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Thread: Ending

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Ending Rowan's Avatar
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    Just finished it again after a number of playthroughs throughout the years. I love the ending , in particular how aeris came through in the end. I love that despite the fact she died, she still saved the planet and with the combined efforts of cloud and the team, who managed to overcome sephiroth in disastrous circumstances. I'm feeling that post-nostalgia feeling, almost like that after sex feeling. I also love how just seeing aeris at the end, her strong image and character re-assure you that even though you didn't winess the outcome of meteor, you know everything turned out for the best. Such a great game.

    Screw all the bullshit that's come out in recent years. I've felt no emotional connection to any characters other than hornyness for lightning and serah. It's despicable I know, I just wish they made games and characters that represented such strong themes. Ff7 is the best.

  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Ending Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Ending

    I'm not sure I understand, are we supposed to discuss VII's ending which in my opinion was quite good, in fact it's one of few things they got right, or how newer games and their respective characters suck. Oh, and by the way FF XII is the best =D

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  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Ending

    I'm pretty sure Lightning was just Cloud with tits. That was their aim.

    and the ending to FFVII pisses me off. If characters like Vincent and Yuffie are Secret but then they treat them like the main cast all the time, why aren't those 2 in the ending? It's an outrage.
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  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Ending Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Ending

    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    and the ending to FFVII pisses me off. If characters like Vincent and Yuffie are Secret but then they treat them like the main cast all the time, why aren't those 2 in the ending? It's an outrage.
    Vincent obviously never should have been an optional character as he was clearly more fleshed out and had a bigger impact on the main story than some characters that pass as main ones such as Cid. As for Yuffie, honestly, no one really cares about her.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  5. #5
    Boxer of the Galaxy Ending Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Ending

    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    The ending to FFVII pisses me off. If characters like Vincent and Yuffie are Secret but then they treat them like the main cast all the time, why aren't those 2 in the ending? It's an outrage.
    Yeah you're right, they should totally remake it.

    Lightning is clouds CGI sister, for all creative purposes. Anyway, the point to the thread was to discuss the ending, I wasn't aware that it had to be formally presented as a question but ill remember in future. But I think we all agree that the ending was spectacular, especially loaf.

  6. #6
    Registered User Ending Anastar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan
    Anyway, the point to the thread was to discuss the ending, I wasn't aware that it had to be formally presented as a question but ill remember in future. But I think we all agree that the ending was spectacular, especially loaf.
    Frankly I still don't see the point to this thread other than for everyone to agree/disagree that the ending was awesome and/or to agree that Lightning is actually Cloud after a sex change. I agree that the ending was awesome and AC/ACC as well as DoC answered most questions about what happened to the Planet.

    But I have alwags wondered whether there is a relationship and/or parallel intended between the ending of FFVII and the ending AC/ACC. In particular, I'm referring to Cloud saying, "I think I can meet her.... there" at the end of FFVII. At the end of AC/ACC, he says, 'I know. I'm not alone... not anymore." IMO, the two statements are related and/or intended as a parallel for the following reasona:

    1) When Cloud says, "I think I can find her.... there" it implies that he does indeed WANT to find Aerith. However, none of the stories in On the Way to a Smile indicate that Cloud has even tried to find Aerith - same with The Maiden Who Travels the Planet.

    2) The fact that Cloud is still feeling guilty at the beginning of AC/ACC also indicates that he has NOT met with Aerih duing the intervening years. We know this because Aerith immediately heals Cloud's guilt in the back to back flowerfield scene by touching his arm. If she had met with Cloud eariier, she would've healed his guilt earlier. It would be inconsistent with Aerith's character not to heal him asap.

    Attachment 25578

    ======== Brief explanation
    NOTE: We know that Cloud's guilt is healed when Aerith touches his arm because the exact same thing happens in the Maiden Who Travels he Planet when Aerith heals Dyne's guilt in the exact same way. The passage is too long to quote in its entirety, but here's a short excerpt:

    [Aerith] didn't use coercion but instead, she approached Dyne gently. Extending out her hands, she touched the layer of blood that covered him.
    "The blood bound to you is something that your feeling of guilt is making. The lives you took away returned to the Lifestream long ago. You can't forget about what you've done but, there is no reason why you can't start over. I guarantee it."
    From the point where Aerith touched, the blood dried up into tissue, detached from Dyne and wore away. Then, Dyne's left arm started to fade away.

    So we know that Cloud's guilt started to fade as soon as Aerith touched his arm. This is further reinforced by the fact that- shortly afterwards- Cloud was even able o face Aerith during the AC/ACC hand reach scene. Before that Cloud couldn't even face Aerith when they met in the fllowerfield scene. Therefore, Aerith's touch started to heal him.

    Because Aerith heals Cloud's guilt during AC/ACC, we know that Cloud hasn't been able to find Aerith like he said he wanted to do at the end of FFVII. In fact we don't even know whether he tried. But it's common sense and consistent with Aerith's character that she would've healed Cloud's guilt before AC/ACC if Cloud had indeed found her like he said he intended to do at the end of FFVII.

    3) Now - let's go back to what Cloud says at the end of AC/ACC: "I know. I'm not alone.... not anymore."

    Doesn't this imply that Cloud HAS been feeling alone up to this time even though he's been living with Tifa and his family? Has he been feeling alone because he was missing Aerith and because he hasn't found her like he wanted to do at the end of FFVII? After all, Cloud goes back to live in Aerith's church after he leaves the Seventh Heaven as though he wants to be closer to memories of Aerith and believes that Aerith brought Denzel to him - both serve as indications that he misses Aerith. There are further indications - just ask if you want to hear them. For now:

    Is that what Cloud means at the end of AC/ACC - that he no longer feels alone because he found Aerith again during AC/ACC, which is what he wanted to do at the end of FFVII?

    There is evidence to think so - keep reading.

    Please note: This is not intended as an LTD debate - I'm focusing on the meaning of Cloud's words instead of how he feels about Aerith and/or Tifa. IMO, SE has never conclusively resolved the LTD.

    4) Now look at what Nomura says in the Distance interview, which came along with the Advent Children DVD:

    "Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several
    times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her
    because her consciousness…lives on inside him.
    " ~Nomura, Distance Interview

    If Aerith lives on inside of Cloud as Nomura says she does, then the two have been spiritually reunited. Cloud has indeed found Aerith again because now she is actually part of him. In other words, Aerith's consciousness lives on WITHIN THE LIFESTREAM inside of Cloud. If this is true, then wouldn't that mean that Cloud and Aerith have actually been reunited in spirit as well as in consciousness?

    5) Is this possible in the world of FFVII? Yes it is.

    First of all, consider the fact that Aerith is half Cetra and that Cloud is a Jenova plus Mako halfbreed of a man. Neither Aerith nor Cloud can be considered to be typical human beings. Both are extraordinary beings where one is only half human to begin with and the other has cells from the Crisis in the Sky in his veins. They are extraordinary beings in a magical world.

    Secondly, there is an abnormally high level of Mako (Lifestream) present in Cloud's body. Since Aerith's spirit and consciousness must exist within the Lifestream, then the high levels of Mako (Lifestream) present in Cloud's body would make it possible for Aerith's spirit and consciousness to exist within Cloud.

    There are two reasons for the high level of Mako (Lifestream) present in Cloud's body: First, excess Mako (Lifestream() was infused into Cloud during Hojo's experiments after the Nibelheim incident. Secondly, Cloud was immersed in the Lifestream for about a week before resurfacing in Mideel. The doctor in Mideel said that, "An immense amount of Mako-drenched knowledge was put into his brain all at once......"

    As a result, there would be enough Mako (Lifesream) present in Cloud,s body for Aerith's spirit and consciousness to remain there. Therefore when Cloud says he's not alone anymore, he actually means that he's been reunited with Aerith. This in fact is what Cloud said he wanted to do at the end of FFVII.

    That's my theory.

    "Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several
    times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her
    because her consciousness…lives on inside him."
    ~Nomura, Distance Interview

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