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reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009Random;:
Ice Dragon-Drops: Final Trump
Storm Dragon-Drops: Longinus
Earth Dragon-Drops: Godhand
Blue Dragon-Drops: Save the Queen
Red Dragon-Drops: Apocalypse
Skull Dragon-Drops: Scorpion Tail
Holy Dragon-Drops: Zanmato
Gold Dragon-Drops: Zwill Crossblade
Kaiser Dragon-Drops-Diablos Magicite
Question-What's the Tool you can find in the Tower of Fanatics and how do you acquire it?
A. It's the Air Anchor. You must examine a wall in the back of a chest and you hear a "click", a new door will open outside of that room and open the chest for the Air Anchor.
Q. What Weapons, Armor, and Items can you buy from Kohlingen? ( The First Visit.)
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
Oh dear.... I know that Setzer starts out with the headband and that if you remove it from him, he can never wear it again and...
Okay... name all of Mog's dances.
I stopped seeking to be sought after. That wasn't being true to myself.
I want to become someone who can exercise power. I want to become a prince. - Kunihiko Ikuhara "Ikuni"
Windsong (Obtained by fighing in grassland areas)
Forest Suite (Forest areas)
Desert Aria (Desert areas)
Love Sonata (Town areas)
Earth Blues (Mountain areas)
Water Rondo (Underwater areas)
Dusk Requiem (Cave areas)
Snowman Jazz (Snowy areas)
Q: What Weapons, Armor, and Items can you buy from Kohlingen? ( The First Visit.)
(Since it wasn't actually answered)
Air knife, Chain Flail, Moonring Blade, Shriken, Flame Scroll, Water Scroll, Lightning Scroll, and Invisibilty Scroll.
Mythril Shield, Magus Hat, Bandana, Twist Headband, Iron Helm, Silk Robe, and Iron Armor.
Holy Water
Green Cherry
Phoenix Down
Sleeping Bag
and Tent
Q. What is the correct clock time combination that you must solve in order to get Edgar's Chainsaw tool at Zozo?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A: 6:10:50
Q: How many Espers do Terra, Locke, Relm, and Strago meet? And soon after, how many pieces of Magicite does Kefka obtain in Thamasa?
Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.
Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
A. Hmm.. If I remember they meet 8 espers, and kefka collected about 10 or 11 pieces of magicite. Correct if wrong
Q. What the names of each of the Warring Triad that you fight in Kefka's Tower?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A: Doom, Goddess, and Poltergeist
Q: How does the ending change if you do not have Sabin?
A. lol I never been without Sabin, but when the piece of the tower falls would'nt it crush Edgar?... ouch! Sabin would hold it up but without his strength you kinda get the picture lol.
Q. How does the ending change if you don't have Relm?![]()
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A: During Relm's scene, it'll just show her menu portrait while the screen slowly moves across Thamasa (the default menu/home town setup for most characters when missing).
Without Sabin, it wouldn't crush Edgar, but it will block their path, forcing Setzer, Edgar, and Celes to move it as a team. Edgar makes a comment about how useful Sabin would be right now.
Q: Which Espers can you acquire in Jidoor?
A: 2 Ifrit and Shiva
Q: WHich 2 characters can equip a spear?
Dragoons Rule
This is a MUST SEE:
ChecK it out FFIV DS!!!!!!!!
If you are are good drawer, good with photoshop, or feel like looking at some pictures check this out:
its a contest to see who can draw the best final boss for a FF game, which i am a judge. If you want more info check the thread or ask Momo Mastermind
A. Mog and Edgar
Q. In the WOR where can you find all of your characters?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
Since no one is answering I'll answer this and move to a new question:
Celes: Solitary Island
Sabin: Tzen
Terra: Mobliz
Edgar: Nikeah
Setzer: Kolingen
Cyan: Mt. Zozo
Gau: Veldt
Relm: Jidoor ( Owzer's Mansion )
Strago: Cult of Kefka Tower
Shadow: Veldt Cave, Collseum
Locke: Phoenix Cave
Mog: Narshe Mines
Umaro: Narshe Mines ( joins after fight )
Gogo: Triangle Island/ Zone Eater Belly
Q. Name all of Deathgaze's Attacks.
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
Since no one is answering I'll answer and make a new question:
A. Aero, Lvl 5 Death, Flare, Propeller Wind
Q. On your first trip to South Friago what Weapons and Armor can you buy from the Shops?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A. hmm.. on the first trip to south figaro, I believe you can buy a dagger, mythril knife, mythril sword, great sword, noise blaster and bio-blaster (if your counting ed's tools). As for the armor shop there are bucklers, heavy shields, hairband, plumed hat, cotton robe, and kenpo gi.
Q. How much gil did shadow (clyde) steal in his train robbing days. one of his flash backs?
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
It's not the size of the summon, it's how you use it.
Something like a couple million gil?
If I got it wrong, ignore.
Q: When do you first see Kefka in FFVI?
[Today 2:38 AM] Lord Kaos: Police report on their IPs?
[Today 2:39 AM] Kit Fisto: im going to kill him now.
[Today 2:39 AM] Koloth: I tried to check IPs... but the asshole is probably using proxies
[Today 2:39 AM] Kit Fisto: brb im off to kill them both.
[Today 2:39 AM] Lady Aerith: and I don't have the power to IP ban either...
A. Well you actually see him the first time in Terra's dream when she falls in the Narshe Mines at the start of the game, but in person, you see him at Friago Castle on the first trip.
Q. Where do you meet Shadow for the first time in the game?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A. I believe you first meet Shadow at the pub in south figaro...
(correct me if wrong)
Q. Whats the name of the monster that attacked Strago's friend Gungho?
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It's not the size of the summon, it's how you use it.
A. Hidon!
Q. How many pieces of Coral are needed in order for the chest to move in Abot's Rock?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A. at least 20. (I usually get around 40 pieces too be safe b/c i hate starting over)
Q. What esper can you learn Bio from?
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
It's not the size of the summon, it's how you use it.
A. Maria
Q. What are all of the main character's full names? Special Bonus worth nothing: Including Kefka's last name. (Probably still an easy question, soooFor an even extra worthless bonus: What character in the game is the poster boy/girl for Nihilism?
A: Locke Cole
Celes Chere
Terra Branford
Edgar Roni Figaro
Sabin Rene Figaro
Clyde "Shadow" Arrowny
Cyan Garamonde
Sezter Gabbiani
Strago Magus
Relm Arrowny
Mog Moogleton (yes I made the surname up :<)
Kefka Palazzo ()
Celes was the poster girl at some point, at least if you let Cid die anyway. Otherwise I'd say it was Kefka.
Q: Other than HP absorbing attacks and attacks that cause instant death like Snare, what other kind of attack is ineffective against monsters that are immune to instant death?
Last edited by Palazzo; 12-20-2007 at 07:22 AM.
A. Im gonna go with mp absorbing attacks (like osmose).
Q. How many guards "total" is it possible to talk to before the "emperor's diner event"?
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
It's not the size of the summon, it's how you use it.
A. I believe it is a total of 24, ( correct if wrong )
Q. What does Cyan hide in the chest you see in the cave at Mt. Zozo?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A. Mechanical help magazines and "Bushido in the bedroom"
Q. Who was Sabin's rival when he was training under master Duncan?
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
It's not the size of the summon, it's how you use it.
A. Vargas
Q. Why does Locke insist on Protecting Terra and Celes?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A. I never got to check his equipment, but I'm assuming he had either a Aegis or Force Shield, and as for the sword I don't know. ( if someone knows correct me )
Q. Why is Shadow's Dog "Intercepter" so attached to Relm?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
Because Shadow is Relms father
Dragoons Rule
This is a MUST SEE:
ChecK it out FFIV DS!!!!!!!!
If you are are good drawer, good with photoshop, or feel like looking at some pictures check this out:
its a contest to see who can draw the best final boss for a FF game, which i am a judge. If you want more info check the thread or ask Momo Mastermind