Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: Fake Mustache
Q: This should be interesting ... Of the 14 primary characters, name the order that they are seen first in the game. This includes cutscenes and such. (Not when they're first playable, but when you first catch a glimpse of them.)
Of course, the first is Terra. Continue.
(EDIT: Of course, this is considering that you do as much as you can, when you can. For example, going back to Narshe and seeing another character there, long before they actually join your party, when you get Mog or the Gold Hairpin. And yes, you meet Mog long before that, too.)
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Let's see
Terra, Locke, Mog, Umaro, Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, Banon (the 3 scenairo, depends on the order)*Celes, Cyan, Gau, Strago, Relm, Gogo
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Originally Posted by
Let's see
Terra, Locke, Mog, Umaro, Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, Banon (the 3 scenairo, depends on the order)*Celes, Cyan, Gau, Strago, Relm, Gogo
I'll leave it a Free Question after this because I have since forgotten the exact order, but I'll make a few pointers:
You don't see Umaro on your first trip through the mines with Terra and Locke. That's not until later, if/when you go for Mog in your party or a Gold Hairpin. So he'd be last or second-to-last, depending only upon if you go through Narshe in the WoR before or after you go through Triangle Island for Gogo.
Celes makes an appearance in a cutscene even before you see Locke -- when Terra is waking up in Narshe after the removal of her Slave Crown, there's a scene with Kefka, Leo, and Celes standing next to each other, and Terra in front of them.
Banon is not one of the 14 primary characters -- the other wound be Setzer.
The only characters you meet within the three scenarios are Celes (whom you saw before), Shadow, Cyan, and Gau -- the last three are all in the same scenario, so it doesn't matter which order you do them in.
So I believe it would be Terra, Celes, Locke, Mog, Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, Cyan, Gau, Setzer, Strago, Relm, Umaro, Gogo.
The only alteration would be if you went through the Narshe mines again before you took the ship to Thamasa. If that's possible, Umaro would be seen before Strago and Relm. Or, if you didn't go back to Narshe at all until the WoR after acquiring Gogo, Umaro would be last.
But anyway. Free question.
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Wow I can't believe I forgot about Setzer.
How do you get the relic "Merit Award"?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: The Merit Award can only be acquired at the Colosseum, and only by wagering either the Excalipoor or the Miracle Shoes and winning the subsequent battles.
Q: True or False: The Ragnarok and Lightbringer/Illumina have random spellcasting effects.
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: Yes, the Ragnarok casts Flare randomly and the other sword casts Pearl
Q: What is the ? for Level ? Pearl?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: If I remember correctly, it has to do with the amount of gil you hold.
Q: What rare drop can you receive from Brachiosaur?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: Why yes, I believe it is the Atrocious Economizer and Greypoupon poop
Q: What is the ending for Shadow's dream!!!??
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: trick question seeing there was more then one dream sequence. I am not going to list all of them either seeing that is not how your trick question was set up.
Seeing the guy that was banned did not properly respond and failed to provide the correct responce to Draco's question, I am going to repost it.
Q: What rare drop can you receive from Brachiosaur?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: Since it was my question to start with, I might as well answer it. The Brachiosaur has a small percentage of a chance of dropping an Economizer/Celestriad, which allows for the cost of all spells to be 1 MP.
Q: Don't know if this one's been done, yet, but list the names of all of the exclusive weapons found in the Dragon's Den, as well as who they belong to.
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Oborozuki - Shadow
Gungir - Mog
Angel Brush - Relm
Final Trump - Setzer
Longinus - Edgar
Save the Queen - Celes
Apocalypse - Terra
Scorpion Tail - Gogo
Zanmato - Cyan
Godhand - Sabin
Zwill Crossblade - Locke
Q: What is Shadow's regret from his past?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: Well, I guess he regrets leaving his injured friend Baram behind.
Q: In PlayStation version of Final Fantasy VI which town is misspelled during the into.
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Hidon? Seems to easy.
What boss can you send to the X-Zone without the vanish/doom trick?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Well, I guess it wasn't easy after all as you got it wrong, it's Narshe and it was misspelled as Narche. Though, your question still stands.
Originally Posted by
What boss can you send to the X-Zone without the vanish/doom trick?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Hidon isn't even a town.
A: The Boss is Wrexsoul.
Q: Where is the first place in the game to get the relic, Ribbon?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: The first place to snag a Ribbon is during Locke's scenario in South Figaro. It's one of the items in the rich man's basement.
Q: Who are the only 2 characters that don't possess Desperation Attacks?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Gau and Umero
Along the same lines:
What is the name of Gogo's desperation attack?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: If I remember correctly, the SNES version calls it X-Meteor. I don't know if it's the same in the GBA.
Q: At Daryl's Tomb, when you fight the Presenter/Angler Whelk, what item does it drop?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
I goofed, I answered a question on page 1 instead of the latest page. lol me
Dragon Claw for the latest answer
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Since no new question was asked, i'll take over.
What did Kefka say after he put poison in Doma's water?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: If I remember right, his exact words were "I love the sound of hundreds of voices screaming in unison."
Q: What is the GBA name for Cyan's Sky Render weapon?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Alright, this is my first official post. Just joining! Im giving a shout out as FFVI is my absolute favorite FF, if you didnt know by the name.
As I'm such a huge fan of originals, I dont know the answer to this question. I own and love the FFVI: A version, but its just not the same so I'm not as attached. I'll guess and say CLEAVE, but I'm fairly certain that's wrong.
Not to throw a stick in the fan, but here's my question:
How many treasures are found in the FLOOR of the Sealed Cave? (Cave leading to the Esper World)
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Originally Posted by
Alright, this is my first official post. Just joining! Im giving a shout out as FFVI is my absolute favorite FF, if you didnt know by the name.
As I'm such a huge fan of originals, I dont know the answer to this question. I own and love the FFVI: A version, but its just not the same so I'm not as attached. I'll guess and say CLEAVE, but I'm fairly certain that's wrong.
Not to throw a stick in the fan, but here's my question:
How many treasures are found in the FLOOR of the Sealed Cave? (Cave leading to the Esper World)
Welcome to the forum, friend! ^_^ And you're quite right, that is the wrong answer, so my original question still stands.
Q: What is the GBA name for Cyan's Sky Render weapon?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: The Mutsonokami I believe
Q: T/F all characters had past troubles with the empire
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Shadow, Gau, Setzer, Strago, Relm, Mog, Gogo, and Umaro have no clear past troubles with the Empire. Shadow has possible past troubles, but nothing that's too bad -- hell, it doesn't stop him from working for them again. Setzer was pretty friendly with the Empire for a long while.
I'll give an easy question. Within the first hour of the game, what is the best (or only) way to get "advanced" weapon and shield without finding them or having to buy them?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: I'd think that'd be fairly obvious: You gotta use a code to do it. Otherwise, there's no way to do it.
Q: The Ogre Nix is a powerful weapon, but it has one unfortunate drawback. What is this drawback?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Originally Posted by
A: I'd think that'd be fairly obvious: You gotta use a code to do it. Otherwise, there's no way to do it.
I didn't mean an end-game weapon, but simply more advanced than is available at the time. I think it's a general unwritten rule for trivia threads that "you use a code" is never a correct answer. The answer is: You take Mog's Mithril Shield and Mithril Pike off of him during battle, while the Moogles come to help Locke rescue Terra.
Q: The Ogre Nix is a powerful weapon, but it has one unfortunate drawback. What is this drawback?
The Ogre Nix can break during battle, rendering it useless and its holding character unarmed. Fortunately, you can bet the Flame Sabre, Thunderblade, and Blizzard (Sword) at the Colosseum to get multiple Ogre Nix's.
Next question: What armor can only Gau, Mog, and Umaro wear?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Okay, this one is a simple one. The only armor that Gau, Mog, and Umaro can wear is the Snow Scarf/Snow Muffler. It absorbs damage from both fire and ice, and it has amazing defensive capabilities.
Q: The Illumina/Lightbringer is often considered the most powerful weapon in the game. How is it obtained?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Beat the Ragnorak in the Colosseum
Q: What is Edgar's fake name in the WOR?
Re: Final Fantasy VI Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: If I remembers...it's
FQ if I'm right.