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Thread: Finally got around the playing Crisis Core...

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    The White Wizard of Fynn Finally got around the playing Crisis Core... Mindu's Avatar
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    Oct 2011

    Finally got around to playing Crisis Core...

    I was never that enthusiastic about Crisis Core because I didn't share the fanboys love of FF7. It's been sitting there collecting dust since I bought it in the summer, but I started playing Crisis Core over christmas and I'm gonna have to say I never thought I would enjoy it as much as I did.

    As far as the gameplay goes, I think it was a fluid improvement on the Kingdom Hearts style of battle that was both different but kept the feel of the old turn based combat of FF, and the DMW put a unique "spin" on things. The only thing I would fault was the repetitiveness of the side missions, which were to an extent essential for being strong enough to progress in the game and could be generalised as running around, fighting a few enemies, collecting a few items and defeating a boss - unsuccessfully fleshed out with the mission briefs that tried to relate them to the story.

    The story had me pulled in the whole time. It succeeded as being a whole different chapter in the Compilation with new and convincing characters while containing many things that lead it up to the original. It was great to see the Nibelheim flashback recreated in 3D. And some of the visuals had me taken aback as far as the PSP goes. I thought the FMV where Sephiroth and Genesis were sparring was one of the most beautifully rendered scenes of all time. The only downside was that because it was a prequel, we all knew how the story would end.
    Last edited by Mindu; 01-08-2012 at 06:02 AM.

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