b amazin and hes proly out savin ta planet in sum way since he vowed to pretty much at the end of cc

  8. #8
    Registered User Genesis Theory. *only click if you've beaten CC and DOC or if you just know about the endings* Kenshi's Avatar
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    haha you wish i'd tell you
    seems like that'd be the most likely thing. genesis being the good guy which sounds pretty badass. i still want to know what might happen next though.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshi View Post
    seems like that'd be the most likely thing. genesis being the good guy which sounds pretty badass. i still want to know what might happen next though.
    I don't think we're going to see any more FF7 sequels though. I think a remake is more likely than that. Would be cool though. Genesis would be my favorite main character of all time at that point.

  10. #10
    Registered User Genesis Theory. *only click if you've beaten CC and DOC or if you just know about the endings* TobiasRainey's Avatar
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    I though the two guys that picked up Genesis's body were Yazoo and Loz...then they made him into Kadaj...they look fairly similar and are both deeply connected to Sephiroth so, am I crazy to think this?
    I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes...or should I?

  11. #11
    Master of the Shadow Key Genesis Theory. *only click if you've beaten CC and DOC or if you just know about the endings* KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    No, the guys that picked up Genesis were Weiss and Nero, they wanted him to join the Tsviets.
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