View Poll Results: Which of these events from FFIV was the coolest?!?

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  • Rydia is lost at sea to Leviathon, but return as a grown women with superior magic

    11 36.67%
  • Palom & Porom sacrafice themselves by turning to stone to save the team

    9 30.00%
  • Cecil is transformed into the Legenday Paladin after reconciling with his father and his fate

    10 33.33%
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Thread: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

  1. #1
    Registered User Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    Which of these FFIV moments, all of which I consider some of the very most jaw dropping sequences in the whole series, was the best?

  2. #2

    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    Rydia becoming a woman after being a sooo annoying little girl. ^^"
    I already thought she was lost but then she finally reappeared. ^^ That was quite a nice twist. I wouldn't have thought she'd come back. :>

    The scene with Porom and Palom sacrificing theirselves was a good one - but it was not cool. I even found it sad, even though I didn't like those kids at all when I played the game. ^^" (Still, I wasn't happy. They were okay - but so weak...)

    And I must admit I liked Cecil as a Dark Knight... so the transforming-scene wasn't that great for me. ^^"

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  3. #3
    Registered User Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    I agree, that I wasn't fond of using either Palom or Porom, but their sacrafice made them heroes just by itself. Even if they were practically temporary characters.

    No on the Cecil turns Paladin front? You didn't feel a Gandolf becomes a White Wizard, kind of once in a lifetime, you are now officially a badass, moment from that? Man I thought that was hard core myself, and I enjoyed having to build him back up from level 1 again. Of course he levels fast as nuts, but still.

  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    I could care less about the Paladin switch, I preferred Dark Knight.
    Rydia lost at sea was a what moment but nothing crazy, I was just mad that I lost her.
    Palom and Porom sacrifice was a good moment but not cool.

    My coolest moment is when Cid goes badass mode and just makes you think he died.
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  5. #5
    Lord Deity of Harmony Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!? Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    None of the above, I wasn't extremely impressed, But seeing Golbez was Cecils brother all along made my brain do a barrel roll, After... I got "WHAAAAT?!" feeling, But then... I facepalmed myself in the obvious.

    It always seem to be that these powerful villians are one of your family in the end, Im quite the doofus. ;p

    Then again... No scene really got my supreme antention.
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  6. #6
    Registered User Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    oh yeah, I'd forgotten about the brother angle. Reminds me of FFIX especially. I wonder if that was the point for FFIX to reference that?

    Actually it reminds me of Sepheroth a little too. Not a brother, but clearly closely tied together with Cloud.

  7. #7
    Registered User Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    Palom & Porom was my favorite, intense scene.
    Thought that was the best but Rydia dropping in on the Golbez fight was epic experience.

  8. #8
    Registered User Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!? HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    I would've added Yang sacrificing himself to save us from those giant gun things...and mayhap the bit about Edward playing the harp through the wisperweed to stop that evil Elf thing...

    Anyway, I voted for the paladin part. I love watching light prevail over darkness! (But I do like the Darkness agument, )

  9. #9

    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    You left out my favourite scene!

    YouTube - Rosa and Cecil

  10. #10

    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    I actually like Cecil better as a Paladin than a Dark Knight (I voted this part).

    I didn't care much for Palom or Porom, but I do admit I felt a little saddened that they would sacrifice themselves like that (though it took away the moment when they came back just before you go inside the Giant of Babel).
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  11. #11

    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    I voted Rydia's option. I actually just got to the part where she re-joins you and somehow it still gives me chills when she appears. One of my favorite moments in the entire game.

    That, and well, I just love adult Rydia. How can you not?

    As for the Cecil scene, I never liked it much, because 1) I preferred the dark knight, and 2) I thought paladin Cecil's look was really ugly. But in the recent PSP release, he actually looks pretty cool as a paladin, so I don't mind the change there. The Rydia scene is still my favorite, though.
    Last edited by Cereal~Killer; 05-05-2011 at 06:26 AM.

  12. #12

    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    There's something about Cecil putting his past behind him and redeeming himself that I find just so epic. You see I preferred him as a Dark Knight as well but having him go through Mt. Ordeal and becoming this Bamf Paladin was ok. At first I hated the sprite change, the hair the colour, both in the remake and the original. However it seems to fit more with his character and becomes way less melancholy afterwards which is always a plus. On top of that it makes sense you can't fight evil with dark so to me it was like "aha" moment. Let's face it he also get's pretty cool afterwards and becomes way more of the "leader" character.

    However Like Edge said this game is just so jam packed with epic moments its hard to just pick one. I personally like when you fight Kain for the first time, I still remember as kid being blown away that the would do that. I also like the Golbez twist and still wish he could of joined the party somehow. I mean Golbez was pretty epic he had his own THEME.

  13. #13
    All is One.One is All. Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    Oh man...I loved this game period...and its kinda hard to choose Welp my favorite scene of all was the ending scene of (idk if i should put in spoil box but I will so..just incase ^^' )
    Rosa and Cecil Coronation/Wedding and Edge's feelings about Rydia.

    But other than that...another favorite scene has to be when Rydia pops up during the battle with Golbez.When she did,I was like,'HECK YEAH!' hehe
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  14. #14
    I will save the world Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    IMO I went with Palom and Porom, although the scene was cecil is pretty cool and tqlking to the father and all. Those kids giving everything up so cecil and the others could survive, that's admirable and that's my favorite in this pool. Though my def fav would be Edge showing Rubicante emotions are truly powerful.

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  15. #15
    The White Wizard of Fynn Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!? Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    Of the choices given, I remember that I was pretty taken aback by Rydia's return when I first played the game. I knew that something had to happen because of the way the fight with Golbez played out, and it was inevitable that Rydia would return because Yang and Edward had, but I never suspected she would return as an adult. The part where Cecil changes to a Paladin to better confront evil was also great, although highly annoying when he was faced with his dark self because it took me a while to figure out what to do. The part with Palom and Porom sacrificing themselves was unexpected for me, due to them being young children. However, Rydia's return gets my vote.

  16. #16

    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    Oh man I was so upset when palom and Porom did sacrificed themselves. That single moment elevated them from annoying kid characters in my eyes to two of my favourite FF characters or all time!

  17. #17

    Re: Coolest of these 3 AWESOME FFIV Moments?!?

    Rydia coming back grown up and powerful was awesomest, imo. I was like, WFT! Cool! Cecil was just lost and then he found himself. Happens all the time.

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