The mod is strong with this one...

I've got it, and have a patch in place to remove the bilinear filtering everyone's soooooooo irritated about.

I can't figure out how to get to the last boss in the Dragon's Den because it's basically a giant deformed pretzel unlike anything I've ever seen in a SNES game (including Tales of Phantasia!).

There's even work underway to basically insert the SNES sprites into this version. And Blitzing works like a charm. If you ain't got an Xbox 360 controller or a comparable alternative, you'll need to Joy2Key it, but it's not too hard once you get the hang of it (ProTip: do not map anything to the arrow keys. Use the numeric keypad).

So what's the verdict here? Did TFF embrace or reject this very different entry into the main series' remake library?