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Thread: evening bliss

  1. #1

    evening bliss

    Revisiting this game n mah snes, having lots of fun, I love the charsand story and naming each char to people in my life

  2. #2
    Hokuten Knight evening bliss
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Windsor, Ontario Canada

    Re: evening bliss

    I made this mistake the first time I played through VI. I named the women after women in my life. I wish Locke would've been more interested in Terra, whom I named after myself and a girl I liked. It took a turn for the worse when I named Celes after my sister... weird dialogue much? Also didn't like how Edgar(who I named after my best friend who always got the girl) turned out to be such a player and kept hitting on my sister and my girl... bastard! lol.

    It is a great game however. Did anyone else's snes cartridge mess up and turn the World map glitchy to the point that you could only really make out the top half of the screen above your character icon, and the bottom looked kind of like the actual map stretched horrendously over the bottom half? Must've been from playing it too much lol, and it never really interfered with the gameplay, just was noticably there and annoying..


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