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Thread: Lets Play Together: FF VI Version

  1. #31
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Anyone still playing? I haven't played since my last update, I've been doing other things. Been meaning to start up on it again. Anyone else?

  2. #32
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Well I guess I can throw this up here, I am currently playing VI for the umpteenth time and I am going for a full party completion.

    I am currently playing the Anthologies version,

    I just got to the WOR and I have already collected,

    Celes (DUH), Sabin, Edgar, Setzer, and Terra

    I think my next area to go will be the veldt and try to replaim Gau and start the whole shadow events off on the right foot. Current paty level is averageing 30.

    So far this is a lower level challenge that hasn't worked out to well. I have only been fighting th battles that I encounter and have not been running around bumping stats, but as of now I am half tempted to say screw it beef my characters and romper stomp through the rest of the game. So I can go back to my other saves and do te low character game where you complete it playing as Celes, Edgar and Setzer only. I recently heard a rumer that if you do so you get an alt ending...
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  3. #33


    to bad you did this over a year ago i started playing FF6 the other day

  4. #34
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Lets Play Together: FF VI Version Treize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magujido View Post
    to bad you did this over a year ago i started playing FF6 the other day
    If you want to start this back up, I can start playing again. Last time I didn't finish, and now that summer is starting I'll have more time to actually play the game. I still want to finish this game since everyone says it is so good, but I always seem to lose focus during the first ten hours.

    EDIT: Does anyone else want to start playing this again? It would probably be a little more interesting with more people playing.
    Last edited by Treize; 06-05-2009 at 01:53 PM.
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  5. #35
    that would be cool i just got to figaro and am about to jump on the chocobos

  6. #36
    im looking for people to online lan a snes emulator to play a 4 player online final fantasy 6 all the way through each player gets 3 characters and we would take turns playing as the navigator if anyone is interested email me at [email protected]

  7. #37
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Lets Play Together: FF VI Version Treize's Avatar
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    Does anyone else want to start this back up? I've been wanting to play a videogame lately, and thought this would be the perfect one because now I have a lot of spare time and will actually be able to finish it.

    I'll wait a couple of days to see if anyone else is going to start. Otherwise, I guess I'll just play by myself... =/
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  8. #38
    i dig this idea ut i want to lan an online game with other players how we would do that im told i am not allowed to disclose that on the site but legally we could use an emulator 4 people strong and play this game together. but anyways im working on beating this game for the 10nth time i suppose. and its the only video game ive ever beaten more than once. that and super mari rpg legend of the seven stars.

  9. #39
    Nintendo-Daily Content Specialist Lets Play Together: FF VI Version classicgamer's Avatar
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    Re: Lets Play Together: FF VI Version

    If this is still cool, I'm playing the SNES Version.

  10. #40
    Midgar savior Lets Play Together: FF VI Version
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    Re: Lets Play Together: FF VI Version

    Is anyone playing any more because i am starting to play the ps1 version

  11. #41
    Star of the FF Show Lets Play Together: FF VI Version Rising Star's Avatar
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    Re: Lets Play Together: FF VI Version

    I'm gonna do this as well FF6 is just epic

  12. #42
    TFF's Resident Messenger Lets Play Together: FF VI Version Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Lets Play Together: FF VI Version

    I am playing Final Fantasy VI for the first complete time. I have started files before, but I never got too far. I am playing the PS1 version. Anyway, right now...

    Time- 8:36
    Steps- 18,279
    GP- 3,569

    Current Party
    Level- 10 HP- 219

    Level- 13 HP- 315
    Tools- AutoCrossbow, NoiseBlaster, Bio Blaster
    Relics- True Knight, Gauntlet

    Level- 12 HP- 271 MP- 126
    Magic- Cure, Antdot, Fire, Drain
    Relics- Star Pendant, Jewel Ring

    I am currently at the save point in the cave at Narshe. I wanted to stay in the area where the Moogles were (they are cute!), but I know there is a mission to do. I finished the scenarios with LOCKE/CELES and SABIN/SHADOW/CYAN/GAU, and decided not to post there stats here. I have them on a spreadsheet, but as I didn't type up the abilities and relics for them, I don't want to leave them incomplete.

    Well, off I go to save the world.

    UPDATE 2-20-12
    I have reached Zozo and spent nearly 30 minutes trying to get back out. There are so MANY battles. All that time, and I accomplished nothing except leveling up my party.

    Speaking of which, my party is EDGAR, LOCKE, and SABIN. E and L are Level 17, and S is Level 19. Every battle is the same. S uses Fire dance, E uses Drill or AutoCrossbow, and L steals.

    Shadow was in my party when I arrived in Kohlingen. Then after one battle, he left. And I paid good hard-earned gil to get him to join the party. It sucks that the one battle he was in, he didn't do anything. Basically, I paid 3000 gil to stand there and look pretty.

    Oh well. Off I go to find Terra.
    Last edited by Michael Swayne; 02-20-2012 at 11:41 AM. Reason: UPDATE #1
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