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Thread: GBA before DS?

  1. #1

    GBA before DS?

    Hey guys, I have just recently got into Final Fantasy and after watching numerous Final Fantasy IV trailers I have decided to take the plunge and buy BOTH the GBA version and then the DS version.

    Now my question is, keeping in mind I have not played either versions before, do you think I would appreciate the game more if I played the GBA version first and then the DS version after? That way I will be playing it in the same order as you guys that have most likely played it from the beginning. Did you appreciate the DS version more because you played the GBA (or the SNES, whichever) first. What would you guys do?

    Cheers guys!

  2. #2
    I do what you can't. GBA before DS? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: GBA before DS?

    I think the GBA version is the better one, so I would go with the DS version first. The DS version has some interesting additions, but I prefer those of the GBA version. I don't know how much you know about either one, and it would of course be your call on which to play first (I'd recommend playing the one you're less into first, to then move on to the one you think you'll like better -- but of course, you could also play the one you think you'll like more first, then the other one, then go back to whichever you liked better, so you're not playing through one version while anticipating the other).

    Have you played FFIV at all before, or no? If not, I would recommend playing the SNES or PSX version first. Or if you don't want to do that, go with the GBA version first -- for the most part, it's more like the original (most of the added content is at the end).

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  3. #3

    Re: GBA before DS?

    After much thought I have started the GBA one first. My plan is to play the older one first so when I play the DS one it will be full of brand new exciting features. I will enjoy the GBA one and then play the DS one and it will be even better with more content. I think if I played the DS one first the GBA one might feel like a step backwards because it has less features and it might sour the experience and will always be comparing it to a newer game with more content. Seeing the characters that I got to know and love in the GBA version, come to life in the DS version I think will be very special as well, whereas I wouldn't have as much appreciation for it if I played the DS one first.....

  4. #4
    Passing fair judgement GBA before DS? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: GBA before DS?

    Well, not that it matters at this point, but I would have said play the DS one first. The GBA ones IMO are more true to what they originally were.
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  5. #5

    Re: GBA before DS?

    I have decided to start playing the DS one, although i love the old school sprites, I find it harder to get emotionally involved with the character's because the dialogue is minimal, there are no cut scene's and on a very badly lit GBA (I have a DSi so I can't play with a back lit DS ), I am struggling. I think the experience will be a lot more involving in the DS version. I am by no means a graphic whore (Two of my favourite games of all time are F-Zero on the SNES and Pokemon Blue), but Final Fantasy games are all about taking you on an emotional journey, and it's irritating having to constantly re position the screen to get a good balance of light and dark and problems like that. Sorry GBA version, it's Nintendo's fault for taking the GBA out of the DSi lol.

  6. #6
    I will save the world GBA before DS? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: GBA before DS?

    I played the PSX version before the DS version, the DS version is actually harder IMO, I got killed too many times by those stupid dragons on the moon, but I think should u do GBA before DS? It'd be better to do the original which is either the SNES or the PSX

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  7. #7

    Re: GBA before DS?

    ive played both and would advise sticking 2d with the GBA version, however if you have a PSP, the collection is out and boy its a deal and a half! lots of content.


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