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Thread: Final Fantasy VI battle theme remade with FFVII's soundfont

  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! Final Fantasy VI battle theme remade with FFVII's soundfont SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VI battle theme remade with FFVII's soundfont

    I am currently listening to songs imported into other games and I came across FFVI's battle theme remade with FFVII's instruments and I wanted to share this with the FF community here.

    What do you think of this arrangement? do you think it plays well with FFVII's instruments?
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  2. #2
    Kain's love slave ;) Final Fantasy VI battle theme remade with FFVII's soundfont Holly Highwind's Avatar
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    Wow I think that was really cool! Its a little wierd at the first time listening because its not what youre expecting but it is pretty cool. I hope someone can do the same for FF4
    ***Holly Highwind***

  3. #3
    Wow, this actually works. Though I feel most of the music from VI would benefit being orchestrated! Final Fantasy music in general is grand-scale so the media of orchestra works well!

  4. #4
    Registered User Final Fantasy VI battle theme remade with FFVII's soundfont NemoPS's Avatar
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    It definitely plays well. Although I agree with Emiliow, this is one of the pieces from Final Fantasy VI that REALLY deserves being orchestrated. By Uematsu-sama, of course

  5. #5
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Final Fantasy VI battle theme remade with FFVII's soundfont T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Funny to hear, but the instruments for FFVII and FFVI are pretty similar.

    You can notice they used the instruments, as the guitar is pretty similar to the boss theme, and they used a bit of violins there. Interesting to see how they kept the tempo, which makes it sound very similar. However, it also feels like they had to cheat somewhat, because some of the instruments were really similar.

    To be precise, though, it's possible they used FFVII's software and the PSX hardware to replicate the music. Not sure if it was the PSX or the PS2 that allowed using common music formats for songs (essentially allowing to replicate the song directly, rather than use the innate instruments of the console to "mimic" the song), but earlier consoles did so. You can notice the difference with, for example, Etrian Odyssey; the original game used the DS hardware, while the remake completely revamped the music, and then there's the PC-88/PC-98 hardware the composer used to create the songs (a rare example of composing for a primitive console, then upgrading the music). It's just as noticeable with the oncoming FFX HD remastering, which uses the same principle (the music software and hardware are improved, therefore allowing for finer instruments).

    It's interesting, though, that the music is so similar despite the two music styles differing so much. The SNES music hardware was pretty good, but nowhere near as complex as the PSX hardware, so it's strange that the music sounds so similar. That's why I say they probably had to cheat.
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  6. #6
    I like it. It's faithful but with improved guitar and drums.

    Quote Originally Posted by Emiliow View Post
    Wow, this actually works. Though I feel most of the music from VI would benefit being orchestrated! Final Fantasy music in general is grand-scale so the media of orchestra works well!
    There's been a few songs done. Here's a great performance of my favorite FF6 song

  7. #7
    Registered User Final Fantasy VI battle theme remade with FFVII's soundfont Pikachu's Avatar
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    Oh, that's really cool. I kind of like the VI's (or should I say the SNES's?) instruments better since VII's sound very synthetic, if you catch my drift. But this is a very well done adaptation of it, and I wouldn't mind seeing more of it.

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