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Thread: Slightly Awkward

  1. #1
    Memento Rhapso Slightly Awkward Rhaps's Avatar
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    Slightly Awkward

    In FFVI, did Terra display any immaturity, or traits of having a dirty mind?
    I was playing through her Story again in Dissidia, and in VI-2 at the beginning, the dialogue follows as;
    Onion Knight: Be careful Terra, be sure to check their equipment before you go into battle
    Terra: *chuckles*
    Onion Knight: What?
    Terra: Nothing, nothing
    O_o Is that not a that's what she said joke, FF style? Dissidia has loads of 'em, but is Terra really that type of girl from what FFVI gives on her mindset?

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  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Slightly Awkward

    I didn't get that impression of her at all in FFVI and I've certainly played it enough times. Other characters seemed different to me too to be honest, especially Cecil and some of the characters from older games.

    Maybe it was due to a different team working on Dissidia than the older FF main series titles? I mean they also crapped up Setzer in KH2...
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3

    Re: Slightly Awkward

    No, terra is the quiet confused type throughout
    the whole game, until the ending.

  4. #4

    Re: Slightly Awkward

    You never know though. Even with all she goes through, she's still a teenage girl...
    To contemplate is to look at shadows...

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