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  1. #1

    Did you like advent children?

    How did you like the movie? Heard a lot of people hated it, I thought it had a good story. I do admit though I was super excited to see my favorite ff7 characters brought to life like that.

    Also aerith is the most awesome girl ever! After playing crisis core, whenever I play ff7 I don't flirt with her or let anyone treat her bad...that's Zacks girl!

    Srs, wanted to cry at the end of crisis core when he got all her letters

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    Last edited by Future Angel; 09-17-2012 at 04:20 PM.

  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Did you like advent children? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Visually impressive and nothing more I'm afraid. Sephiroth failing horribly as usual, Cloud even more angsty... I guess you have to be a FF VII fan to truly appreciate such a movie.

    Crisis Core on the other hand was such a pleasant surprise, I never thought I would enjoy playing it more than VII itself.

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  3. #3
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Did you like advent children? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    I Loved FFVII: Advent Children! I Got Advent Children Complete On Blu-Ray Cause I Got A PS3 Now, And I Really Wanted It. I Wish They Would Make More Final Fantasy Movies Like That, That Would Be Cool. I Would Watch Them All.

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  4. #4

    Did you like advent children?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima View Post
    I Loved FFVII: Advent Children! I Got Advent Children Complete On Blu-Ray Cause I Got A PS3 Now, And I Really Wanted It. I Wish They Would Make More Final Fantasy Movies Like That, That Would Be Cool. I Would Watch Them All.
    Go to YouTube, there's a series of videos with all the cutscenes from crisis core, it's like a movie
    There's one for dirge of Cerberus too but I just watch the ones with Vincent and Lucretia

    "I have twenty-three tiny wishes, but you probably won't remember them all, so I put them all together into one... I'd like to spend more time with you."

    Baaaaa hoooooo
    Last edited by Merlin; 09-17-2012 at 07:31 PM. Reason: double post

  5. #5
    Boxer of the Galaxy Did you like advent children? Rowan's Avatar
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    Advent children on blu-ray (extended film) is far better than when the film was first released. Sephiroth isnt a pushover, and im glad he got to slash the shit out of cloud.

  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Back when it first came out or rather before it came out I thought it was really cool. I watched it, it was cool. Nothing crazy or over the top.

    I did watch the new scenes that were added. Those were well done as you were able to tell they looked way way better. If only they did that with the whole movie.
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  7. #7
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Ironically, I just finished watching Advent Children Complete for the first time. I've seen the original of course. Complete is definitely a huge improvement. And it's worth it for the extra scenes with the Turks. That extra helicopter scene with Reno and Rude...omg I was dying lol. I think many of the extra details and new scenes add some much needed depth, though ultimately I think it's only ever going to be for diehard fans, of which I'm not. I still find it highly entertaining though, even if the story is just a highly convoluted way to get Sephiroth on the screen for the final showdown.
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  8. #8
    Boxer of the Galaxy Did you like advent children? Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonHeart View Post
    Ironically, I just finished watching Advent Children Complete for the first time. I've seen the original of course. Complete is definitely a huge improvement. And it's worth it for the extra scenes with the Turks. That extra helicopter scene with Reno and Rude...omg I was dying lol. I think many of the extra details and new scenes add some much needed depth, though ultimately I think it's only ever going to be for diehard fans, of which I'm not. I still find it highly entertaining though, even if the story is just a highly convoluted way to get Sephiroth on the screen for the final showdown.
    He will be back, the final showdown is far from over

  9. #9
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Final showdown of that particular conflict. Pfft. He has more in common with a cockroach than a god, if you ask me...
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  10. #10
    When it originally came out, yes, I was a pretty big f@nb0i at the time of FFVII.
    As I got older and gained different perceptions on movies in general I went back and watched it and wasn't as pleased with the film as I remembered.

    Some of the translations of the film seem awkward, like they didn't get the pacing right. I should probably watch it in Japanese with Subs, but I hate doing that.
    I hate having my eyes focused on the bottom of the screen.

    I have some other small issues with the film, but overall its a pretty good film.

  11. #11
    Registered User Did you like advent children?
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    I liked it enough to buy 3 versions of it- DVD, a Collector's Edition, and AC: Complete on Blu-Ray (didn't even have a blu-ray player to watch it until later either). I don't know how much of that is actually liking it, or if it's just my fandom for the franchise taking over. Oh well!
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  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    I liked it enough to buy 3 versions of it- DVD, a Collector's Edition, and AC: Complete on Blu-Ray (didn't even have a blu-ray player to watch it until later either). I don't know how much of that is actually liking it, or if it's just my fandom for the franchise taking over. Oh well!
    I can empathize
    Being a die hard ff7 fan can cloud ones judgement sometimes.
    See what I did there? Cloud!

    Though In high school I did go crazy for FFx and worshiped yevon irl. I would light a candle and play animas version of the hymn of the fayth, and do the prayer...serious :/

    Now I seriously believe in the life stream from ff7

    MERGED POSTS - Unknown Entity

    gotta question, what happend to yazoo and loz?

    Also what's with the clones crying? Kinda weird how they tough then sniff and cry :s

    i really liked how kadaj kinda got redeemed and aeris guided him to the lifestream, do you think his brothers also made it to the lifestream? i do like happy endings...

    aeris even said, everything is alright
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 10-05-2012 at 06:32 PM.

  13. #13
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I own it on all three formats. I got it on UMD back when I first got a PSP because it was a huge surprise to find it - I had no idea a movie existed for FFVII. I remember it being £15, but I didn't care. I watched it the first time that night, and I loved it. I saw it on DVD a few years later and picked that up too - I wanted to watch it on a bigger screen, and I wanted my family to see it too (I was a little younger, kay, and thought it was awesome). Then my brother bought me the blu-ray for Christmas about two years back for the bonus content. Mmmnh...

    I don't like the extended version. I thought it was better without the extra content. With the extra content, it added nothing but extra story revolving around Denzel and I can't say I related to him very well. I wanted more fight scenes, and I think Sephiroth deserved a bigger part in the movie instead of those three punks causing trouble for most of it.

    I agree that you have to love FFVII to like it though. It not a great movie for most audiences out there, but true FFVII fans like me can appreciate it for more than looks.

    I did like the FFVII reminiscence. It cleared up a few parts of the story for me when I first watched it, save from playing the whole game again to clear things up and hope I didn't overlook or miss something.

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  14. #14
    Actually I really enjoyed watching advent children. More than the superb graphics of the movie, the story line, battle scenes, it actually brings back a feeling of nostalgia.

  15. #15
    Chocobo Queen Did you like advent children? Katpuss's Avatar
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    I loved Advent Children! I especially liked the scene where Barret, Yuffie, Cid, Reno etc etc came together to find the behemoth and Sephiroth. Very good and best part of the whole movie.
    Vanille: "Wishes can come true, but not if you just wait for miracles. Miracles are things we make for ourselves, here and now"
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    Luneth: "We won't let you! Not if we have anything to say about it!"

    Cloud: "And if you don't tell us...I'll chop them off"
    Aerith: "...I'll rip them off"
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  16. #16
    Registered User Did you like advent children? Black_Cloud's Avatar
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    I thought it was great to look at. the story could have been done better.
    But i guess a good story based on the post ff7 events might be difficult to get right.

    The game would be a hard act to follow, considering how it was a very thoroughly ended story.

  17. #17
    Simple answer is YES I love it! My most Favourite film ever!!

  18. #18
    Registered User Did you like advent children? Anastar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Angel
    How did you like the movie? Heard a lot of people hated it, I thought it had a good story. I do admit though I was super excited to see my favorite ff7 characters brought to life like that.
    I loved he movie, but I admit that it was primarily because it brought the FFVII characters to life and they all looked awesome. My crush on Cloud Strife was permanently re-awakened even though his angst was a bit overdone IMO. Despite that, he's incredibly handsome.
    Did you like advent children?-untitled-9-gif
    But back on topic.... I didn't think much of the plot. Even though Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo served the purpose as villains until Sephy showed up again, I thought their characters were absolutely boring.

    As someone else said, the most remarkable thing about the move were the visuals. And in my opinion only, the movie canonized Clerith. In actuality, I don't think SE ever intended to solve the LTD - I think they purposely left the LTD open to player interpretation But my own interpretation was that the movie as well as FFVII was Clerith all the way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen Angel
    Also aerith is the most awesome girl ever! After playing crisis core, whenever I play ff7 I don't flirt with her or let anyone treat her bad...that's Zacks girl!
    Again, in my opinion only, she was Zack's girl in CC but that was before she met Cloud. Again I do not think that SE has ever conclusively resolved the LTD but in my personal opinion, Cloud's true love is Aerith and I thought that was cleary shown in AC/ACC.

    "Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several
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  19. #19
    The 37th Red Spade Did you like advent children? Coff9's Avatar
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    It's been years since I've seen the film, but I remember enjoying it.

    Yes, I agree on Clerith.

    I remember back when I played FF7 for the first time I didn't even think Tifa and Cloud were interested in each other; I always chose the dialogue options that kept them separate.

    The romance between Cloud and Aerith is certainly interesting, but I don't quite remember how it all went down. It may have been the case that Tifa was interested in Cloud, while Cloud was interested in Aerith, and Aerith was interested in the Planet, haha.

    But back to Advent Children:

    Yeah, I was just excited to see one of my favorite video games brought to life. Sephiroth was amazing, as always, haha.
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