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Thread: Don't understand... Augment

  1. #1

    Question Don't understand... Augment

    I was reading a guide about maxing stats out during ur second and third play using Augments.
    BUT, what I don't get is, they list ALL the augments, and tells me to give them to the five characters that fights till the last battle.
    How do you get Augments from characters u have to give Augments to, to get the one u want??? Like Palom, Porom and Tellah and so on...
    I'm wondering how everyone's is doing that.

  2. #2
    I do what you can't. Don't understand... Augment Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Don't understand... Augment

    Every playthrough, you get most of the same augments. There are only a few (such as Treasure Hunter) that can only be received once. So if you're going for max stats, look up the stats for each Augment, and only put the crappy ones on less-used characters, like Palom, Porom, Tellah, FuSoYa, Edward, etc.

    So when you waste your crappy Augments on them (two each), you can still get the Augments awarded by giving them Augments, but you don't have to waste your good ones.

    When I played through, I focused mainly on only needed stats. For example, Kain didn't really need any Intelligence or Spirit, so I ignored those. Cecil and Rosa don't need Intelligence, and Edge and Rydia don't need Spirit. So focused on building everybody's Speed and Strength.

    Depending on what you equip them with as well, you may not need to max a stat. Say you put a Staff on Rosa and a Rod on Rydia, instead of a bow and a whip, respectively -- Rosa's Staff (depending on the type) will increase her Spirit, and Rydia's Rod (depending on the type) will increase her Intelligence, so it may not be necessary to get those stats all the way up if they would be pointlessly boosted anyway. (But if you're trying to max stats, you probably want the attack boost from the bow/whip, so that might be irrelevant. It depends on what you want to use for the final battle, I suppose.)

    This site, about two-thirds of the way down, has a good chart on what Augments benefit what stats. ????'s Love, Inferno, Whirlwind, Tsunami, Limit Break, and Curse are the best ones for increasing your stats.

    Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.

    Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
    John 15:13

  3. #3

    Re: Don't understand... Augment

    Thank you VERY much. I didin't think I would get a reply this soon. I'll look up on the site u recommended!

  4. #4
    I do what you can't. Don't understand... Augment Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Don't understand... Augment

    There are quite a few other ones like that, too ... I think I found a good (better than the one I posted) chart and saved it to my laptop while I was playing it, but couldn't be bothered to find it in my laptop and post it from there.

    Many sites (including that one, I think) also have recommendations for what to equip on whom to get the most stat increases. But those are usually to get everybody up to 99 on every stat, and as I said before, it's pretty unnecessary.

    (Come to think of it, I think I actually did increase Kain's Spirit because I had Bardsong on him ... which is a pretty cool ability.)

    But it's not just stats that the augments help, it's abilities. For example, Multicast on Rosa -- it might be fun to watch Rydia cast Flare on every enemy, but it's a lot better to have Rosa cast Haste or Arise on everybody. Otherwise, it takes way too long to get everybody Hasted.

    Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.

    Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
    John 15:13


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