are there be a final fantasy vi sequelSPOILER!!:
are there be a final fantasy vi sequelSPOILER!!:
Last edited by LocoColt04; 06-08-2011 at 10:03 PM. Reason: Added spoiler tags for the people who still have not played this game.
I don't think theres going to be one...but I would like to see a Prequel. Like What happend in the War of the Magi. That would be friggen awesome.
Zeromus > Golbez
I don't think there should be one, I mean how do you follow the original and keep it awesome and not convoluted or crazy. Maybe a manga or comic or something for fan service but not a full blown game.
I'm actually surprised they haven't made a sequel. They made one for FFIV, but isn't FFVI widely conisdered the best in the series?
It's weird they haven't tried to capitalize off of that.
Final Fantasies I've Beaten: FFI, FFXIII
Currently Playing: FFIX
I agree, that would make for an awesome side-game. I loved the little cutscenes showing what happened in the Esper world etc, and would love to see a prologue made. I think loads of FF fans would love it.Originally Posted by Zeromus
Favourite Lyric For Now:
"Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."
Lady Gaga
TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515MY FF TWIN - Firefly
TFF STEP-HUSBAND-IN LAW - Gilgamesh~Enkidu
I was more surprised that IV got a sequel and not VI. VI seemed the more beneficial one for a sequel thanks to it's ending.
However, I do not like the ideas to sequels for Final Fantasy games. I get why, but I like each game telling you an all inclusive story that lets you interpret the events before and after yourself. It makes it more personal for me.
Fantasies completed:
I actually prefer a Remake of FF6. Who knows maybe in the future? 3DS or Vita?
This has divided feelings for me, it would be good to see a sequel or prequel, but it could also potentialy ruin the whole game if it wasent done right.
The question is, where would they go with it? If they did make a sequel, they don't have much to work on. All magic is gone from the world because all the espers have left. Perhaps play on that? But even the Magicite disappeared when Kefka's Tower crumbled. No one would really challenge the gang after seeing they could slay a near God, right?
There isn't a need for a sequel, regardless of how good it is. There really are no loose ends. Now that magic is finally gone from the world, it has to progress with technology. If there WOULD be a sequel, it would be something like the FF VII sequels, just thrown together with unnecessary stuff ADDED to the story. The only reason a game should have a sequel would be if it was a cliff hanger. I've yet to play the FF IV sequel, but there were a few issues left unresolved, mainly involving Kain, maybe the lunarians, but that isn't really a big deal, but Kain going all crazy and killing Cecil to be with Rosa... FF IX has plenty that could be turned into a sequel as well, too much to name in fact, but it's too good for them to give fan service to :| Although a prequel to VI...that could be interesting, although I would prefer a full revamp remake.
There could be a sequel. It could focus about how espers (not eldorons, dammit) have created a great influx of magika in the human world, coupled with Kefka's mad experiments and tapping into it's sources that further tipped it's balance. That would create serious monster mutations, unseal terrible beasts, wake up enemies of Magika wars era and create new type of chaos. I'd be down for that sort of stuff.