A. 6600 HP
Q. What is the Gi Nattak's Base HP? ( the boss in Cosmo Canyon )
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A. 6600 HP
Q. What is the Gi Nattak's Base HP? ( the boss in Cosmo Canyon )
A: 5500 HP
Q: How much EXP does Dyne give?
A. 600
Q. How much EXP and AP does the Demons Gate Boss give you?
A: 3800 EXP and 220 AP
Q: Where are all of the Turtle's Paradise Flyers located?
Flyer #1: Sector 5 Slum
Flyer#2: Shinra Building First Floor
Flyer#3: Ghost Hotel Gold Saucer
Flyer#4: Cosmo Canyon Tiger Lily Arms Shop
Flyer#5: Cosmo Canyon Inn
Flyer#6 Wutai Yuffie's Basement
Q. How much BP do you need in order to obtain the Championship Belt from the Gold Saucer Battle arena?
A: 16,000 BP
Q: How many different handicaps can happen to you in the Gold Saucer arena.
All Materia Broken
Command Materia Broken
Independent Materia Broken
Support Materia Broken
Summon Materia Broken'
Magic Materia Broken
Sword Broken
Armor Broken
Accessory Broken
Item Command Sealed
Zero MP
10 levels Down
5 lvls Down
Time x30 Damage
Lucky 7
So 23 different handicaps
LOL Holy crap dude you must have the guide or something lol.
Q: If you use Sense on Yuffie when you first find and fight her, what level is she?
Not really, after playing FFVII so much over the years it sorta comes as memory and because I'm also playing in the battle arena at the moment XD.
A. I think this varies depending on what level you are when you get her, the last time I got Yuffie I was around lvl 20-21, and she was lvl 18-19, compared to the first time I played I was around lvl 19 or so, she was lvl 16, so I think it varies on your level.
Q. Where can you find the Bahamut Neo and Bahamut Zero Summon Materias?
A: Neo from the Whirlwind Maze and Zero from the Big Blue Materia in Cosmo Canyon.
Q: How much AP does it take to max out the Barrier Materia.
A. I think it was 45000 AP ( correct if wrong )
Q. Where can you find the Gravity Materia?
A: Get after Gi Nattak if memory serves right.
Q: How many items can you pick up (not from monsters) in the very beginning at the Mako Reactor No.1.
A: You can pick up 4 Potions, a Restore Magic Materia, and an Ether (if not mistaken)
Q: What's the minimum attack power of Ultima Weapon?
A. I don't know but I'm going to take an educated guess... between 400-800? ( correct if wrong )
Q. Where can obtain the Contain Materia? And what spells can you learn from it?
A: From the white chocobo in Mideel. You get Freeze, Break, Tornado, and Flare.
Q: How much does a Crystal Glove cost?
A. 16000 Gil
Q. How much does a Crystal Sword and Crystal Cross cost?
Been a couple days, time to revive:
A. Crystal Sword: 18000 Gil, Crystal Cross: also 18000 Gil
Q. What does The Support Materia "Added Effect" do?
Hehe, the true sign I'm back.. I'm in the Trivia forums :D
A. Added Effect is a support materia which allows the user to add the effect of the Materia to the armor or weapon it is paired with on.
Q. How many levels does the Double Cut Materia have and what are they?
A. 2 which are 2x Cut, and 4x Cut.
Q. What does the Quadra Materia do? And where do you find it?
Uses a skill for times in a row and it can be found in a hidden cave accessible only by a gold chocobo.
What is the Hit% of Cids Flayer weapon?
A. 100
Q. Name Everyone's Ultimate Weapons and where/how to obtain them.
Cloud - Ultima Weapon - Defeat Ultimate Weapon
Barret - Missing Score - Before fighting Hojo, have Barret in your party and a green chest will apear
Tifa - Premiun Heart - Exam the machine in the "ITEM" tent in Wall Market with Tifa and Cid in your party
Aerith - Princess Guard - On the Clock Room, in the Temple of the Ancients, go to the room 'IIII'
Red XIII - Limited Moon - After defeating Diamond Weapon, go back to Cosmo Canyon with Red in the party, and go see Bugen
Cait Sith - HP Shout - In a locker in the academy floor of Shin-ra Tower (floor 65, I guess...)
Cid - Venus Gospel - Talk with the same old man who gave you the Yoshiuki, in fornt of the Item Shop
Yuffie - Conformer - In a chest in the sunkken Gelnika Flying Fortress
Vincent - Death Penalty - Inside the cave of Lucrecia, avaible on the 3rd disc
Q: How many levels the Independent Materia Mega-All have?
A. I think it has 2 ( correct if wrong )
Q. Where can you find the MP Turbo and the MP Absorb Materias?
Support Materia MP Turbo can be acquired in the desedt close to North Corel, and Support Materia MP Absorb can be acquired in the chest in Wutai's Item Shop while chasing Yuffie...
Mega-all, like the Support All, have 5 levels.Quote:
Originally Posted by "Phantom
Q: How can you raise chocobo ranks?
A. I suppose by eating the right greens and racing them. ( correct me if wrong )
Racing and winning raises the rank, while eating greens raises the chocobo's stats.
Q: How many Command Materia Enemy Skill are in the game and where can you get them?
Seems you know your stuff newcomer:cool:
#1 Shinra Building floor 69
#2 Junon Port Beginners hall
( correct if I missed any )
Q. Name All of the Command, Support, Independent, Spell, and Summon Materia.
This is actually a comeback with another username... I once was _OzMa_... but I've lost that account...
You missed two...sad... One in the City of the Ancients and one with Chocobo Sage's chocobo...
The answer to your question is as follows:
Command are: Steal, Sense, Manipulate, Mime, Double Cut, Deathblow, Slash-All, W-Item, W-Magic, W-Summon, Throw, Enemy Skill, Morph, Master Command
Support are: All, Elemental, Added Effect, Counter, Magic Counter, Added Cut, Quadra Magic, Final Attack, Sneak Attack, HP Absorb, MP Absorb, MP Turbo, Steal As Well
Independent are: Long Range, Chocobo Lure, HP Plus, MP Plus, Magic Plus, Luck Plus, Speed Plus, EXP Plus, Gil Plus, Pre-emptive, HP <-> MP, Counterattack, Cover, Mega-All, Enemy Away, Enemy Lure, Underwater
Summon are: Choco/Mog, Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Titan, Odin, Bahamut, Kjata, Neo Bahamut, Phoenix, Typhoon, Bahamut ZERO, Hades, Alexander, Leviathan, Knights of the Round, Master Summon
And finally, Magic are: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Poison, Gravity, Restore, Heal, Revive, Time, Mystify, Seal, Comet, Full Cure, Ultima, Transform, Exit, Barrier, Destruct, Shield, Contain, Master Magic
That's all of then(if you don't count Black and White Materias in ^^)
Pergunta: What's Princess Guard special ability?
Correct my answer if it is wrong, 'k?
No, you got them all :)
A. It raises power and protects others nearby.
Q. Name all of Red XIII's weapons and where/how to obtain them.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOooook... let's get this show on the road...
Mithril Clip - Initial Equipment/Bought in Junon Disc 1 only
Diamond Pin - Bought in Junon(Disc 2/3) and Gongaga/ Stole from Bagnadragna (in Mt.Corel)
Silver Barrete - Bought in Cosmo Canyon
Plus Barrete - Bought in Junon (Disc 2/3)/Found in Mt. Nibel, first area
Seraph Comb - Found in Cosmo Canyon; you receive this after the Gi Cave
Magic Comb - Bought in Junon(2/3)/Found at Fory Condor(1st Confor battle prize, before Junon)
Crystal Comb - Bought in Mideel
Hairpin - Bought in Junon (2/3)/ Found in Wutai(Godo's residence)
Centclip - Bought in Costa Del Sol (2/3)
Gold Barrete - Bought in Wutai
Adaman Clip - Bought in Icicle Inn
Spring Gun Clip - Found in Ancient Forest
Behemot's Horn - Found in Shinra's HQ (disc 2)
Limited moon - After defeating Diamond Weapon, go back to Cosmo Canyon with Red in the party, and go see Bugen
That's all of then..I guess... FQ, 'cause I can't think anymore.. it's 5:26 Am in Brazil, and my eyes are way to heavy...