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Thread: FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside)

  1. #151

    Exclamation Shadow

    Can someone help me?
    I have everyone except Shadow. How can I get him?

  2. #152
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    In the World of Ruin? easy shit.

    Goto the Colleseum, and put your betting item in as the "Striker" Knife, which Shadow is looking for, with any luck you will be up against him, and you will more then likely kick his ass.. lol, after that he joins you and you keep the Striker ^^.

    You should've posted this in the Helpline, i'll merge it with it now.

    EDIT: If you dont face him in the Colleseum (make sure you save before you go in) goto the Cave in the Veldt and you will find him there;

    (shamelessly ripped from a walkthrough )

    In here when you enter Interceptor will see you and it appears that he wants you to follow him. So follow him and in this next room there are thieves near a fire, talk to them and they will tell you SPECIFICALLY how to acquire Gau if you had not done so yet, so if you can't interpret their words and still don't understand you are pretty slow! Continue through and pick up the treasure chest to the left and inside it contains a RAGE RING relic. There is also another treasure chest which contains TIGER FANGS for Sabin, but its guarded by an Allo Ver.

    After that make your way through to the bottom staircase. And continue to go through the stairs until you reach a door with a switch to the right of it. Hit the switch and pick up the STRIKER and then continue through to the right and you should eventually reach a save point, so save your game and heal your wounds. Then make your way to the next room you will see Shadow(or Relm if Shadow did not jump off with you on the Floating Continent). Then suddenly the party is attacked!

    HP: 19,000

    This battle will be difficult, cause you will have to face off against the two of them. Have Terra and Celes use Fire magic on the first SirBehemoth and have Cyan use his SwdTech, Sabin his Blitz(pummel or Suplex), Gau anyone of his rage attacks, Setzer his regular attacks or Slots, and have Edgar use his Drill in this battle. Keep doing this until the first one dies and then another one will attack from behind. This time continue the same pattern but have Celes and Terra use Ice magic against the 2nd SirBehemoth. After defeating the two you will recieve a BEHEMOTHSUIT and CRYSTAL SHLD.

    After the battle the party takes Shadow(or Relm) to Thamasa where he can heal his wounds. Then a flashback occurs to Shadow's past where he left out of town and Interceptor follows.

    Then its AFTER that when you goto the Colleseum and do the whole Striker thing.
    Last edited by Dawezy; 02-25-2003 at 02:33 PM.


  3. #153
    I think I have a problem I can't find it anymore is there another way to get a striker or Shadow?

  4. #154
    And another thing I deafeated 6 dragons but I can't find anymore of them (I defeated them in Narshe, the Magic Tower, Ancient Castle, Mt Zozo, Opera House and the Phoenix Cave).
    Ehere's the rest of them.

  5. #155
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    I think I have a problem I can't find it anymore is there another way to get a striker or Shadow?
    Did you save him in the World of Balance? at the End of the Floating Continent? if you didnt, well, you wont be able to find him sorry, heh.

    And another thing I deafeated 6 dragons but I can't find anymore of them (I defeated them in Narshe, the Magic Tower, Ancient Castle, Mt Zozo, Opera House and the Phoenix Cave).
    Ehere's the rest of them.
    Theres 8 dragons, heh.

    (also, shamelessly ripped from a FAQ)

    Remember when you were in Mt.Zozo and I told you not to fight that Wind Dragon? Well if you listened and haven't done so head back to the place and hit the switch to reveal the Wind Dragon and make sure you have some strong magic and also that you have a THUNDER SHLD equipped. Then go near the Dragon and a fight will ensue.

    Storm Dragon
    HP: 42,000
    ITEM: Force Armor

    This battle here will be very tough, but if you can defeat the MagiMaster you can win this battle as well. Keep your HP above 800 and pound it with your regular attacks. Use Ultima if you have it or Meteor, Flare, or Pearl. Have Sabin use his Bum Rush(or any other of his Blitz attacks) and have Cyan use his level 7 SwdTech to deal monster damage, have Edgar use his Drill(if you are at level 80 this can deal over 8000 HP of damage with every hit!) and have Gau use one of his rages. Have Gogo mimic a strong attack(E.G. Ultima, Drill, etc.), have Mog use his best Dance, have Strago use his GrandTrain Lore attack, and have Relm attack with magic. Anybody equipped with the THUNDER SHLD will take no damage from his Wind Slash attack and you will absorb any of his lightning attacks.

    After the battle there are now 7 dragons left. Did you remember when you were in the Pheonix Cave there was a dragon walking around? In case you did not choose to fight it, head back once you are strong enough and go near it and a fight will ensue.

    Red Dragon
    HP: 30,000
    ITEM: Strato

    This battle here will be very tough just like the first battle. He will use a lot of Fire magic as you can expect and also as you can expect hit him with Ice magic to deal heavy damage. If you are wearing an armor that protects against Fire or absorbs fire that should do you well. He will use Fire 2 and Fire 3 at times and his regular attacks will do mild damage, not much that will get you concerned over anything. Use Ultima, Meteo, Flare, Pearl, or Ice 3 to damage him. Contiue this pattern and keep your HP above 1000, so that his Fire 3 attack won't get you.

    After the battle there are now 6 dragons left. Head towards Narche and along the northern mines there is a dragon wandering around, just walk near it and a fight will ensue.

    Ice Dragon
    HP: 24,400
    ITEM: Force Shield

    Here in this battle hit it with everything you've got. Fire magic works real well in this battle as you can expect and use Ultima, Meteo, Flare, or Pearl to damage it if you don't have a Fire 3 magic. He will use his Absolute 0 attack, so watch for it and keep your HP above 500. Also when your party members are frozen use fire magic on them to free them, if he gets your entire party with it, there is literally nothing you can do about it. Keep hacking away and he should be gone.

    After the battle there are now 5 dragons left. Now head for the Magic Tower in which you acquired Strago in and at the third part of the tower there is a room in which you got the STUNNER in, a dragon is in that room go to it and a fight will ensue.

    White Dragon
    HP: 18,500
    ITEM: Pearl Lance

    This battle will be pretty tough. Don't use Pearl in this battle because it will absorb it, so use Ultima, Meteo, or Flare. Keep your HP above 1200 and keep pounding him with your magic attacks like Fire 3 or Ice 3. He will start the battle off with two consecutive Pearl attacks and they will do about 1100 HP of damage. Keep using Ultima in this battle and he will counter with Dispel, if you cna keep a constant chain of Ultima spells he will seldom pull off his Pearl attack!

    After the battle you will recieve the PEARL LANCE. Now there are just four dragons left. Now go to Figaro Castle and ask the driver to go to Figaro and he will say that something is odd about the stratum. Refer to the Odin's reign section of the Side Area to tell you exactly where the next dragon is.

    Water Dragon
    HP: 26,900

    Here in this battle your lighting attacks will do well against him. Have Sabin use his Aurabolt, and have any other of the characters use lightning based attacks or their best and most damaging attacks. Keep your HP above 500 otherwise its Clean Sweep attack will get you. Keep this process up until you've won. NOTE: If Clean Sweep is used on Strago here in this battle he will learn it. Its a more powerful version of AquaRake.

    Now there are 3 dragons left. Head for the Opera House on the southwestern part of the world map to face off against your next dragon. In here talk to the Impressario and he will tell you that a dragon is sitting smack in the middle of the stage. Head for the switch room at the top right and hit the second switch from the right and you will fall to the floor below and a fight will ensue.

    Dirt Dragon
    HP: 28,500
    ITEM: Magus Rod

    This battle will be tough. Cast Float(you should do this before battle) to every party member in here so you can avoid his Quake and Magnitude8 attack. If you don't you will suffer at least 1800 HP of damage from his Quake attack and about 1100 from his Magnitude8 attack. After you are on Float status all you have to worry about are his physical attacks which do only about 400 HP of damage, and his Slide attack which does about 700 HP of damage to every party member. So keep your HP up and keep attacking him with your strongest attacks like Ultima, Flare, Pearl you know the real deal. Keep this up and you should win the battle.

    After the battle it looks like the Impressario will have to save the world again. There are now only two dragons left. So where are they? The two last dragons are on Kefka's Tower silly! The second group in Kefka's Tower will fight the Gold Dragon.

    Gold Dragon
    HP: 32,400
    ITEM: Crystal Orb

    Yes I know, it doesn't look like a dragon to me. It looks more like a dinosaur, but who cares. This battle will be tough, it uses only lightning attacks like GigaVolt, Bolt 3, Bolt 2, and Bolt. Its Bolt attacks do a lot of damage, but having the Thunder Shld equipped in this battle will make the battle go by like a breeze. Hit him with your most powerful magics and keep your HP up at all times and hopefully he will be gone.

    After the battle there is only 1 dragon left. The third group will face off against the last dragon.

    HP: 32,800
    ITEM: Muscle Belt

    This battle will be pretty tough. Since this dragon is undead it has a weakness against fire. Use your most powerful fire spells and other magic spells. Watch for its Disaster attack, it will make a party member be infected with every negative status effect in the book, but having either the RIBBON or PALADIN SHLD equipped will counteract those effects. Keep your HP and attack fast otherwise you will be knocked out with its Condemned attack.

    Please dont double post, heh, you could've edited the first one and added the new info.


  6. #156
    That really s*cks that I can't get him back.
    And thanks for the other info.

  7. #157
    Where's the best part to train in the WoR?
    And what level do you need to go in Kefka's Tower?

  8. #158
    Where can I get the cursed ring for the air anchor?

  9. #159
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Galuf, stop double-posting damnit. Im gonna have to serve you with a warning if i see it again.

    As for the Cursed Ring, i only knew about a Cursed Shield (which i recently got, heh)..

    Best part to train in the WoR would be in that Forest North/West of the Veldt where those Dinosaurs are, you get some fearsome amounts of EXP, and it helps if you have the EXP.EGG Relic.

    Level for Kefkas tower? ehh.. 30-40+ i'd say.. i havent gotten to it yet and most of my guys are 50+ ^_^.


  10. #160
    I just defeated Poltrgeist but I can't get any further.
    What should I do?

  11. #161
    Could anyone please tell me how do I remova an esper from a character... When I press the "A" button on any esper in the menu it says that "*** character is using this" , but how do I switch espers?

  12. #162
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Could anyone please tell me how do I remova an esper from a character... When I press the "A" button on any esper in the menu it says that "*** character is using this" , but how do I switch espers?
    Im assuming you know how to equip one.. de-equipping them is just as easy.. instead of selecting an actual esper.. select one of the blank spaces and it should un-equip it... if not (or all the espers are there) goto the airship, get the person out of the party, and goto the guy who can de-equip everyone who ISNT in your party.. and thats a sure-fire way to remove it.


  13. #163
    FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) sabin_66's Avatar
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    problem - can i get mog before the world of ruin? i think i saw on a website somewheres all you do is go up to the wolf dude thats holding mog with 3 party members or something. i cant remember.


    P.S. dark daw, it may be late but wtf. see when you were answering the questions from gestahl, did you choose 'take a rest' near the end? if you did then you potentialy miss out on a couple of points at the end. just double checking.

    EDIT by Dawezy: Sig disabled, picture too big.
    Last edited by Dawezy; 05-03-2003 at 11:41 PM.

  14. #164
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by sabin_66
    problem - can i get mog before the world of ruin? i think i saw on a website somewheres all you do is go up to the wolf dude thats holding mog with 3 party members or something. i cant remember.


    P.S. dark daw, it may be late but wtf. see when you were answering the questions from gestahl, did you choose 'take a rest' near the end? if you did then you potentialy miss out on a couple of points at the end. just double checking.
    You can get mog anytime before the whole Floating Continent thing, and anytime after the WoR goes into action.. i personally got him AFTER the WoR then Umaro shortly after, but hey, thats just me.. lol, doesnt matter if you have a full party or not he'll still appear and you can get him to join you.

    About the P.S, heh.. back then, yes i did infact choose that option, but what i forgot to do (and im still kickin myself about it) is battle those guards on the opposite end of the table, they give you another few points which would've gotten me my Moogle Charm for free, heh -_-`.. but eh, i got it for free in my current game i think, where? i bloody well forget but i got it, lol.

    Might wanna adjust your sig a bit, 'tis pretty damn big for smaller res screens..


  15. #165
    FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) sabin_66's Avatar
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    Crammed into a colonial APC like a sardine, preparing to jump out into LV426
    ok, ill reduce it a bit. a bit...

    any way, thanks for tellin me that but i cant get him/her how hrd i try. the wolf dude keeps goin 'stay back or ill kill it' or something and i cant get near. help?

    EDIT by Dawezy: sig disabled, picture is too big.
    Last edited by Dawezy; 05-05-2003 at 11:31 PM.

  16. #166
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    I can remember what your talking about sabin_66 i think when i did that last, i tried to save the moogle.. but eh, that was a long time ago, so go check up a FAQ or something.. as for my current enquiry..

    Im in the WoR, and ive got the Paladin Shield equipped.. now, do i have to do 155 or 255 Battles to uncurse? because im about 40 or so battles into it, heh.


  17. #167
    sabin_66: Although you're probably way past that part by now (judging by the posting date) what you have to do is just wait there for about a minute. Then, Mog will spin around and break free, leaving you with a choice between getting Mog or a Gold Hairpin.

    Dark Dawezy: I'm pretty sure you need to fight 255 battles.

  18. #168
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Just posting to float this thing past my two month mark so I can mass prune without wiping the helpline.

    Come on, let's ask for help. That's what it's here for.

    And yes, it's 255 battles. No more, no less. And if I recall, should you run from battle, it's not counted. So don't run, you chickens. Gah.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  19. #169
    Kaize Moonblade
    .. but eh, i got it for free in my current game i think, where? i bloody well forget but i got it, lol.
    Yah, I'm pretty sure that if you go back after you get mog, and check where he used to stand, you can find the moogle charm. For free. At least that's where I got it, I didn't even know you could fight the guards.

  20. #170
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Does Shadow ever join your party permanantly? I'm gettin sick of that lil biznatch running away on me when I spend crap loads of cash to get him good weps. >_<

  21. #171
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, definitely. I'm not sure how far you've played through, so I'll be nice and spoiler this next part, though you probably already know about it...
    After the flying continent, if you decide to wait for him, you'll permanently have him. Of course, you'll have to FIND him just like you'll have to find everyone else in your party, but once you do, he's all yours.

    Heh, forgot the spoiler tag was "spoil" ...oops
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 10-11-2003 at 10:38 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  22. #172
    Originally posted by Galuf
    Where's the best part to train in the WoR?
    And what level do you need to go in Kefka's Tower?
    The best place to train in the WoR is the Dinosaur forest which is to the north of the Veldt. There are T-rex's and Bronchosaurus'.

    I went up Kefka's tower with all my characters at least level 40+, I just used heaps of Tincture's and Ultima, Flare and the 3 elemental spells.

  23. #173
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    True, the dinosaur forest or whatever it's called is the best for massive amounts of experience points, but easy magic points come from the little desert outside of... oh man, I can't remember where it was! There's a little desert outside of one of the towns though, and there's loads of cactuars and they're 10 points each. Quite nice for learning Ultima at 1%, isn't it?

    If someone can remember what town, feel free to say something.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  24. #174
    Does anyone know how to use the Atma weapon to its full potential? I never used it so I wouldn't know. I heard it has something to do with HP so...

  25. #175
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Does anyone know how to use the Atma weapon to its full potential? I never used it so I wouldn't know. I heard it has something to do with HP so...
    Heh, well.. kinda hard to say how to use it to its "full potential" but it does have a few advantages over the normal weapons.. one, would be the whole defense ignoring fact. BUt, yes, the damage the Atma Weapon deals out, will be dependant on your Current HP/Max HP amount... if your at Full HP, you'll deal out max damage for your current level and with that weapon.

    So, eh.. i'll summarize that;

    Full HP = Best Damage from Atma Weapon
    Less HP (lets say, 50%) = 50% Damage from Atma Weapon
    1 HP = Next to no damage from Atma Weapon

    Basically, if you keep your HP up during battles, you'll continue to deal out nice damage.. once your levels get higher, the length of Atma Weapon increases aswell, and you can easily deal out 9999 per hit around Level 50-60+ i believe.. Loco may correct me on that though, he is the guru.


  26. #176
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Allow me to give you a specific example.

    On my last save, with level 99 Terra, I had the Atma Weapon equipped. Vital stats were as follows: HP: 9999, STR: 107

    So, when in full health, the Atma Weapon did an easy 9999 per hit. Keep in mind, I was getting the Atma Weapon to do 9999 around level 80 with a strength of 90-something, so it's not like it'll take your forever to get there. Now, when knocked down to about 5000 HP, the Atma was delivering somewhere near 6500 damage. At 3000 HP, Atma dished out 2500 or so, and at under a thousand HP, the Atma was barely managing 500 points.

    It depends on your level, your max HP, your current HP, your strength, and the character you're fighting against. Yeah, it's a lot.
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  27. #177
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    I think they need more atma weapons in the various games... I tell ya, that kinda thing, how it looks as well as how you obtain it and various other things... prove why FF6 is the greatest one of them all

    I always had one of my characters using it... either locke, or terra when I changed party strengths
    Member of SOLDIER

  28. #178
    I think there should be more Gem Box and Economizers, in the game without using the bug, tehy are really helpuful relics in the game, you can easily finish the game, casting Ultima twice for 1 Mp with all of your team memebers and thats is good.

  29. #179
    The Lost Writer FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) Psiko's Avatar
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    Pffft...who needs those? I'll admit that I did use the Gem Box when I beat the game a few days ago, but the Gold Hairpin works just as well as the stupid Economizer. I don't even bother with that Relic anymore. Really, by the end of the game do you REALLY need the spells to cost just 1 MP?

    And Atma Weapon is another thing I never find myself using. Now another set of Fixed Dice...THAT I would use, for sure.

    Anywho, it is nice seeing how many people need help with FFVI these days.
    OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

    See also classic.

    Representing the Old Skool ways since 1984.

  30. #180
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    Also the game is not that exceptionally hard anyawys... FF1 is harder than FF6... even FF7 I would say is harder than 6... its just fairly straight foreward IMHO, ive never had trouble with it.
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