Correct sire, and ninjitsu is considered ninja
A: Eblan Castle is a little south eastern of Baron, basically south western of the whole square map.
Q: Where is Fabul castle located on the world map?
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Correct sire, and ninjitsu is considered ninja
A: Eblan Castle is a little south eastern of Baron, basically south western of the whole square map.
Q: Where is Fabul castle located on the world map?
I kept thinking was Ninjitsu a magic or skill? lol thanks for the info ^_^'
A. If I remember it was located on the Far Eastern side of the world map. ( correct if wrong.
Q. What armor does Kain have on when you get him back?
You need to be more specific... you get Kain back multiple times...
1st time= i think Mythril Armor(tower of Zot)
2nd time=Genji Armor(Tower of Babil)
Which spear can be found in Eblan castle?
Since no one is answering I'll make a new question:
Q. What is the name of the boss you fight in the Waterway Cavern?
A: You mean the waterway cavern a the beginning with Tellah? That would be Octomammoth!
Q: What is the name of Golbez's summon which gets beaten by Rydia's Mist dragon?
I beilive it is Dark Dragon, but im not sure.
Q: kind of an odd question but, Who does the Japanese voice for Kain in the FFIV DS Remake?
A. Koichi Yamadera
Q. In the DS version who is the JAP voice actor for Cecil?
Shizuma Hidoshima
Q: What is the attack power of the Wind Spear?
A. 55
Q. Attack power of the Blood lance?
I believe it is 86
What is the Attack Power of the Flame Spear?
A. 66
Q. What the attack power of the Ice Lance, Abel's Lance, and the Wyvern Lance?
hahaha my type of question 77, 230, 99 respectively
Q:What is the COMBINED attack power of the Gungnir and Holy lances?
A. I think that would be 201 ( correct if wrong )
Q. What is the attack power of the Excalibur, Lightbringer, and the Ragnarok?
160, 99, 200 respectively i believe...
Q:What is the attack power of the "Spear"?
A. lol 9 :lol:
Q. How can you obtain the Excalbiur?
A: The excalibur can be obtained by "upgrading" the sword of legend through the blacksmith. To do this, obtain the Rat's tail from the cave of Silvera and exchange it for the adamant's ore. This will make the blacksmith inspired to do his job again and everyone will be happy, happy!
Q: Where can you obtain the Ragnarok?
A. The Lunar Subterranean
Q. Where can find/obtain Cecil's Flame Sword, and Deathbringer?
A: I know you can find Cecil's Flame Sword in the tower of Zot from a chest or some enemies in there, but as for his Deathbringer, i'm not too sure. But i do know you get it before Mysidia...caves around Fabul?
(the king of Fabul gives you the deathbringer...)
Q: Which spear can be won from Blue Dragons?
A. Was it the Wyvern Lance? ( correct if wrong )
Q. Where is Mt. Hobs located on the World Map?
A. Mt. Hobs is located east of Damcyan castle and Antlion cave.
Q. What illness did Rosa have shortly before she joined the party?
A. She had a terrible case of Desert Fever ( Poor Rosa:ohno:)
Q. What was needed to cure her Desert Fever?
A: To cure Rosa's sand sickness, she needed an antlion/sandlion ruby.
Q: How many clerics are there in Troia's castle?
I believe there are Nine
Q: what level does Kain start on at the beggining of the game?
A. Level 10
Q. What starting level is Edge when he first joins the party?
A. I believe he's around lvl 25 when he joins up.
Q. Whats the name of the kingdom that Edge is the prince of?
Q: What are the names of the four elemental lords and what are their elemental properties?
A. Rubicante (fire), Cagnazzo (water), Barbariccia (wind), and Scarmiglione (earth).
Q. What are the names of all 3 Magus sisters?