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    O Rly? Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around Arch's Avatar
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    Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    Allright you guys im a noob so bear with me

    I want your guys opininon on Aerith(Kh Name ORIGINAL NAME)/Aeris(FF7 name)

    Was she annoying or just drop dead amazing

    im stuck between the 2..

    It annoyed the Hell outta me when i played the game and leveled her up so much because shes a great healer and then she just died
    after all we had to do to get to her damn familys city

    but when she died i was kinda sad but i didnt cry like some people did ( my cousin aka *****)

    i found her less annoying in the kh series even tho she has such a smaller part
    so im stuck in the middle wats your opinions?

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  2. #2
    I find it annoying that she has two different names, but I really loved her character and without her the game wouldn't have been nearly as good. Never played Kingdom Hearts though, I probably should try it. But back on subject, I never use her knowing she's going to die. I like to stick to a strict set of three (right now i'm using Barrett, Yuffie, and Cloud only because you can't take him out, otherwise i'd replace him with Red XIII). I'd love to use her though just so I could see all of her limits and her weapons but it's just not worth it because of her death.

  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around Xanatos's Avatar
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    Neither annoying nor amazing, you can say something in between of that. I simply thought of her as a useful character and nothing more. But I wasn't sad when she was killed I was more angry because she was on a fricking high level.

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  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Aeris was my second favourite character, and despite leveling her up something rotten, and bothering to get her Ultimate Weapon, only for her to die, I still liked her. Her character didn't annoy me at all - I was just a little peeved and upset when she died after all my hard work. ='[

    I don't get too worked up over games in general anyway, so... yars. =]

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  5. #5
    I agree with Unknown. She was my second favorite character and I really liked her and I even found her very useful. Gladly I was spoiled before playing the game (now way around this spoiler if you ask me O.o"), so I didn't level her up that badly. I just had her in my party all the time because I liked her so much and wanted to enjoy every moment. <3

    She wasn't annoying, but she wasn't totally amazing either. She was in between .-.

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  6. #6
    Registered User Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around
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    I never really got attached to Aeris/Aerith, so I am in between as well. I don't hate her, but I don't really have an overfondness for her either. She was the tragic heroine, and she played her part. But that's all I really have to say about her.
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  7. #7
    Bananarama Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around Pete's Avatar
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    She didn't really do it for me. I was much more of a Tifa fan, because as much of a traditionalist as I am, I'm kind of tired of seeing the whole "damsel in distress" scenario getting played out. I wasn't happy or sad she died, it was more of a surprise because it was one of the first games where I lost a main character.

    Once I found out that she dies, I spent one game getting everyone to retarded high levels, just so I could see Great Gospel, as well as getting everyone elses limits and mastering materia early. It makes the game too easy, but it's a nice way to just appreciate the story for what it is, without really having to worry.

    Ultimately I stuck with Cid Barret and Cloud for my main party.
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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    She didn't really do it for me. I was much more of a Tifa fan, because as much of a traditionalist as I am, I'm kind of tired of seeing the whole "damsel in distress" scenario getting played out. I wasn't happy or sad she died, it was more of a surprise because it was one of the first games where I lost a main character.

    Once I found out that she dies, I spent one game getting everyone to retarded high levels, just so I could see Great Gospel, as well as getting everyone elses limits and mastering materia early. It makes the game too easy, but it's a nice way to just appreciate the story for what it is, without really having to worry.

    Ultimately I stuck with Cid Barret and Cloud for my main party.
    This, mostly, minus the levelling up part. I could never be bothered to do that with Aeris, just because I felt like it was a waste of time on a character I couldn't be ****ed with. I was absolutely stunned when she died though, that's got to be one of the most iconic game deaths/scenes of all time.

    My main party usually consisted of Cloud, Yuffie (surprisingly underrated character) and either Vincent or Tifa.

  9. #9
    Registered User Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around Fayt.'s Avatar
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    I didn't get too attached with her so I wasn't overly bothered with her passing. If I had played Crisis Core before this however I would have been far more disappointed.

    She just didn't mean enough to the game prior her loss to get to me.

  10. #10
    Registered User Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around Yesha's Avatar
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    I reaLLy Like her personaLity.. and her skiLLs (Limit breaks).. I don't reaLLy mind LeveLing her up.. since she's heLpfuL in (boss) battLes, though.. I reaLLy must say she has a weak strength and defense.. but.. I prefer her than Tifa.. anyway.. she's amazing!

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  11. #11
    Angelicos Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around Alther Primus's Avatar
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    I thought that she was pretty cool, so I'm at an exreme of "Awesome." I cried the first couple times I saw her death scene, but after that I just kept getting annoyed that I couldn't beat JENOVA so I was really tired of that scene by the time I finally passed it.

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  12. #12
    Registered User Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around winterborn86's Avatar
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    She wasn't in my top 3 favs, I'm glad I never fully leveled her up cos she died anyway. It does annoy me that she has 2 different names, but to me she will always be Aeris, it's so much nicer than Aerith.

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  13. #13

    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    I have used her before and she is not the most awful character (that title belongs to Cait Sith) but as she dies at the end of disc one I do not see much of a point using her it is better to use the time to level up a character you can use throughout the whole game.

  14. #14
    Registered User Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around DrewYeahhh's Avatar
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    She was awesome but she was one of my main characters i knew she was gonna die but i still used her to the point she dies because she is a brilliant healer.

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  15. #15
    Registered User Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around Diamond Dust's Avatar
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    She isn't really, she just has a higher base magic stat than most if not all others. Annoys the shit out of me that she dies though to be honest, as it's a complete waste of time other than for the AP gained on materia in her possession.

  16. #16

    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    As a character in the story, she was awesome. The scene of her death was very moving.

    As a character in the actual gameplay, she was okay. Nothing to write home about.

  17. #17
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    I never really connected to Aeris that much. During Midgar she was awesome because of all the funny scenes like in the Wall Market or the lol'able love triangle between her, Tifa and Cloud. I always cry whenever I see her die at the end of Disc 1. It annoys me because she had awesome limit breaks like her lvl 4 one for example only for her to die like that. It's sad and a waste. That's why I never level her up or use her because I know what's gonna happen and its such a shame
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    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

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  18. #18
    Registered User Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around DrewYeahhh's Avatar
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    Well i had Tifa replace her anyways :L even tho she wasnt the best of healers :L

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  19. #19
    Final Fantasy Noob! Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    I like her character, but I'm annoyed by what happens after she dies.

    If you're playing FFVII for the first time (and you don't know that she will die), then you are most likely going to have her in your party. She's a great healer after all. When she dies, all that work is gone. If you've been using a certain party of 3 exclusively, you will have 2 good characters, and one gimp character after she dies.

    On the other hand, if you already KNOW she's going to die, you pretty much avoid her like the plague. Why level up a character you're going to lose?
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  20. #20
    Passing fair judgement Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    To be honest I liked her the best in Crisis Core. I leveled her up in VII the first time I played not knowing she died in the middle of the game. But, overall I didn't like her character in VII, she was annoying.
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  21. #21

    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMonkey59 View Post
    I like her character, but I'm annoyed by what happens after she dies.

    If you're playing FFVII for the first time (and you don't know that she will die), then you are most likely going to have her in your party. She's a great healer after all. When she dies, all that work is gone. If you've been using a certain party of 3 exclusively, you will have 2 good characters, and one gimp character after she dies.

    On the other hand, if you already KNOW she's going to die, you pretty much avoid her like the plague. Why level up a character you're going to lose?
    Well, does it even matter? I mean, in FFVII the charcters NOT in your party still level up along with your main party.

  22. #22
    Passing fair judgement Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    Quote Originally Posted by Cereal~Killer View Post
    Well, does it even matter? I mean, in FFVII the charcters NOT in your party still level up along with your main party.
    Well the problem lies in relying on her as the healer of the party. Once she dies you kinda feel at a loss as to who to choose to be your new healer. Unless you know that she dies midway through the game you level her up as your healer.
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  23. #23
    Final Fantasy Noob! Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    Well the problem lies in relying on her as the healer of the party. Once she dies you kinda feel at a loss as to who to choose to be your new healer. Unless you know that she dies midway through the game you level her up as your healer.
    Exactly. You become extremely comfortable in one playstyle, and then it's taken from you.

    It's not a problem, I think it works well. It was just jarring when I lost Aerith. I didn't know what to do to replace her at first.
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  24. #24
    Passing fair judgement Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    It came as a big shock to me when she died suddenly in the middle of the game. She was my highest level person for whatever the reason, and it was definitely a blow when I lost her.
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  25. #25
    Registered User Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around Diamond Dust's Avatar
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    I'll never understand why she was even given a level 4 limit break. If Square had thought more about the limits of other characters that are still actually alive at the end of the game then all would be good.

  26. #26
    Passing fair judgement Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    Quote Originally Posted by Diamond Dust View Post
    I'll never understand why she was even given a level 4 limit break. If Square had thought more about the limits of other characters that are still actually alive at the end of the game then all would be good.
    I'm glad that I wasn't the only one confused by that fact. There are definitely some oddities in FFVII, but it is still one of my favorites.
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  27. #27
    Registered User Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    I figure she got a full set of limit breaks to learn to throw off first time players about her fate (the ones that weren't already spoiled about it anyway). In a normal playthrough, a player isn't going to learn every one of her limit breaks, so they figure they have more game time with her to do so.
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  28. #28
    Final Fantasy Noob! Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    I figure she got a full set of limit breaks to learn to throw off first time players about her fate (the ones that weren't already spoiled about it anyway). In a normal playthrough, a player isn't going to learn every one of her limit breaks, so they figure they have more game time with her to do so.
    Agreed. If she was the only character not to have high level Limit Breaks, you would immediately suspect she wouldn't be sticking around.
    Final Fantasies I've Beaten: FFI, FFXIII

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  29. #29

    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    I think she was just annoying. I really liked Tifa, and Aeris just got in the way. I do realize Cloud was living Zack's life, but Aeris just wasn't intriguing.

  30. #30

    Re: Aerith?? Annoying as fuh!/or amazing all around

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginomee View Post
    I think she was just annoying. I really liked Tifa, and Aeris just got in the way. I do realize Cloud was living Zack's life, but Aeris just wasn't intriguing.
    Tifa is better and Squares obvious choice for the main heroine... But Aerith was real, she was how a real woman suppose to be, not superbadass able to kick the balls right out of your pants. She was a real woman, soft, delicate, emotional. If you don't like that then you must like your women hard and tough, well that's fine I like real women...

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