4 Times, Jenova BIRTH, LIFE, DEATH, and Jenova herself. And technically Sephiroth was infused with Jenova Cells...
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4 Times, Jenova BIRTH, LIFE, DEATH, and Jenova herself. And technically Sephiroth was infused with Jenova Cells...
The last encounter with Jenova is called Jenova-SYNTHESIS. Just pointing that out.
Q: Which two characters in the Complilation of Final Fantasy VII have more than one playable appearance?
Vincent and. . . uhh. . . er. . . don't hurt me if I'm wrong, either a turk, Zack, or Cloud. . .
You got one right.
A. Vincent and Cait Sith; they are both playable in FFVII and Dirge of Cerberus.
Q: When you board the train after the first Mako reactor explosion, what time does the announcer say it is expected to be when the train arrives at the Train Graveyard?
12:23 A.M. Midgar Standard Time
What is the move Cloud uses to pwn Sephiroth in both 7 and Advent Children?
A: It depends on how you played the end battle in FFVII. He either did the Omnislash if you chose to do so, or he counterattacked with a regular sword attack if you let Seph make the first hit. Also, it went by a different name in the AC movie "Omnislash Version 5" and in Advent Children Complete, it was dubbed "Omnislash Version 6".
Q: What does the text say that is inscribed on the plaque that is on Jenova's head in the game of FFVII?
A: It's funny that you ask, just the other day I read that on FF Wiki and I find it to be rather funny.
Anyway the text on plaque says:
Q: What's the name of Red XIII's father?
Seto :D
What are the names of the people in the tower in Wutai, that Yuffie must defeat?
(I couldn't remember the name of the tower lol)
A: Wutai Pagoda is the name of the tower and challengers in it are:
- Gorki - his name means "bitter" on my language :lol:.
- Shake
- Checkov
- Staniv
- and Godo, Yuffie's father
How many materia slots does the Scimitar have?
A: 2 slots
Q: What can you see if you look through the two keyholes of the occupied rooms in the Honeybee Inn?
A: Mini Cait Sith I belive.
Q: whats the secret of the power from Barrets "Missing Score" wpn?
A. I think, THINK, that the damage of the weapon is based on the Materia it has equipped, and the amount of AP on each seperate Materia.
Q. who is Zack
A: I believe he is a 1st Class Soldier from Shinra
Boo, gross understatement. He was the heir to the Buster Sword, and he took Sephiroth on in Nibelheim originally. After Cloud "finished" Sephiroth, Zack and Cloud both became experimentys. Zack escaped fine, but Cloud was Mako poisoned. So, he cared and carried Cloud to Midgar's outskirts, where the ShinRa army attacked them. Zack died, but before he did he told Mako-Stoned Cloud to "Live his life for him, be his legacy". So Cloud became Zack in a sense. That, in essence is who Zack is. WAY more than "just another 1st class"
^ So I guess it's free question now?
Q: Which types of materia can be fused together to form the Master Materia?
A: summon, magic, and command I believe.
Q: You hear an obvious reference to Kefka somewhere in FFVII, where?
A: There are few references in Final Fantasy VII but the one you actually hear is distorted version of Kefka's laugh in Gold Saucer, after you inspect a face in the corner of the item shop.
Q. Name all the bosses Yuffie has to fight in the pagoda in Wutai.
Q: What can you find in Tifa's piano?
A.) Tifa's leve 4 limit break "Final Heaven" and if you don't have Tifa in your party or if you play incorrectly you get a small savings of Gil I think.
Q.) What to Zack's parents think happened to him?
Q: How do you obtain Missing Score?
What determines the damage dealt by Vincents Ultimate Weapon Death Penalty?
A: How many enemies it kills
Q: (spinoff question, if no one wants to answer, FQ) What is the name of Vincent's father?