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Thread: Anyone Hate FF VII?

  1. #61
    Rune Knight Anyone Hate FF VII? Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    burn cloud and sephiroth out of the game and im a happy camper. when i used to play the game i was a kid. back then i did not care about anything, even though at the time of 13 years old i questioned why a skinny guy was wielding a sword twice his size. over the years i started to look over the game and start to pick out other things. like tifas breasts. why is barrett always angry? Why is shinra like resemble a mega american company that put natives on reserves (cosmo canyon) and reduced a once proud asian nation to look back on its traditions and adopt the styles of the west (wutai). Why is it that shinra has been all over the planet, and yet they never thought of getting mako from the giant hole in the ground?(crater). And how is it that learning that your genetic material is mostly brought together from JENOVA material make you go crazy and burn down a village. i mean before he seemed pretty sane. and the spin offs in the series i just completely ignored.

    i mean at that time when i stopped caring all together this was the same time we cosplaying clould/sephiroth/squall fanboys saying they were the greatest heroes. i question everything in this game series now. i go back to the old 6 games of the past. they were just as bad. but not as noticable in how bad they were. i think with 3d graphic it makes that sort of thing more noticable to me.

    And yes Final Fantasy VII was a greatest hit for the Playstation not cause of its story. no its cause of how much it sold. business men do not care if fans love the story. they just know its a great game based on how much it sold. but now if i had to make a top 10 of final fantasy games. i think it would be on the bottom half of that scale. XI being number 1.

  2. #62
    Controlling With Fear Anyone Hate FF VII? Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Quote Originally Posted by Trodorne View Post
    burn cloud and sephiroth out of the game and im a happy camper. when i used to play the game i was a kid. back then i did not care about anything, even though at the time of 13 years old i questioned why a skinny guy was wielding a sword twice his size. over the years i started to look over the game and start to pick out other things. like tifas breasts. why is barrett always angry? Why is shinra like resemble a mega american company that put natives on reserves (cosmo canyon) and reduced a once proud asian nation to look back on its traditions and adopt the styles of the west (wutai). Why is it that shinra has been all over the planet, and yet they never thought of getting mako from the giant hole in the ground?(crater). And how is it that learning that your genetic material is mostly brought together from JENOVA material make you go crazy and burn down a village. i mean before he seemed pretty sane. and the spin offs in the series i just completely ignored.

    i mean at that time when i stopped caring all together this was the same time we cosplaying clould/sephiroth/squall fanboys saying they were the greatest heroes. i question everything in this game series now. i go back to the old 6 games of the past. they were just as bad. but not as noticable in how bad they were. i think with 3d graphic it makes that sort of thing more noticable to me.

    And yes Final Fantasy VII was a greatest hit for the Playstation not cause of its story. no its cause of how much it sold. business men do not care if fans love the story. they just know its a great game based on how much it sold. but now if i had to make a top 10 of final fantasy games. i think it would be on the bottom half of that scale. XI being number 1.
    I gotta say i disagree with you in every way, you can say that shit about any game that is popular. To be honest, your the only person i've witnessed that has said ff7 had a bad story. And I noticed that you also said that final fantasy 1-7 were all bad. That's also a first in my book. But you have your opinion and i have mine so...

  3. #63
    Registered User Anyone Hate FF VII? CloudvsLightning's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    I agree with a lot of people. I love the game but there are some things I don't like about it. I mean the whole thing with Sephiroth and his "mommy's little boy" attitude in CC is annoying as well as Cloud being all moppy after Zack and Aerith die. Other than that I loved the game.

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  4. #64
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Anyone Hate FF VII? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Eh, his opinion is wrong *laughs*

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  5. #65

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Quote Originally Posted by Trodorne View Post
    burn cloud and sephiroth out of the game and im a happy camper. when i used to play the game i was a kid. back then i did not care about anything, even though at the time of 13 years old i questioned why a skinny guy was wielding a sword twice his size. over the years i started to look over the game and start to pick out other things. like tifas breasts. why is barrett always angry? Why is shinra like resemble a mega american company that put natives on reserves (cosmo canyon) and reduced a once proud asian nation to look back on its traditions and adopt the styles of the west (wutai). Why is it that shinra has been all over the planet, and yet they never thought of getting mako from the giant hole in the ground?(crater). And how is it that learning that your genetic material is mostly brought together from JENOVA material make you go crazy and burn down a village. i mean before he seemed pretty sane. and the spin offs in the series i just completely ignored.

    i mean at that time when i stopped caring all together this was the same time we cosplaying clould/sephiroth/squall fanboys saying they were the greatest heroes. i question everything in this game series now. i go back to the old 6 games of the past. they were just as bad. but not as noticable in how bad they were. i think with 3d graphic it makes that sort of thing more noticable to me.

    And yes Final Fantasy VII was a greatest hit for the Playstation not cause of its story. no its cause of how much it sold. business men do not care if fans love the story. they just know its a great game based on how much it sold. but now if i had to make a top 10 of final fantasy games. i think it would be on the bottom half of that scale. XI being number 1.
    This guy puts the mmorpg FF at the top of his list of FF games. Why are you even here? He picks the Final Fantasy that is the least like any Final Fantasys as his favorite and expects us on a FF fan site to take his opinion on a typical/regular FF seriously...

    Like someone in a post above mine I have never seen anyone hate/dislike all the original 6 games, VI's story alone could kill X, X-2, XI, XII and XIII in their sleep. This is the kinda backwards kids we have today that appreciate shitty things like Spongebob with no story, no effort in artistic/good drawing graphics, no soul, just mindless stupidity and in other cases it's the same thing with violence and gore. As a Fantasy game there's of coarse some holes if one looks hard enough and while my love for FFVII has waned slightly from my favorite FF game to my third (behind FFVI then FFT(PSone)) there is no way it can be classified as a bad game by me in any logical sense.
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  6. #66
    The Mad God Anyone Hate FF VII? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    I was going to be the first to attack that post, but I figured I'd come off as a douche if I was the only one doing it, but it's good to see I'm not alone in believing that that is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever read. If you didn't like 7, odds are you don't like FF as a whole. Not saying it should be everyone's favorite, that's not the case at all. But really, 7 had pretty much everything that made its predecessors great, and was the beginning of what made all the FFs after great. The Final Fantasy you put at the top of your list, more real FF fans don't even acknowledge as a Final Fantasy, because it was a crappy mmo with no FF style storyline and no character depth whatsoever, and mediocre gameplay if I'm being generous.

    As for your misguided questions about the characters... Cloud was enhanced with Mako energy and is a fairly muscular dude anyways, he's a super soldier, of course he's going to be able to carry heavy objects like that. Heavy swords also cut through armor better, so it's not like its size is just for show. Shinra was probably SUPPOSED to make you think of the hardcore capitalist profit whoring company who does anything to anyone if it bennefits them. Mostly because that's exactly what Shinra is. They DID think of getting Maoo from that hole, in fact that is almost entirely what Shinra's plans focused on at the beginning of the game. The whole 'searching for the Promised Land' thing ring any bells? It wasn't that he learned the truth about his genetics at all, but that he learned what he was from inaccurate documents depicting him as the sole survivor of a race his peers destroyed. He never was totally sane, he always had a superiority complex, did what he wanted, and always knew he was different, but never knew how. He thought he was above humans, then learned he was no different from mass produced monsters made from the cells of a once proud race whom modern people reffered to as a superior race. Given that he was unstable anyways, a little reality altering truth that everything you've ever been told was a lie to cover up the horrible truth of your existence seems likeit'd probably be enough to push a guy over the edge.

    This last statement is rather odd I must say. Yeah, busniess men don't care about the story. The people buying the game also don't care about the businessmen. I didn't buy FFVII because a businessman wanted me to so he could make large sums of money on a game for the purpose of granting it the title of Greatest Hits, I bought it because it looked like a good game. And it was. Were it as bad a game as you make it out to be, it wouldn't have sold well enough to make Greatest hits. The fact that you yourself state that the greatist hits title means nothing in terms of quality is rather funny when you consider that so far the only person I've even seen bring up greatest hits was you. You bring up irrelevant details for the sake of telling us they're irrelevant? Alright, thanks?
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  7. #67
    Dan the man Anyone Hate FF VII?
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    I will say this.....the die hard fans of this game take away from those of us who have honest opinions and may want to state whats wrong with the game...because we feel bad after doing so hehe. it is still my favorite final fantasy because its the one that enrolled me as a fan of final fantasy and playstation in general...not to mention RPGS...but after playing and beating most of the final fantasys im going to have to say that it is overated by many people...some of them im sure just havent got a chance to experience the other perhaps their opinions are based on a lack of consideration that they just havent got the chance to consider. well thats my opinion

  8. #68
    Controlling With Fear Anyone Hate FF VII? Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Quote Originally Posted by Free_Lancer05 View Post
    I will say this.....the die hard fans of this game take away from those of us who have honest opinions and may want to state whats wrong with the game...because we feel bad after doing so hehe. it is still my favorite final fantasy because its the one that enrolled me as a fan of final fantasy and playstation in general...not to mention RPGS...but after playing and beating most of the final fantasys im going to have to say that it is overated by many people...some of them im sure just havent got a chance to experience the other perhaps their opinions are based on a lack of consideration that they just havent got the chance to consider. well thats my opinion
    OK, i like ff7. And i've played and beaten every Final Fantasy game outside of XI and FF2. The fact is that D-bags started a stupid trend of calling any popular game they personally don't like 'overated'. I don't like Gears Of War at all, but if 85% of people i talk to about it say they like it, so who am i to call it overated. But i do agree that people shouldn't just play one final fantasy game and crown it as number 1- but in retrospect, i'm pretty sure that most of us on TFFF have played more than one or two of the series.

  9. #69
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Anyone Hate FF VII? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Lol. I think 8 is my favorite.
    Peoples first FF is usually their favorite.

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  10. #70

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    I know quite a few people who thing Final Fanatsy altogether is shit. However I believe that everbody has an opinion and they are entitled to it because it is each to their own. And it shouldn't really matter anyway if we like it and other millions like it (all of them from 7 upwards went platinum and that speaks for itself) then who really care what other people say?

  11. #71

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    i love ff7 i would never get board playin that game i love playin it the only thing i dont like about the game is the powering up because it takes ages.and its worth powering up ur metria fully to the max cause u wold be well hard and u kill things in one hit and u have to strong enough to beat ruby and emrald othe part from that i love playin ff7.

  12. #72
    Bananarama Anyone Hate FF VII? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    OMG wut how kud any1 h8 Ff7ii. iTz d best 5eva.

    Ok, enough of that. It's actually kind of easy to hate this game, just as easy as one could love it. You can hate the incessant fanboys, who think this game is the greatest ever. You could hate the people who get the panties in a bunch over the Aeris/ Aerith debate. You could hate the does Cloud love Aeris/ Tifa. You can hate Sephiroth, or why so many people think he's the greatest villain ever.

    Honestly, you can hate it because it gets so much unadulterated praise from people who don't really know what they're talking about.

    I for one love the game though. I hate how people get so stupid and worked up over it. It's a very good game, not the best ever. Sephiroth is a decent villain, not the best ever. Cloud isn't the best hero ever, but he's a good damaged one.

    My real problem with 7 is with what it's become. It was perfectly fine and dandy when the game was released and ended as FF7. The story was its own, semi neat, and concise package. Now we have 15 spinoffs, movies, cereal, extra games only for the cell phone, super special "official transcripts" that were signed off on as official by the guy who shipped the game. It's just too much and too ridiculous. It's become something too big for it's own good, adding characters just to make new games, who have zero bearing on the actual story of the original FF7. It's all just a bunch of crap so people will spend some more money.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  13. #73
    The British Guy. Anyone Hate FF VII? Robbo's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Keeping on the topic of the original FFVII i liked it but i stopped playing it due to hype by that i mean around every corner i was expecting something spectacular because of the many many fanboys. So it was okay nothing spectacular i probably will finish it one day but im in the middle of playthrough's of VI and IX so maybe another day.
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  14. #74
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Anyone Hate FF VII? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    I don't think I will play the game unless a FF7 remake is born because the emulator is tearing the menues up, making them a hassle so I can't enjoy the game...

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  15. #75
    The Mad God Anyone Hate FF VII? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Quote Originally Posted by o0Odin0o View Post
    I don't think I will play the game unless a FF7 remake is born because the emulator is tearing the menues up, making them a hassle so I can't enjoy the game...
    You can get the full version on PSN for PSP or PS3 for like 10 bucks.
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  16. #76
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Anyone Hate FF VII? Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    OMG wut how kud any1 h8 Ff7ii. iTz d best 5eva.

    Ok, enough of that. It's actually kind of easy to hate this game, just as easy as one could love it. You can hate the incessant fanboys, who think this game is the greatest ever. You could hate the people who get the panties in a bunch over the Aeris/ Aerith debate. You could hate the does Cloud love Aeris/ Tifa. You can hate Sephiroth, or why so many people think he's the greatest villain ever.

    Honestly, you can hate it because it gets so much unadulterated praise from people who don't really know what they're talking about.

    I for one love the game though. I hate how people get so stupid and worked up over it. It's a very good game, not the best ever. Sephiroth is a decent villain, not the best ever. Cloud isn't the best hero ever, but he's a good damaged one.

    My real problem with 7 is with what it's become. It was perfectly fine and dandy when the game was released and ended as FF7. The story was its own, semi neat, and concise package. Now we have 15 spinoffs, movies, cereal, extra games only for the cell phone, super special "official transcripts" that were signed off on as official by the guy who shipped the game. It's just too much and too ridiculous. It's become something too big for it's own good, adding characters just to make new games, who have zero bearing on the actual story of the original FF7. It's all just a bunch of crap so people will spend some more money.
    ^ --- This. And all of it!

    Seriously, I don't think it's a bad FF game. But to be honest, I think they should have stopped with Advent Children.

    I'm upset at the fanbase, who probably doesn't play the rest of the FF games or at least research about them. I'm mainly upset because I've come across lots of people whose ideas for new characters for the new Dissidia are Zack and Genesis. That's it.

    Genesis I do not know (I dislike prequels and spin-offs, they tend to make stuff confusing from the original installment). But Zack I can say this: He can't be in it because he used the same Buster Sword as Cloud. I've already seen screenshots of Cloud, and it's confirmed he's wielding the Buster Sword. And didn't Zack give it to Cloud right before he died?

    Paraphrasing what Pete has said, now these businessmen are gonna milk this series for all it's worth. And like some people, I'm sure Lightning was hyped to be like Cloud, to give the FFVII fanbase something else to obsess about. And even in Kingdom Hearts, SE tries their best to put the best side story for the FFVII cast. They didn't try so hard with Vivi and Setzer, and that was a disappointment to a lot of people. I'm a FFIX fan, and I'm sure Vivi could have done a lot better (maybe should have had him stand up to Seifer for once).

    I'm upset with the fanbase and Square Enix. The rabid fanbase because its hunger cannot be sated, and SE for letting the series become what it is today. I mean, they even want a remake for FFVII, and it's been said that it would take 3-4 times as long as it took them to make FFXIII. That's like 12-16 years! Would they go for it? Who knows.
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  17. #77
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Quote Originally Posted by o0Odin0o View Post
    Peoples first FF is usually their favorite.
    I agree. Most people I've spoken to have only liked the first ones they've played, which unfortunately in some cases mean the newer instalments in the series. So yes, people might know more about Zack, or Genesis, or Lightening than Kefka or Squall, or Zidane.

    What you people who hate spinoffs and the merchandise fail to understand is that it's to draw attention back to the original game. Not everyone will want to play all thirteen/fourteen Final Fantasy games, so the older ones will eventually get forgotten about. The newer generation of gamers want the ubercool graphics and mechanics - not some colourful piece of pixel junk with an 8 bit soundtrack on their HDTVs.

    It doesn't always work to get people back though. You can hate the people who've played Crisis Core and hype that it's the best game ever, but also don't have the intention to play FFVII. That's just stupidly fanboyish.

    Also, I like all the FFVII spinoffs because I've played them. How can you hate something that you've never given a chance?

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  18. #78
    Bananarama Anyone Hate FF VII? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    My only problem with the spinoffs is that they don't really have anything to do with the story... and that they came out 10 years after the original game did. I understand 7 was a landmark game and truly groundbreaking in terms of both the PS and FF into the mainstream, but why produce so many other titles, and then decide, "oh shit, let's add a whole bunch of crap to the original game."

    It would be one thing if there were allusions in the original game to all of the characters in the spinoffs, yknow, kind of how in Mass Effect, the Shadow Broker is alluded to for the first two games, and then is shown in the DLC later on. If Sephiroth had mentioned Genesis or any of those other characters, even in passing, in the original, and then years later, they decided to release something that they had already planned, but scrapped, or just didn't have the time to properly flesh out by the release date, then fine.

    But no, Square went about and decided to cash in on what the fans have been whining about for years. Since a remake is out of the question, they decided to just produce a movie that really didn't do much of anything, aside from look kinda spiffy, and then extra games, which also really don't do anything for the story. All Crisis Core does is add a bunch of characters who mean nothing to the main story of 7, and essentially grossly expands on the one scene in the Shinra Mansion where the whole Cloud/ Zack thing is appropriately explained in about five minutes.

    I also understand that the majority of people are stupid, and just want the newest and flashiest games, however, I also feel like using a spinoff to draw attention back to the original doesn't really work, especially if the timeframe between games is that wide.

    I just feel that when it comes to the extra content, maybe it's best if some things aren't necessarily messed with. In the grand scheme of things, all of those clowns from Crisis Core don't mean shit. 7 is about Cloud, Aeris and Sephiroth, with sides of Tifa and Barret. To go creating games that don't focus on them, and to rather make a game about the guy who Cloud had pretended to be, just seems a little off to me. It just feels like the game was created because they could make it, and they knew people would buy it.

    If Square really wanted to do the FF series proper justice, they'd to a complete remake of 6, really fleshing out the whole steampunk look, fully orchestrating the music and getting some chick with amazing pipes to do the Opera.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  19. #79
    I do what you can't. Anyone Hate FF VII? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    My problem with the spinoffs is that they're labeled as "part" of FFVII -- so all of the plot holes and negligence of character development from FFVII is covered up by the multitudes of other crap that has to do with it. Most other Final Fantasy games can stand on their own. Final Fantasy VII can't stand on its own because of inferiorities in many different aspects, and instead of it being known as a fair or good game, it's known as one of the best (or the best) because the plot holes, characters, etc. were filled in by later installments.

    And FFVII wasn't the highest selling (at that point) because it was the best, or the best up to that point. No. It was the highest selling because it was the first 3D FF, the first one for the Playstation, the first one that had actual advertisements. And little kids who had never played a Final Fantasy game before, or even an RPG before, were sucked in, played it, and without even realizing that there could be better Final Fantasy games or better RPGs, labeled it as their favorite. Look, he's got a big sword. Look, that guy's got a gun for an arm. (How exactly does a friggin' GUN not do exponentially more damage than a chick's punches, anyway?) Look, that girl has boobs.

    I played FFVII well after it originally came out. So while I don't hate or even dislike the game itself, it was a huge disappointment. It lacks a lot of things that some of the prior Final Fantasy games don't lack. And while you'd be hard-pressed to find somebody who thinks that FFVII was a bad game, you will find a lot of people who are upset with the fanboys/fangirls and whores who think that FFVII was the best without proper reasoning.

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  20. #80

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    No I always love FF7 the storyline was great and all the characters are great

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  21. #81

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    I loved FFVII but its actually one of my least favorites out of the ones I've played.
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  22. #82
    Registered User Anyone Hate FF VII? xxpanzasanchoxx's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    most may not agree with me, but for its time, FFVII was the best rpg I have ever played. From the minute I started a new game and saw the beginning sequence, I knew this one was different. the materia system was sketchy at first, but like the godfather movies you gotta (in this case) play the game over and over to learn something new.
    "I'm the leading man, and you know what they say about the leading man? He never dies." -Balthier

  23. #83
    Badass Military Agent Anyone Hate FF VII? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Honestly, I remember back to when I first played FFVII, but I never heard the term *Best RPG Ever* before. I don't know if it was because it was one the first FF game people ever played, or if it was because of it being the first RPG people ever played but I never got the excitement about it.

    I kinda went backwards when I played it though, after playing the original FF games for NES and SNES, I got my PS1 with FFIX, FFVIII, and FFVII. I started playing 7 for about an hour, then 8 for about another hour, then 9. After I beat 9, I went to 8 and after I beat 8, I went to 7, by this time I had already fallen in love with 8 and 9 so that probably caused me not to see the hype of FFVII.
    Last edited by Linus Li Lelouch; 01-31-2011 at 04:14 PM.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  24. #84

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Yeah, FFVII was alot of peoples first.
    There's alot of self proclaimed 'gamers' that I know that say that they hate VII. It's obviouse they are just going against the grain scince FFVII is popular enough to find its way into the hearts of the casual gamers (vincents FPS, the eye candy film, and that thing for the psp).
    Everything about it was new and fresh expecially when comparing it to all RPGs that came before it.
    I really appriciated the smooth blend of cyberpunk and mythic themes and settings. I can't think of any other game/story/film that have pulled off that mix anywhere close to as good as FFVII did.
    Last edited by JuzamDjinn; 02-01-2011 at 11:35 AM.

  25. #85
    Dark Knight Anyone Hate FF VII? Dark-Knight Luna's Avatar
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    Feb 2009

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    FF7 had a ... broken up story and no character development, besides that, Cloud and Tifa were the only protagonists who got more than two moments of showing off he exists beyond battle. ...I do like FF7 though, if for nothing else, but it's fun sidequests and ... Sephiroth, brings me back.

  26. #86

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    If anyone on this forum does hate FF7 they don't deserve to be on this site. FF7 rocks simple as that!!!

  27. #87
    The Bad Boy of TFF Anyone Hate FF VII? Block's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    this might be the most successful troll thread ever created.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
    I can tell by looking at you right at this moment from the angle of through your window that you have nothing to be ashamed of
    CPC8: Makin' it happen.

  28. #88
    Badass Military Agent Anyone Hate FF VII? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Quote Originally Posted by markandrewkinzett View Post
    If anyone on this forum does hate FF7 they don't deserve to be on this site. FF7 rocks simple as that!!!
    So in other words according to you, we are not allowed to have an opinion towards the FF series, sounds good enough for me >.>

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  29. #89

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    Nope can't say that I hate one of the greatest games ever made....

  30. #90

    Re: Anyone Hate FF VII?

    I love ff7 its one of the best selling games ever. How can anyone hate ff7 its one of the cooliest games ever and i know everyone is entitled to there opinion byt no one suldent hate ff7 i apsolutly love the game the best party in that is cloud red and cid thats my faviroute party.sorry if my spelling isent that good if you get to play the game more offten you might start to like the game.

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