I finally did it, I gave into temptation and I bought Final Fantasy I/II for $20 at a store near my area. The game is pretty sweet, graphics and everything are old school but I don't mind. Though I'm confused on how the magic works, but I digress. In FFI not only do you pick which classes you are, you also get to pick names. I was curious on what the names you guys give to your characters.

For me, I use my favorite characters from the games I've played...which is every single FF except for XIII. My team consists of a Warrior, Thief, White Mage and Black Mage. My warrior is Squall, Thief is Shadow, Black Mage is Vivi and my White Mage is Alyssa....no relation to the game that's just my gf's name and I love her so if she complains I play too much video games I can be like, I named a character after you

So what do you use to name your characters?