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Thread: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

  1. #31

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Somewhat, I was just pointing out an opinion. When I played XII, I got it...I actually watched it, I actually listened. I didn't get mad cause it didn't open up like FFVII or had a villain like Sephiroth or didn't have Midgar, it had an advanced FF battle system, I got bored of standing still, this gave me both. The story telling, character development are better in XII, it's a fact. You just wont accept it.

    oh yeah and the thing with Sephiroth, he was cool...
    when I was 12
    Then I actually understood. He's just Kefka, with a Sword. The Sword and how he uses it is his only unique aspect to him.
    It's not a fact, its an opinion. You can like 12 all you want, i still found it lame and boring. Something other FF's werent, im not just comparing 12 to 7 but every other FF ive played, heck i even had more fun playing 8.. crazy i know.. and i wouldnt call the battle system advanced, they changed it so much i would have prefered if they just turned into something like streets of rage or something more active. Personally i would have preferred if they kept the fighting trend of every other FF before that..

    Please excuse the harshness of my previous post, i was pretty pretty drunk.. But was stating an honest opinion. Not "fact"

    And again, your attack on 7 is weak, the main villain being like a villain you've seen in previous games is a weak arguement. I could probably find alot of other games/movies with a similar villain to seph/kefka. I dont like the game for the villain, but the story and other things. Can you understand that??

    Quote Originally Posted by Nas Lost View Post
    i wouldnt go as far to say he's Kefka.
    They wanted to destroy the world for different reasons. Also, Sephiroth failed as a villian, his biggest accomplishment was killing a flower girl and ****ing up midgar some. Kefka succeded and destroyed the world pretty much. Plus I like Kefka's reasoning for doing it, because he could.

    Because he could? wow how deep.. I prefer the wanting to be a god angle.. Might be just me... Also If your going to spoil games from a different sub forum, please indicate which game your going to spoil so i dont ruin a game ive never played which has nothing to do with this forum..
    Last edited by nix; 01-19-2012 at 12:35 PM.

  2. #32

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    It's not a fact, its an opinion. You can like 12 all you want, i still found it lame and boring. Something other FF's werent, im not just comparing 12 to 7 but every other FF ive played, heck i even had more fun playing 8.. crazy i know.. and i wouldnt call the battle system advanced, they changed it so much i would have prefered if they just turned into something like streets of rage or something more active. Personally i would have preferred if they kept the fighting trend of every other FF before that..

    Please excuse the harshness of my previous post, i was pretty pretty drunk.. But was stating an honest opinion. Not "fact"

    And again, your attack on 7 is weak, the main villain being like a villain you've seen in previous games is a weak arguement. I could probably find alot of other games/movies with a similar villain to seph/kefka. I dont like the game for the villain, but the story and other things. Can you understand that??

    Because he could? wow how deep.. I prefer the wanting to be a god angle.. Might be just me... Also If your going to spoil games from a different sub forum, please indicate which game your going to spoil so i dont ruin a game ive never played which has nothing to do with this forum..
    kefka wanted to be a god too, so your point is moot. again, kefka succeeded as a villian while sephiroth failed. as for the 2nd part of what you said, im confused. i use spoiler tags in all the forums(someties i forget granted, but regardless i try to do it for all of them. u sound salty

  3. #33

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Seems you need to read what i said again, having trouble understanding are we?

    I havent played FFV/VI, most europeans havent as it wasnt released over there..

  4. #34

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    oh so u havnt played it, then how can u say 7 is the best if u havnt even played all of them? having trouble making sense are we? nice try tho. come at me bro

  5. #35

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    I havent said its the best, can you stop talking now? You havent a ****ing clue whats goin on it seems..

  6. #36

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    I havent said its the best, can you stop talking now? You havent a ****ing clue whats goin on it seems..
    oh your mad now? im glad you are arguing with me over the internet. i do have a clue whats going on, u love FF7, others dont. u think Sephiroth is a great villian, others dont. why are u so angry?

  7. #37

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

  8. #38
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth is FFVII THE BEST?!? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Ok the only translation issue i saw was with the jenova guys in black cloaks, what else was there?

    Over 100 bugs and glitches?? besides the 99 megalixers bug what else is there??

    the battle system is exploited by vast knowledge and by leveling ALOT, the same with any FF game. im sorry, are you under the impression the FF battle systems are ruled by any element of skill??? They are not, they are all easy..

    And your main complaint about Sephiroth is that his gripe is like many others, ive nevwer played FFV/VI due to it never been available in my region (Europe) but i can name numerous games/movies in which villains follow a similar path, they can be classed as character flaws/traits, whats your point?

    Gaphics issues? sure but considring the size of the game and hardware available at the time, im sure they did the best they could, i know it didnt bother me at the time. And the FMV's were far above par for a PSX game..

    And characters were developed as they were, you may try and slot them into "angsty washed up teens" but that would only slot in Cloud and Yuffie maybe...

    Plot holes regarding Cloud and Seph, lets hear them...

    Can you please tell me how XII surpassed VII? in story, main character looking out for tifa, XII main charatcer looking out for sister, and dude with fro looking out for son, blah blah blah. XII Sucked! Character wise and story and the summons sucked major balls. It was like a running soap opera i didnt care for... I wish i did, but i guess being enlightened wenches that..

    Oh to be older, wiser and drunk.. puhhhhh
    My my, what do we have here. I'm not sure where to begin, I guess XII supremacy is a good start as any.

    First of all, you clearly didn't play XII, either that or you don't know shit about it's story, which makes me wonder, how can you compare two games if you lack knowledge about one of those games? Vaan didn't search for his sister, he doesn't have any family to search for, I guess the huge orphan cue wasn't clear enough for you.

    As for the comparison at hand, XII has only huge open spaces to roam around, real scale world map, non random battles, gorgeous graphics, excellent voice acting, impressive CGI scenes, but that's superiority from technical stand point, to make this comparison bit more fair I'll rule those elements out.

    Now we're left with characters, story, gameplay, music and overall content. While considering those elements, Square decided to pull back from all those cliche and to be honest highly overused parts. Cheesy love story with bit of yaoi there, lame generic villain, angsty teens, one man army and whatnot are all good for Final Fantasy VII, not for XII though.

    Protagonist - We have Cloud, a ****ed up angsty teen who wasn't himself through major part of the game both mentally and what he claimed to be, aside strange attraction towards Sephiroth as a leader he caused quite a few problems for the group, making some of the main characters main duty to babysit him. He's arogant, a poser, and probably gay considering he rejected two hot girls and want's to literally be his savior Zack Fair.

    Vaan, character who went through a lot of ****ed up things as well seeing as he lost his family, friends, home, watched his brother suffer and eventually die and had to steal to survive, though unlike Cloud he kept his composure. He's a common fella, not your usual one man army protagonist, part of a group rather than leader, optimistic, brave, excited to explore new things and open minded.

    Villain - Acording to Square, Sephiroth is by far the strongest being in VII's universe, he's also apparently a brilliant tactician. With that in mind falling for the same trick three times is kinda lame and stupid. Not to mention all those similarities he shares with Kefka. His biggest accomplishment as far as original media goes was burning down a village and killing an innocent defenseless girl, nope, that was actually Jenova, so burning down five house village it is.

    Vayne Solidor is unlike any other villain in franchise, he actually had a genuine and selfless goal. His methods may be cruel, but necessary it seems. Great example of a brilliant tactician, after all he managed to fool the entire nation of Ivalice, even God's themselves. Man of pure determination, prepared to sacrifice everything precious to him, to go through hell and all to accomplish his goal and he succeeded at doing so. Even Kefka and Kuja fall short at what Vayne managed to do, while all villains perish his accomplishment is there to stay forever.

    Story - Final Fantasy VII - Save the world from big bad guy told bit differently compared to previous game. Typical JPRG story here, couple of teens with emphasis on problems of several individuals told through game. Sadly though, there are quite a few parts left unexplained or given a poor explanation, which resulted with all those theories over the internet, official guides released by Square to patch things down and so fort.

    Final Fantasy XII - Somewhat fresh compared to previous games in franchise with emphasis on tyranny, struggle and problems of entire nation rather than few men. The entire cast has something personal on stake here aside the general issue rather than "let's follow the main guy because it's a right thing to do". Subtle love story which I think is better than where franchise has gone after VII just to please mass of teens.

    Gameplay - I actually like to mess around with materia system, there are several nifty combinations, but you don't really have to be intelligent to come up with a tactic that will annihilate everything in front of you making this game look like Kirby's Adventure on super easy mode. Place mimic materia along with powerful limit break and that's where game pretty much ends.

    On the other hand, gambits give you as much control over your characters and tactics as you want, you may even chose in which manner you want to play this game be it old school or having help of AI. The amount of combinations you can assemble while entering into a battle is simply staggering. You can approach any battle in so many ways without actually triggering a combination where you kill uber powerful opponent in one move or two which is my main issue with materia system.

    Overall Content - no contest here, XII features more content than any other game in franchise, and for obvious reason. This game has more references to older titles than IX itself, not to mention sheer amount of weapons, items, information about it's world. Speaking about world history, VII had a great thing going on, it's a shame they didn't explore that area more. You can find out a lot about Ivalice, it's history and locations, such information spans through several games, something VII and it's related media failed to do.

    Expect part two Nix, I'm not nearly done, right now I need to rest a bit, long day you know, for now feel free to nitpick what I wrote.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  9. #39

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    im not trolling. i just dont get why you are upset

  10. #40

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    My my, what do we have here. I'm not sure where to begin, I guess XII supremacy is a good start as any.

    First of all, you clearly didn't play XII, either that or you don't know shit about it's story, which makes me wonder, how can you compare two games if you lack knowledge about one of those games? Vaan didn't search for his sister, he doesn't have any family to search for, I guess the huge orphan cue wasn't clear enough for you.

    As for the comparison at hand, XII has only huge open spaces to roam around, real scale world map, non random battles, gorgeous graphics, excellent voice acting, impressive CGI scenes, but that's superiority from technical stand point, to make this comparison bit more fair I'll rule those elements out.

    Now we're left with characters, story, gameplay, music and overall content. While considering those elements, Square decided to pull back from all those cliche and to be honest highly overused parts. Cheesy love story with bit of yaoi there, lame generic villain, angsty teens, one man army and whatnot are all good for Final Fantasy VII, not for XII though.

    Protagonist - We have Cloud, a ****ed up angsty teen who wasn't himself through major part of the game both mentally and what he claimed to be, aside strange attraction towards Sephiroth as a leader he caused quite a few problems for the group, making some of the main characters main duty to babysit him. He's arogant, a poser, and probably gay considering he rejected two hot girls and want's to literally be his savior Zack Fair.

    Vaan, character who went through a lot of ****ed up things as well seeing as he lost his family, friends, home, watched his brother suffer and eventually die and had to steal to survive, though unlike Cloud he kept his composure. He's a common fella, not your usual one man army protagonist, part of a group rather than leader, optimistic, brave, excited to explore new things and open minded.

    Villain - Acording to Square, Sephiroth is by far the strongest being in VII's universe, he's also apparently a brilliant tactician. With that in mind falling for the same trick three times is kinda lame and stupid. Not to mention all those similarities he shares with Kefka. His biggest accomplishment as far as original media goes was burning down a village and killing an innocent defenseless girl, nope, that was actually Jenova, so burning down five house village it is.

    Vayne Solidor is unlike any other villain in franchise, he actually had a genuine and selfless goal. His methods may be cruel, but necessary it seems. Great example of a brilliant tactician, after all he managed to fool the entire nation of Ivalice, even God's themselves. Man of pure determination, prepared to sacrifice everything precious to him, to go through hell and all to accomplish his goal and he succeeded at doing so. Even Kefka and Kuja fall short at what Vayne managed to do, while all villains perish his accomplishment is there to stay forever.

    Story - Final Fantasy VII - Save the world from big bad guy told bit differently compared to previous game. Typical JPRG story here, couple of teens with emphasis on problems of several individuals told through game. Sadly though, there are quite a few parts left unexplained or given a poor explanation, which resulted with all those theories over the internet, official guides released by Square to patch things down and so fort.

    Final Fantasy XII - Somewhat fresh compared to previous games in franchise with emphasis on tyranny, struggle and problems of entire nation rather than few men. The entire cast has something personal on stake here aside the general issue rather than "let's follow the main guy because it's a right thing to do". Subtle love story which I think is better than where franchise has gone after VII just to please mass of teens.

    Gameplay - I actually like to mess around with materia system, there are several nifty combinations, but you don't really have to be intelligent to come up with a tactic that will annihilate everything in front of you making this game look like Kirby's Adventure on super easy mode. Place mimic materia along with powerful limit break and that's where game pretty much ends.

    On the other hand, gambits give you as much control over your characters and tactics as you want, you may even chose in which manner you want to play this game be it old school or having help of AI. The amount of combinations you can assemble while entering into a battle is simply staggering. You can approach any battle in so many ways without actually triggering a combination where you kill uber powerful opponent in one move or two which is my main issue with materia system.

    Overall Content - no contest here, XII features more content than any other game in franchise, and for obvious reason. This game has more references to older titles than IX itself, not to mention sheer amount of weapons, items, information about it's world. Speaking about world history, VII had a great thing going on, it's a shame they didn't explore that area more. You can find out a lot about Ivalice, it's history and locations, such information spans through several games, something VII and it's related media failed to do.

    Expect part two Nix, I'm not nearly done, right now I need to rest a bit, long day you know, for now feel free to nitpick what I wrote.
    Sorry i got XII mixed up with XIII with the sister saving sister thing, both games bored me to hell story wise

    And i dont really want you to defend XII, i didnt enjoy it and thats all that matters. Again i can understand that you prefer XII over VII but to make claims like they are better and try and pass it off as fact is just stupid.

    I'm only curious about the claims you made regarding VII as a matter of interest.

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Ok the only translation issue i saw was with the jenova guys in black cloaks, what else was there?

    Over 100 bugs and glitches?? besides the 99 megalixers bug what else is there??

    the battle system is exploited by vast knowledge and by leveling ALOT, the same with any FF game. im sorry, are you under the impression the FF battle systems are ruled by any element of skill??? They are not, they are all easy..

    And your main complaint about Sephiroth is that his gripe is like many others, ive nevwer played FFV/VI due to it never been available in my region (Europe) but i can name numerous games/movies in which villains follow a similar path, they can be classed as character flaws/traits, whats your point?

    Gaphics issues? sure but considring the size of the game and hardware available at the time, im sure they did the best they could, i know it didnt bother me at the time. And the FMV's were far above par for a PSX game..

    And characters were developed as they were, you may try and slot them into "angsty washed up teens" but that would only slot in Cloud and Yuffie maybe...

    Plot holes regarding Cloud and Seph, lets hear them...
    Answer them if you will please.

    I played XII up until the end of the rescue mission on the lazer maze airship, think it was the leviathan. It was at that point i realised the story wasnt gonna get much better and i gave up on it as i was bored as **** with the game, nothing was appealing to me, so i packed it in. However since you guys have so much love for it, i might just give it another go

    Now again, my perspective, my favourite is VII, i dont deem it the best, nobody can actually make that claim and its silly to argue so. I'm just merely here to gain knowledge on the claims you're making against VII as i truly do not know what you are referring too.

  11. #41
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth is FFVII THE BEST?!? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    @Nix - Unfortunately for you, bad translation does not equal grammar mistakes, although there are those as well. To notice errors in translation you have to compare it to original version, and I suppose your Japanese is not what it used to be. I'll place my trust in FF Wiki, and their original statement.

    Here are dozen of well know bugs and glitches, I'll make sure to find Merlin's link to the entire list, but this will have to do for now I'm afraid.

    As for Sephiroth similarity to Kefka, both went through various experiments, both were generals of their army and were considered brilliant tacticians, both single handely killed thousands during the war with rival nation, both had control over main character at one part of the game, both rebelled, both killed their superior, both seek higher power, good chunk of last battle against Sephiroth has already been seen in final scenes with Kefka, even some moves were copied (this can be checked on FF Wiki), both had to face prodigy of ancient and powerfull race at one point... there are more, basically what Loaf said, he's Kefka with sword, just not as cool and successful as Kefka.

    I'm still not finished, I still need to fill few things in my first posts, and I believe I owe you some plot holes.

    Edit: Edit: I'm not defending XII, you asked me what makes XII superior to VII and I made you what I think is a pretty decent list, where I elaborate every segment of it.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 01-19-2012 at 02:55 PM.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  12. #42

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post

    As for Sephiroth similarity to Kefka, both went through various experiments, both were generals of their army and were considered brilliant tacticians, both single handely killed thousands during the war with rival nation, both had control over main character at one part of the game, both rebelled, both killed their superior, both seek higher power, good chunk of last battle against Sephiroth has already been seen in final scenes with Kefka, even some moves were copied (this can be checked on FF Wiki), both had to face prodigy of ancient and powerfull race at one point... there are more, basically what Loaf said, he's Kefka with sword, just not as cool and suscesufull as Kefka.
    Haha really? i never knew, i can understand your hate for Seph alot more now, but the story itself would still ring through for me.. I hope they release VI for the nintendo DS, i sure would like to play through VI to see all that..

    EDIT: Fair point on the XII, i was wrangled into asking, blast you! But answer me this, based on what ive played up till, the rescue mission on the leviathan ship. Does the story get alot better after that point? As i was quite bored with the story right up until that point, and being older and not having as much free time as i did for the prior games i didnt feel it was worth more of my free time.

    EDITx2: The bugs on that list are very freak occurances, i havent come across most of them and i have played through the game many times. Heck they classed the Ghost of aeries in the church a bug?? o_O Perhaps these bugs were in the PC version? As i never had an issue, and i must have played through the game atleast 5 times in full.
    Last edited by nix; 01-19-2012 at 03:11 PM.

  13. #43
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth is FFVII THE BEST?!? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    EDIT: Fair point on the XII, i was wrangled into asking, blast you! But answer me this, based on what ive played up till, the rescue mission on the leviathan ship. Does the story get alot better after that point? As i was quite bored with the story right up until that point, and being older and not having as much free time as i did for the prior games i didnt feel it was worth more of my free time.
    Of course, you're only 1/3 into it, I wont spoil much, but you find out Vayne's true nature and motives, deeper meaning behind those wars and all major actions through out Ivalice. All characters gain more depth as their personal life start to connect them with everything going on, with few nifty twists here and there. I wont lie, Final Fantasy XII is a lot different compared to older titles so I can't guarantee if you're like it or not.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  14. #44

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    I'll give it another whirl then so, when i get back home which will be a few months at least

  15. #45
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth is FFVII THE BEST?!? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    EDITx2: The bugs on that list are very freak occurances, i havent come across most of them and i have played through the game many times. Heck they classed the Ghost of aeries in the church a bug?? o_O Perhaps these bugs were in the PC version? As i never had an issue, and i must have played through the game atleast 5 times in full.
    As far as I know these bugs are not related to PC version which has major problems on it's own, huge compatibility issues, game often crashing, more annoying bugs, it also had lower music quality. These things got fixed eventually, the only thing Square messed with was translation, apparently PC version has somewhat better translation, other than that it was a direct console port. Then again, I might be wrong, wouldn't be the first time.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  16. #46

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    i liked 12 okay.

  17. #47
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Nix you stopped playing XII right when the story picked up and actually starts to move forward lol.
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  18. #48

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Just my luck eh?

    Takes ages to pick up !!

  19. #49

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Just my luck eh?

    Takes ages to pick up !!
    it does start slow, but it gets better around halfway through. im glad you are considering giving it another chance.

  20. #50

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Yeah, defnitly, it made me cry, laugh, and it has the best RPG story ever, my favorite game above all.

  21. #51
    Registered User is FFVII THE BEST?!? Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    It's not my favourite. I prefer VIII, IX, X, X-2 and XII to VII so it's one of my least liked games to play. Don't know why...I've just never seen what was so great. I like it, but just not as much. I don't go back to replay it very much at all...


    "Everyone was so happy. 'Great job. You did it. You saved us... all.' There were too many smiles to count.
    But now...When I look back... The people who should be here aren't.
    The ones who should be smiling with me aren't here."

  22. #52
    Boxer of the Galaxy is FFVII THE BEST?!? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Im replaying it again now. The short answer to this question is yes, and the long answer to this question is also yes.

  23. #53
    Il y a un furet dans mes cheveux :O is FFVII THE BEST?!? Catalana's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    First and best FF I ever played ( for me of course ) ... it was my first rpg and thanks to it I am now a big fan of all FF games ^.^
    I think the story was very well written with amazing main characters ( cloud, tifa ... ) and a big antagonist : Sephiroth !
    The music was all perfect for me ( Nobuo Uematsu did a wonderful work ! O.O ) and all the places like Nibelheim, Canyon Cosmos, Midgar. The past of all the characters too was very well designed ...

    I love FF7 <3

    Ohh, there is a ferret in my bedroom again...

  24. #54
    The King of Blitz &amp;amp; Modding is FFVII THE BEST?!? Jecht's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    No. it was not.
    maybe was the first one, but after play the other FF, was like "wait... why this's the best when FF1 was the real best for be the original on jobs system and all..."

    and well... after all the thing they do as extra... they kill the interest :/

  25. #55
    Boxer of the Galaxy is FFVII THE BEST?!? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    The short answer to this question is yes, The long answer to this question is also yes.

    The reason it is the best is because it was the game that launched the franchise into absolute stardom. As well as being the first FF on CD and playstation, It is the most popular and has made the most money. It was just the game itself that happnened to sell over 11 million copies that made it great, but also the fact it had so many profitable spinoffs. It was truly the game that defined the series. Anyone who disagrees and says its crap compared to 5 or 6 is obviously stupid since those titles do not reflect the success of 7 and neither do the opinions of those people.

    Its very fashionable to hate these days, especially things that are deemed popular or 'cool'. So next time someone says that ff7 is anything less than amazing, you may shrug them off in contempt and not give them a second thought for they are just sheep among the vile piss that is the community of 'alternative' gamers.

  26. #56
    The King is FFVII THE BEST?!? Tydis's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    in my own opinion I can sadly say no it is not the best emotional it was a good battle system it had choices for magic and summon was good as well but some people say its the best because it had a sequel so they suck into it and rant on about it saying it is the best when there are more FF games to come which may span sequels

    I thank THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON because it wasn't for this game I would have never started playing FINAL FANTASY and discovered FINAL FANTASY X which is my favorite game I would be more than happy to put this pic as my signature.

  27. #57

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Some of the ugliest graphics in the series, some of the worst characters, and the story is nothing special. One of the worst and most boring endings I've ever seen.

    No, I wouldn't say it's the best. It still is a good game, though.

  28. #58
    TFF's Token Imp is FFVII THE BEST?!? Martin's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    To be totally honest, you'd be better off asking how long is a piece of string?

    Basically everyone has their own opinion and no one is right or wrong. Personally no. Not even close. Worth playing but not worth the fanboy hype and the Compilation was dire.

    Care to have a look at my WordPress Journal?

  29. #59
    Bananarama is FFVII THE BEST?!? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    Its not the best ever. Most successful and highest grossing, yes. This is also a product of the marketing campaign they ran as well.

    Maybe the real sheep are the ones who get their panties moist anytime someone mentions ffvii. Oh it'd the best ever because cloud was all confused and Vincent was all dark and mysterious.

    Its one of my favorites, but not the best
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  30. #60
    Star of the FF Show is FFVII THE BEST?!? Rising Star's Avatar
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    Nov 2011

    Re: is FFVII THE BEST?!?

    FFVII Wasn't the best FF game I played neither was it the worst. I played it after friends recommended I play it and after finishing the game I kinda expected more, I think it has too much hype personally but it did make Squaresoft as a company But I will never forgive them for killing Aeris

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