Courtesy of Square Enix Community and the fine team over at Square Enix DLG, we've got a free copy of FINAL FANTASY IV: The After Years for iOS at our disposal to give away upon launch later this month! For details and rules of entry, check below the jump.
Though FINAL FANTASY IV: The After Years has graced the Wii eShop (episodic, 2009) and the PSP (April 2011, as part of FINAL FANTASY IV: The Complete Collection) platforms already, it has yet to see a mobile release outside of Japan. This updated release will feature the same 3D style as FINAL FANTASY IV on the DS, repurposed for the iOS and Android platforms.
In order to win your copy of The After Years on iOS, all you need to do is post in this thread telling us two things:
You are welcome to carry on conversation on these points, but both must be addressed in your first post in order to qualify.• What is your favorite thing about FINAL FANTASY IV?
• What do you feel gives this game a replayability factor?
The winner of the prize will be drawn at random out of qualifying entrants. The drawing will be streamed live via sometime shortly after the conclusion of the entry period (further details and livestream time to be determined post-contest). Qualifying posts will be counted until 23:59 29 November 2013, Pacific Standard Time.
Please keep in mind that the prize is only for the iOS version of the software. At this time, no Android version will be available as a prize. If you wish to participate in discussion but cannot utilize the reward, please note in your first post that you will be unable to receive the prize.
OFFICIAL RULES: No purchase necessary to enter. Only one entry allowed per user. Users may post multiple times in the interest of conversation, but only receive one entry. Users found manipulating the giveaway via multiple accounts will have all accounts disqualified, and duplicate accounts deleted as per forum regulations.