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Thread: FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside)

  1. #121
    Halley's Comet Dauragon's Avatar
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    Alright. Good to know, and glad we could help.

  2. #122
    One True Madali
    Where did you get those items , the rpg shop?

    What are those items for?

    Do you get to RPB in TFF?

    If so I am aiming at buying the Masamune and can I be allowed to carry two swords at once when buying weapons?

    Please, anyone answer in this forum, I dont really want to transfer this to TFF helpline,

  3. #123
    Those non-FF6 questions don't belong in an FF6 Helpline thread, the belong in a forum helpthread, but I'll answer them anyway.

    Yes, you get the items from the RPG shop. The items mean nothing, they are just for fun. You can RPB at TFF in the RPB forum, although most people just use made up items, they don't rely on their TFF items. And, no you can only have one weapon, one armor, one item, and one custom shop item.

    And finally, your post is spam, as it is off-topic. Plus, the fact that you know it's in the wrong spot makes people dislike you more as well. Next time, be smarter when you post.

  4. #124
    Ok, this has been gettin on my tits for quite some time now. Whats up with that clock thingy in Zozo!? I'm pretty sure I've tried every combination *sighs*.

    Also I'm about to go to the floating continent (or whatevea it's called). What level do u reccomend my characters to b at. At the minuite only Mog is over 1000hp (and thats when applying armour and stuff). I keep on gettin killed be the empires airforce thingys.
    Last edited by Tobz; 09-15-2002 at 01:38 AM.

  5. #125
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Last time I was here, I believe there had been an official ruling for the helpline in that there were to be no signatures posted here. So do yourselves a favor and don't include sigs in the helpline.

    As for the Zozo clock, I know this one has been done, but it's 6:10:50. The staircase on the right side of the room opens up and you talk to a guy in the upper room. He offers you an esper, Ragnarok. He says you can take it as is or he can make a sword. Make the sword, it's better that way.

  6. #126
    Halley's Comet Dauragon's Avatar
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    For the floating continent levels, if you're above level 20, it shouldn't be any trouble. Just make sure someone can heal, or you have lots of potions, or whatever the hell they're called. (Been playing too much FF3j lately. )

    Tonics. That's what they are.

  7. #127
    About the Zozo clock:
    LocoColt, you're only partially right. You do have to set it to 6:10:50 to go up the right staircase, but what you get is the Chainsaw tool for Edgar. The dude offering Ragnarok is way off in Narshe in the WoR.

    As for the Floating Continent...
    I can never remember for sure what levels I have, but I think around 23 to 25 is good for first going to it. Just make sure at least a couple of the characters going to it have Cure 2, Life, and Osmose. Of course Tonics and Potions help too, but if you use Osmose often and on the right enemies, you'll always have enough MP to heal everyone after each battle.

  8. #128
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Whoops!! You're right. It's been WAY too long.
    About the Zozo clock:
    LocoColt, you're only partially right. You do have to set it to 6:10:50 to go up the right staircase, but what you get is the Chainsaw tool for Edgar. The dude offering Ragnarok is way off in Narshe in the WoR.
    Umm.. yeah so anyway...

    Since I've restarted, I haven't played all that much due to school, but I'm at the part where Sabin is the last part of the group I have to reunite (after the river w/ Banon) and I was wondering if maybe any of the things I may have missed last time through were in this part of the game at all or not. Just somewhat of a partial list of "special" items that can be picked up here (i.e. weapons that aren't sold, etc.) would be VERY helpful. I don't really like missing things.
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 09-22-2002 at 01:51 PM.

  9. #129
    Halley's Comet Dauragon's Avatar
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    Unless you're like me and don't bother to learn spells with the espers until the very end...

    I like to use brute strength, so if you're like that, all the healing stuff helps.

  10. #130
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Yeah, actually Dau, that's what I did last time. Just muscle my way through. Eh, maybe someone else might have enough time on their hands to go through and give what I'm looking for. Just like an important item list or something to that extent (for items found in Sabin's quest at the split in the beginning for those who didn't know)... but yeah...

  11. #131
    Halley's Comet Dauragon's Avatar
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    Who was originally asking the question? Whoever it was, that's who I was talking too. And yeah, powering through is the only way to go, screw magic.

    Uhhh...I'm sure someone will put that list up for ya Loco.

  12. #132
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Yeah... Blitzer asked it. A LONG time ago.

    And as for the list... I haven't played in a week anyway, so it's not like it isn't too late.

    ::hint hint::

  13. #133
    Ok, Sabin's quest... The Imperial Base has some cool stuff you might miss. When you first get in it, there're two tents. The right one has a chest, I don't remember if the left one does. The chest in the right one is locked but you can choose to hit or kick it. One choice gets you into a fight with the Doberman outside, the other doesn't. I don't recall which is which. If you want to get all of Gau's rages, you'll want to fight those dogs. I don't even remember what's in that chest. Then later in the base, you start chasing Kefka around. At this point, stop and explore. You'll find another tent with 2 chests. One has a Star Pendant. The other gets you into a fight with a Telstar and gives you a Green Beret afterwards. Green Berets can't be bought until after the 3 party battle and this is the only place to fight a Telstar so Gau can get the rage later. Plus, when you fight Telstars on the Veldt you get more Green Berets. So if you spent enough time on the Veldt, you could get Green Berets for each member before the 3 party battle. That's all in the Imperial Base as I recall.

    Then there's the Phantom Train. As I recall there's nothing really hidden there. All the chests are easy to get.

    Mobliz doesn't have much. The only this is if you keep sending letters and stuff for the injured solider, you'll eventually get a Tinatinabar.

    Then in the Serpent Trench, take the right paths both times and you'll get all the items there.

    Nikeah has nothing special, and after that you're at Narshe.

    So I think that's everything that you might miss.

  14. #134

    I'm playing thru FFVI for the second time now, and I've forgotten: where on the Worldmap can I find Cactrots? You know, the lil cactus things that give loads of AP

    Back. For a while. Maybe.

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  15. #135
    You should be able to find them in the WOR on the middle island in a very small patch of desert terrain. If you equip a Sniper Sight, an Offering and any weapon they'll go down in one round.

  16. #136
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    What are the words (the ones you have to select) for Celes Opera score? the guide im reffering to doesnt tell me the damn answer, so i'd like someone else to help me out here, lol.


  17. #137
    I always loved this song. Dunno why just thought it was kool.

    Oh my hero, so far away now.

    Will I ever see your smile?

    Love goes away, like night into day.

    It's just a fading dream...

    I'm the darkness, you're the stars.

    Our love is brighter than the sun.

    For eternity, for me there can me,

    Only you, my chosen one...

    Must I forget you, Our solemn promise?

    Will autumn take the place of spring?

    What shall I do? I'm lost without you.

    Speak to me once more!

    We must part now, my life goes on.

    But my heart won't give you up.

    Ere I walk away, let me hear you say,

    I meant as much to you.

    So gently, you touched my heart.

    I will be forever yours.

    Come what may, I won't age a day,

    I'll wait for you always...

    Only those two lines then you dance, grab the flowers and huck 'em.

  18. #138
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    I always loved this song. Dunno why just thought it was kool.

    Oh my hero, so far away now.
    Will I ever see your smile?
    Love goes away, like night into day.
    It's just a fading dream...

    I'm the darkness, you're the stars.
    Our love is brighter than the sun.
    For eternity, for me there can me,
    Only you, my chosen one...

    Must I forget you, Our solemn promise?
    Will autumn take the place of spring?
    What shall I do? I'm lost without you.
    Speak to me once more!

    We must part now, my life goes on.
    But my heart won't give you up.
    Ere I walk away, let me hear you say,
    I meant as much to you.

    So gently, you touched my heart.
    I will be forever yours.
    Come what may, I won't age a day,
    I'll wait for you always...

    Only those two lines then you dance, grab the flowers and huck 'em.
    Hehe, cheers.. and guess what? to my suprise i found that you had to enter an extra entry into that score.. to be excat;

    Must I forget you, Our solemn promise?
    Will autumn take the place of spring?
    What shall I do? I'm lost without you.
    Speak to me once more!

    Heh, this PSX version is just full of suprises!! lol but, apart from that i DO have a problem, and since this is the helpline, why the hell shouldnt i share it? ok, here goes.. im up to the part where you have dinner with Emperor Gesthal.. i talk to 24 Soldiers, and make ALL the CORRECT choices, and after every time, he still didnt give me the damn Charm Bangle.. i got a few FFVI guides, did everything the same as they did, and STILL DIDNT get the damn Charm Bangle.. so, unless im mistaken, was the CHarm Bangle taken out of the PSX version? or have i possibly missed something? or, better yet.. can i get the Charm Bangle later on in the game or somethin?

    EDIT: oh, and its too late for me to go back and try again because i over-writ the savegame since it was late at night and the last thing i needed was to repeat the same fucking thing over and over and get the same results, ugh.
    Last edited by Dawezy; 11-30-2002 at 10:42 PM.


  19. #139
    Well, even though you saved over it are you sure you converted all the guards? And if you do it just perfect you get a number of awards. I think they are Doma's liberation, South Figaro's liberation, Key to the basement full of goodies, Charm Bangle and the Tintinbar. I'm guessing your problem lied in converting the guards.

  20. #140
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Well, even though you saved over it are you sure you converted all the guards? And if you do it just perfect you get a number of awards. I think they are Doma's liberation, South Figaro's liberation, Key to the basement full of goodies, Charm Bangle and the Tintinbar. I'm guessing your problem lied in converting the guards.
    In all the guides i went by they say, there was 24 Guards to Talk/Convert in total.. amongst those 24, 2 or 3 of them put up a fight.. but i DID get all 24 of them.. and i answered the questions as so;

    ** The Toast ***

    To the Empire. 2 points
    To the Returners. 1 point
    To our hometowns. 5 points

    *** Kefka's Fate ****

    Leave him in jail. 5 points
    Pardon him. 1 point
    Execute him. 3 points

    *** Apology for Doma ***

    What's done is done. 1 point
    That was inexcusable. 5 points
    Apologize again!! 3 points

    *** General Celes ***

    Was she an Imperial Spy? 1 point
    Celes is one of us! 5 points
    We trust Celes! 3 points

    *** Further Questions ***

    Ask a question once. 2 points (asked all 3)
    Repeat a question. -10 points for every question repeated

    *** The Espers ***

    Yes, the Espers have gone too far. 5 points
    But you unleashed their power!! 2 points

    *** Your first question ***

    Answer correctly. 5 points
    Answer incorreclty. 0 points

    *** Care to rest? ***

    Take a rest. 5 points
    Keep talking. 0 points

    *** What to say? ***

    That all you really want is peace. 3 points
    That you war's truly over. 5 points
    That you're sorry... 1 point

    *** Will you accompnay Gestahl? ***

    Yes. 3 points
    No 0 points

    Point Tally;

    0-39 points: South Figaro is liberated
    40-49 points: Doma/South Figaro are liberated
    50-59 points: Doma/South Figaro are liberated, stock room unlocked
    60-69 points: South Figaro/Doma are liberated, stock room unlocked, Tintinabar relic
    70+ points: South Figaro/Doma are liberated, stock room unlocked, Tintinabar relic, Charm Bangle relic

    I'm sure i get OVER 70 POINTS and i still dont get the damn Charm Bangle >.<;;.. i did EVERYTHING PERFECT... argh, ahh well... no need to stress myself over it now.. im assuming you can get the Charm Bangle somewhere else? or have i screwed myself? heh.


  21. #141
    No there is another way to get a Charm Bangle but first let me ask you this: when you took the five minuet break did you talk to the Guards sitting beside Gestahl at the dinning table?

    And now to get as many Charm Bangles as you want the first way I can think of at the current moment is head down to the Veldt(after you saved Relm/Shadow from the Behemoths) towards the end of the Veldt cycle you should run into a Behemoth Sr. These guys have a 100% chance of dropping a Behemoth Suit(Strago and Relm's best Armor) Once you've aquired one head down to the Colessium. Trade the Behemoth Suit for a Snow Muffler(Mog, Gau and Umaro's best armor, In fact the best armor in the game) The trade the Snow Muffler for your beloved Charm Bangle.

    Behemoth Suit > Snow Muffler > Charm Bangle

    EDIT: Okay, there are some other ways to get the Charm Bangle aswell, but I suggest using the first method I gave you because these next to methods require you to give up the Moogle Bangle or the Ragnarok Sword, hence the Illumina.

    To get the Moogle Charm check out the wall behing where Mog was standing in the WOR and you can trage it for a Charm Bangle at the Colessium. Or Get the Ragnarok Esper(Very stupid idea) and you can Metamoph most monsters into a Relic Ring which can also be traded at the Cloessium. Its up to you which of the four methods you choose but if you ask me either go with the Meeting with Gestahl or the Behemoth Suit way.

    Moogle Charm > Charm Bangle

    Relic Ring > Charm Bangle

    Oh and one more thing I should add: you cannot steal/win/metamorph the Charm Bangle from any enemy.

    Anything else?
    Last edited by Jinn; 12-02-2002 at 02:41 PM.

  22. #142
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Ahhhh FUCK!! thats what i didnt do.. talk to those damn soliders on the other side where Gesthal was.. #&*^*%#@^%$^@%# but, heres something odd.. one time when i tried, i did talk to them, and kick their ass.. i went back to the dinner table and resumed the carnage, got out of there and STILL didnt get the Relic.. grah.. no matter, i'll remember for next time.. i'll do one of the other methods, fuckit.. no big loss, and im not THAT far in the game yet anyway, heh...

    But while im here i might aswell ask, is there a duping trick in FFVI to save losing those "precious" items in the Colessium?


  23. #143
    Nope, FFVI is one of the only FFs wothout a duping trick. All I can tell you is make sure your pumped and armed to the teeth. Then save before you bet your item.

  24. #144
    One True Madali
    The best way not to lose your precious items is to only wager items you dont care about. Another way is to do what I do, and overtrain your characters so therefore youll over power your enemies in battle, even when it is automated. Some battles are diff. depending on what you wager.

  25. #145
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Ok, not a real problem.. but its not worth making a thread over.. i recently reached the WOR and i went through the house to save the kid from being crushed.. i checked all of the chests BESIDES the last chest, that is on the RIGHT SIDE of the Area where the kid is... and i want to know, what i missed? if its an important weapon i'll kill whoever tells me what it is.. heh, but i only had like, 20 seconds or so left to get the hell out so i didnt risk it.


  26. #146

    What Level?

    This is how it goes. I'm up to the part where Terra goes all whack Esper like, and flies away. I've already used Figaro to go under the mountains, and I've gotten to the town surrounded by mountains full of thieves muggers and big Titan looking guys.

    This is my party:

    I explored the place for a while, but it ended up quite hellish. There were just too many fights too often and with too much pain dealt to my characters.

    I picked up a couple of relics, went through a few treasure chests, got the thing that give Locke "Capture." And then hightailed it out so I could go up and down the overworld levelling up.

    So far, I've leveled up from a party average of 15, to a party average of 18.

    I don't like to hang around levelling up, because then when I get to a boss, I lose the feeling of a challenge.

    So my question is, how far should I level up before I can go into the screwed up town without getting my arse vhipped.

    Thank you for your time.

    EDIT by Dawezy: I merged your thread with the helpline, you should have posted it in there to start with mate.
    Last edited by Dawezy; 01-03-2003 at 05:02 PM.
    <center>Aint got no one,
    (No tengo a nadie)
    That I know of,
    (No tengo a nadie)
    That I can depend on.
    (No tengo a nadie)

  27. #147
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Nope, you shouldn't have missed anything. The chest to left left of the kid is a monster-in-a-box, so with only 20 seconds remaining, it was wise of you to skip it. I think another of the chests was also a monster-in-a-box, the one in the room above the staircase leading downstairs. How you had 20 seconds left, I don't know. I got out with two minutes, but here's my path and chest checklist nonetheless: Walk in, continue forward, grab chest at top of room. Turn left, go down into middle room, get chest. Go out bottom of room, turn left, grab chest. Go through door above you, head downstairs, avoiding the chest in the room above. Downstairs, head upward. Grab chest to the right of the kid, grab the kid, skip the chest to the left. Hit room below, grab chest, exit room, head for stairs. Haul ass upstairs and out of the house before time runs out. As far as I can remember, those were all the chests there were to get. I don't think there was really anything important, though I can't remember what most of it was.

    EDIT: My bad, Dawes. I just read over your post again. Well, now you know where all the chests are. You skipped the one to the right of the kid. Well, I really don't think it was anything important, none of the chests held anything valuable. I don't remember what it was in there, but... meh. Maybe someone else who did it a little more recently would know.
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 01-03-2003 at 03:06 PM.

  28. #148
    The Old Skool Warrior FFVI HELPLINE (possible spoilers inside) LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Well, I was at about average level 17 myself when I went through the whole "protect the esper" scene, so at Zozo, I believe I was more around 24 or so, and my party this time was actually the same as yours. But that's just me, and I like to level up. I'm one of those people who has to have all 14 characters at level 99 before restarting the game. But, that's just me. 20-21 should suffice, depending on the weapons and relics equipped.
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    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  29. #149
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Just to confirm, LocoColt04 did not double post.. i merged a thread in Narshe with the Helpline and it orginized the posts by Time Posted.


  30. #150
    Ok, this is a little late, but...

    In the chest to the right of the child is a magicite (the item that randomly summons an esper during battle). As for the level, somewhere between 18-22 should be fine, although your probably past that part already by now.

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