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Thread: Final Fantasy III Mognet-Thread

  1. #91
    Final Fantasy III Mognet-Thread david_pickett_84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Merrill, Wisconsin
    Quote Originally Posted by dirka dirka
    I just want to clarify that as well. Does anyone know if this is true, or if it is just 7 mails sent/received in total to anyone on Mognet?
    I don't think it matters becasue i got onion knight, and i didn't exchange 7 messages with the same person back and forth, i jus replied back to anyone to messaged me then i relized that it was opened up, and i follwed though with the remainder of the mission (Return to Ur, talk to takka, goto north cave, find those bratty kids, defeat the 3 bombs) How about you try going back to Ur, look in your mail from NPCs and see if yougot te one from takka saying the children are missing, i think thats what signals you unlocked it.

  2. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Adon
    And in order to receive the side quests, you have to send and receive from that recipient, in total, 7 pieces of mail. You must then send 4 to 5 mails to each in game recipient, some in a particular order, in order to unlock the onion knight, and the pendant quest, which allows you to obtain the orichalcum quest.
    Quote Originally Posted by david_pickett_84
    I don't think it matters becasue i got onion knight, and i didn't exchange 7 messages with the same person back and forth, i jus replied back to anyone to messaged me then i relized that it was opened up, and i follwed though with the remainder of the mission (Return to Ur, talk to takka, goto north cave, find those bratty kids, defeat the 3 bombs) How about you try going back to Ur, look in your mail from NPCs and see if yougot te one from takka saying the children are missing, i think thats what signals you unlocked it
    I have onion knight, but it just sounds like from Adon's post that there might by more quest's that just the Onion Knight, Pendant and Orichalcum quests. Where does the secret dungeon come into it? And should I be able to get there when I only have two crystal pieces?
    Quote from Team America:

    Spottswoode: Remember, there is no "I" in "Team America".
    Intelligence: [pause] Yes, there is.

    Joe: Sh*t! I've got five terrorists going southeast on Bakalakadaka Street!

  3. #93
    Yet another post of mine tonight with questions. I'll be getting FFIII within the next couple of weeks and just wanted to know a little bit about the features the game offers, not really the story itself. For starters:

    1. What are Friend Codes?
    2. What is MogNET, I understand it's a communication system but does it have any other purpose?
    3. What other WiFi features are there?
    4. Can you play with other people, or just chat?
    5. Anything else you think is cool?
    <br><center><img src=""><br><img src="" border="0"><br>

  4. #94
    Final Fantasy III Mognet-Thread david_pickett_84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Merrill, Wisconsin
    Final Fantasy III Master Friend Code List For MOg-Net
    by David_Pickett_84
    Updated 12/08/2006 - 04:49 PM Central Standard Time

    Page One People

    E - MasterMiyamoto - 360-856-192-671
    E - superxboy - 223-419-687-675
    G - Thegreatfrogsoiety - 008-674-035-059
    G - hawksmoke - 107-458-333-074
    G - spartan755 - 270-667-045-968
    G - ベト - 116-048-323-534
    G - tomneil04 - 094-573-519-449
    G - Xantari - 429-580-986-784

    Page Two People

    G - Magnus - 313-617-028-149
    G - trixtra - 399-516-131-494
    G - Adon - 455-351-002-069
    G - Maximus - 335-091-566-467
    G - Zigidias - 068-803-938-460
    G - Grey159 - 403-811-393-084
    G - Silo_Dragoon - 068-803-999-610
    G - david_pickett_84 - 128-933-557-784
    G - dirka dirka - 111-753-724-130
    G - vocal666 - 262-077-540-974
    G - JuniortedTed - 489-710-877-581
    G - old school - 356-566-817-605

    Page Three People

    G - Fairbanks32 - 524-070-687-098
    G - Night-One - 313-617-303-353
    G - knat - 489-710-439-349

    Page Four/Five People

    G - Tak2007 - 287-847-418-646
    ? - darkshadow321 - 124-638-282-985
    ? - derico - 485-415-992-225
    G - Prettymae - 390-926-972-067
    G - tehn00bslayer - 352-272-377-814
    G - dragonkeeper - 068-804-526-718
    ? - Pwnd0z3r - 180-473-715-312
    ? - tantricmoon - 433-876-530-662
    ? - chugachuchukabo - 403-811-638-362
    ? - darkouer - 322-207-679-741
    ? - CRACKRaPTOR - 446-761-538-804
    ? - pzothewarrior - 098-869-319-242

    Page Six/Seven People

    ? - Chocobo Madness - 085-983-886-833
    ? - JOshBlade - 408-106-506-044

    E = Friend COde Error
    G = Good Friend Code
    ? = Untested By Me

    To clear up one more thing, all you have to do is SEND messages, it doesn't matter if no one replies, the key is just sending them. So just find someone that will add you, and you add them. If you want me, or anyone else to do it just send us a PM and we'll make a point to add you.

    dirka dirka - I really think there may be more to this game than this, and other websites have posted. I don't think this game is getting the spotlight it deserves. That thread I posted about cheats, glitches and what not, can we get a post from somebody listing the side quests I don't have on there? I guess I’m even missing something here.


    I'll answer the best can...

    1. What are Friend Codes? Think of it as a screen name for yahoo messenger, or an email address.
    2. What is MogNET, I understand it's a communication system but does it have any other purpose?That’s basically it, once an hour you can send a piece of "email" to someone who also has you on their buddy list. So far no other purpose has been found other than to exchange notes with other players, and it is used to unlock quests.
    3. What other WiFi features are there?Mog-Net seems to be it.
    4. Can you play with other people, or just chat?So far chatting seems to be there any other option.
    5. Anything else you think is cool? Onion Knights look cool
    Last edited by david_pickett_84; 12-08-2006 at 05:03 PM.

  5. #95
    G - darkshadow321 - 124-638-282-985
    G - derico - 485-415-992-225
    G - Pwnd0z3r - 180-473-715-312
    G - tantricmoon - 433-876-530-662
    G - chugachuchukabo - 403-811-638-362
    G - darkouer - 322-207-679-741
    G - CRACKRaPTOR - 446-761-538-804
    G - pzothewarrior - 098-869-319-242
    G - Chocobo Madness - 085-983-886-833
    G - JOshBlade - 408-106-506-044

  6. #96
    Final Fantasy III Mognet-Thread david_pickett_84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Merrill, Wisconsin
    Final Fantasy III Master Friend Code List For MOg-Net
    by David_Pickett_84 & True_Sephiroth - Show Your Appreciation By Giving Gold or Reputation To Whomever Helps You.
    Updated 12/13/2006 - 03:48 PM Central Standard Time

    Page One People

    E - MasterMiyamoto - 360-856-192-671
    E - superxboy - 223-419-687-675
    G - Thegreatfrogsoiety - 008-674-035-059
    G - hawksmoke - 107-458-333-074
    G - spartan755 - 270-667-045-968
    G - ベト - 116-048-323-534
    G - tomneil04 - 094-573-519-449
    G - Xantari - 429-580-986-784

    Page Two People

    G - Magnus - 313-617-028-149
    G - trixtra - 399-516-131-494
    G - Adon - 455-351-002-069
    G - Maximus - 335-091-566-467
    G - Zigidias - 068-803-938-460
    G - Grey159 - 403-811-393-084
    G - Silo_Dragoon - 068-803-999-610
    G - david_pickett_84 - 128-933-557-784
    G - dirka dirka - 111-753-724-130
    G - vocal666 - 262-077-540-974
    G - JuniortedTed - 489-710-877-581
    G - old school - 356-566-817-605

    Page Three People

    G - Fairbanks32 - 524-070-687-098
    G - Night-One - 313-617-303-353
    G - knat - 489-710-439-349

    Page Four/Five People

    G - Tak2007 - 287-847-418-646
    G - darkshadow321 - 124-638-282-985
    G - derico - 485-415-992-225
    G - Prettymae - 390-926-972-067
    G - tehn00bslayer - 352-272-377-814
    G - dragonkeeper - 068-804-526-718
    G - Pwnd0z3r - 180-473-715-312
    G - tantricmoon - 433-876-530-662
    G - chugachuchukabo - 403-811-638-362
    G - darkouer - 322-207-679-741
    G - CRACKRaPTOR - 446-761-538-804
    G - pzothewarrior - 098-869-319-242

    Page Six/Seven People

    G - Chocobo Madness - 085-983-886-833
    G - JOshBlade - 408-106-506-044

    Lets give True_Sephiroth a big hand.
    Last edited by david_pickett_84; 12-13-2006 at 04:11 PM.

  7. #97

    noobee ds lite user ffIII

    how can I send a messages. i can't see any option but i setup my wifi correctly... how to add the names from the list mentioned above?

    thanks fellow ff ds

    is this a correct: 0187-2052-3200-0000
    from the wi-connection ID

    how to check if I get connected to the internet?

    Last edited by Aesir; 12-18-2006 at 03:50 PM.

  8. #98
    Final Fantasy III Mognet-Thread david_pickett_84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Merrill, Wisconsin


    Quote Originally Posted by Aesir
    how can I send a messages. i can't see any option but i setup my wifi correctly... how to add the names from the list mentioned above?
    thanks fellow ff ds
    is this a correct: 0187-2052-3200-0000
    from the wi-connection ID
    how to check if I get connected to the internet?
    Alright lets start from the top.

    First off, you know you have a solid connection to the router...

    You can access the Mognet from the moment you reach the first town, so you can enjoy this feature pretty much from the start of the game . Another important thing is that Moogles are found in any important town in the game, so you will not have to be running around in order to send mail. The way I see it is that Square-Enix wanted us to send a letter while taking a break from 'adventuring' outside towns.

    There's a limit to how many letters you can send. You're able to send one per
    hour to a player and to an NPC. So you could send 2 letter tops per hour (one
    for an NPC and one for a friend). There's a trick to this though, if you
    don't mind changing the DS clock everytime you send a letter.

    a)Send Mail

    This option is pretty self-explanatory. It lets you send letters to either an
    NPC or to a friend of yours. The NPCs that are selectable change as you
    progress through the game. Here's a list of the options that you get once
    you select this menu:
    -A Nearby Friend: Readies a letter & sends it to someone via
    local wireless communication.

    -A Faraway Friend: (Requires Wi-Fi access) Readies a letter &
    sends it to someone on your Address Book if
    that person has also accepted you. If your
    friend has not entered your Friend Code yet,
    then their number will be gray-colored and
    you won't be able to send them any mail.

    -Several NPCs: Automatically prepares & sends a letter to the
    desired NPC.

    b)View Mail

    Upon checking this option, you will be able to check mail recieved from the
    denizens of the FFIII world or simply check what you've gotten from friends
    throghout the world. Mail gotten from NPCs will [most of the times] be recieved at the exact same moment you send them a letter (talk about a fast reply XD), if you do not get a letter from them, then it means you must keep sending letters with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, or simply progress more with the storyline.

    c)Address Book

    This is your personal Address Book in Final Fantasy III. Here you can check
    several things:
    -Friend Roster: This displays your current friends. At first,
    only their friend number will be there, but once
    you recieve a letter from them, you'll be able
    to see the name they put in the Nintendo DS
    general options. If you select a name, you can
    delete a friend. Finally, you can have a total
    of 28 friends in your Roster.

    -Enter Friend Code: Here you can enter a Friend Code in order to
    register a new friend. Note that your friend
    will need to register you too if you wish
    to recieve/send mail from each other.

    -Display Friend Code: Once you register in the Nintendo's Wi-Fi
    connection, you can check your own Friend
    Code here.


    Also known as 'Communication Features'. This will let you recieve new mail from local wireless communication or in Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection. This is also a quick way for the system to acknowledge whether or not a friend has added you to his or her friend roster.

    Final Fantasy III Master Friend Code List For MOg-Net
    by David_Pickett_84 & True_Sephiroth - Show Your Appreciation By Giving Gold or Reputation To Whomever Helps You.
    Updated 12/18/2006 - 11:42 PM Central Standard Time

    Page One People

    E - MasterMiyamoto - 360-856-192-671
    E - superxboy - 223-419-687-675
    G - Thegreatfrogsoiety - 008-674-035-059
    G - hawksmoke - 107-458-333-074
    G - spartan755 - 270-667-045-968
    G - ベト - 116-048-323-534
    G - tomneil04 - 094-573-519-449
    G - Xantari - 429-580-986-784

    Page Two People

    G - Magnus - 313-617-028-149
    G - trixtra - 399-516-131-494
    G - Adon - 455-351-002-069
    G - Maximus - 335-091-566-467
    G - Zigidias - 068-803-938-460
    G - Grey159 - 403-811-393-084
    G - Silo_Dragoon - 068-803-999-610
    G - david_pickett_84 - 128-933-557-784
    G - dirka dirka - 111-753-724-130
    G - vocal666 - 262-077-540-974
    G - JuniortedTed - 489-710-877-581
    G - old school - 356-566-817-605

    Page Three People

    G - Fairbanks32 - 524-070-687-098
    G - Night-One - 313-617-303-353
    G - knat - 489-710-439-349

    Page Four/Five People

    G - Tak2007 - 287-847-418-646
    G - darkshadow321 - 124-638-282-985
    G - derico - 485-415-992-225
    G - Prettymae - 390-926-972-067
    G - tehn00bslayer - 352-272-377-814
    G - dragonkeeper - 068-804-526-718
    G - Pwnd0z3r - 180-473-715-312
    G - tantricmoon - 433-876-530-662
    G - chugachuchukabo - 403-811-638-362
    G - darkouer - 322-207-679-741
    G - CRACKRaPTOR - 446-761-538-804
    G - pzothewarrior - 098-869-319-242

    Page Six/Seven People

    G - Chocobo Madness - 085-983-886-833
    G - JOshBlade - 408-106-506-044

  9. #99

    please add me to list

    really looking to get Onion Knight please add me to your list i'll be playing everyday my FC: 296439538724

    Thanks and Cheers

  10. #100


    So I'm playing through the game for a second time and didn't do any of the side-quest things as I didn't know that I needed to send mail to other people to access them, I'm really interested in doing the Orichalchum/lv.99 job items thing, and it seems I have to send mail to other people to get that moving.

    So my friend code is- 3952-2381-2143

    And from what I read I have to have the other person add my number as well as I have to add them. So the question I have is that if I add some random person from the board, and they add me, do we both have to be logged into MogNet at the same time for it to validate the numbers through so we can start sending mail? Or if I add you and log on, and then a few hours later you log on will it validate? I'll be off and on regularly to check the board if anyone would like to set up a time if we have to both be on at the same time >< Thanks in advance!

  11. #101
    Final Fantasy III Mognet-Thread david_pickett_84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Merrill, Wisconsin
    Final Fantasy III Master Friend Code List For MOg-Net
    by David_Pickett_84 & True_Sephiroth - Show Your Appreciation By Giving Gold or Reputation To Whomever Helps You.
    Updated 12/13/2006 - 03:48 PM Central Standard Time

    Page One People

    E - MasterMiyamoto - 360-856-192-671
    E - superxboy - 223-419-687-675
    G - Thegreatfrogsoiety - 008-674-035-059
    G - hawksmoke - 107-458-333-074
    G - spartan755 - 270-667-045-968
    G - ベト - 116-048-323-534
    G - tomneil04 - 094-573-519-449
    G - Xantari - 429-580-986-784

    Page Two People

    G - Magnus - 313-617-028-149
    G - trixtra - 399-516-131-494
    G - Adon - 455-351-002-069
    G - Maximus - 335-091-566-467
    G - Zigidias - 068-803-938-460
    G - Grey159 - 403-811-393-084
    G - Silo_Dragoon - 068-803-999-610
    G - david_pickett_84 - 128-933-557-784
    G - dirka dirka - 111-753-724-130
    G - vocal666 - 262-077-540-974
    G - JuniortedTed - 489-710-877-581
    G - old school - 356-566-817-605

    Page Three People

    G - Fairbanks32 - 524-070-687-098
    G - Night-One - 313-617-303-353
    G - knat - 489-710-439-349

    Page Four/Five People

    G - Tak2007 - 287-847-418-646
    G - darkshadow321 - 124-638-282-985
    G - derico - 485-415-992-225
    G - Prettymae - 390-926-972-067
    G - tehn00bslayer - 352-272-377-814
    G - dragonkeeper - 068-804-526-718
    G - Pwnd0z3r - 180-473-715-312
    G - tantricmoon - 433-876-530-662
    G - chugachuchukabo - 403-811-638-362
    G - darkouer - 322-207-679-741
    G - CRACKRaPTOR - 446-761-538-804
    G - pzothewarrior - 098-869-319-242

    Page Six/Seven People

    G - Chocobo Madness - 085-983-886-833
    G - JOshBlade - 408-106-506-044
    G- dannyboy14 - 296-439-538-724
    G - Pezmage - 395-223-812-143

    Pezmage, aslong as both parties add each other everything works out. I think that you and dannyboy14 add each other it would seem that you both are pretty active right now. All you have to do is send the letters, if they don't reply it doesn't matter. Good luck, check out the glich, cheat thread for FFIII here also, pretty good stuff in there, and it exlaines the sidequests pretty good also.

  12. #102

    One more question...

    When you get someone set up to mail them, in that you both have each other's codes, does it give some kind of prompt that a new friend has been added after you log in and get logged out of the Faraway Friend option? I'm trying to set a thing up with Dannyboy14 and just want to know if there's any way other than checking the friend's list each time

  13. #103
    Final Fantasy III Mognet-Thread david_pickett_84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Merrill, Wisconsin
    Quote Originally Posted by Pezmage
    When you get someone set up to mail them, in that you both have each other's codes, does it give some kind of prompt that a new friend has been added after you log in and get logged out of the Faraway Friend option? I'm trying to set a thing up with Dannyboy14 and just want to know if there's any way other than checking the friend's list each time
    Nope, both of you just need to add each other, and when you both are added your numbers turn whte, when the first email is exchanged it turns into the persons name. Just keep doing the "check email from farawayfriend"

  14. #104
    thx much dave, sent messege to pez np. i guess i need couple more ppls

  15. #105
    My Final Fantasy III Friend Code is


    Somebody PM me so we can exchange codes. Thanks.

  16. #106
    Final Fantasy III Mognet-Thread david_pickett_84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Merrill, Wisconsin
    Final Fantasy III Master Friend Code List For MOg-Net
    by David_Pickett_84

    ***Show Your Appreciation By Giving Gold or Reputation To Whomever Helps You. ***

    Updated 12/20/2006 - 09:16 PM Central Standard Time

    Page One People

    E - MasterMiyamoto - 360-856-192-671
    E - superxboy - 223-419-687-675
    G - Thegreatfrogsoiety - 008-674-035-059
    G - hawksmoke - 107-458-333-074
    G - spartan755 - 270-667-045-968
    G - ベト - 116-048-323-534
    G - tomneil04 - 094-573-519-449
    G - Xantari - 429-580-986-784

    Page Two People

    G - Magnus - 313-617-028-149
    G - trixtra - 399-516-131-494
    G - Adon - 455-351-002-069
    G - Maximus - 335-091-566-467
    G - Zigidias - 068-803-938-460
    G - Grey159 - 403-811-393-084
    G - Silo_Dragoon - 068-803-999-610
    G - david_pickett_84 - 128-933-557-784
    G - dirka dirka - 111-753-724-130
    G - vocal666 - 262-077-540-974
    G - JuniortedTed - 489-710-877-581
    G - old school - 356-566-817-605

    Page Three People

    G - Fairbanks32 - 524-070-687-098
    G - Night-One - 313-617-303-353
    G - knat - 489-710-439-349

    Page Four/Five People

    G - Tak2007 - 287-847-418-646
    G - darkshadow321 - 124-638-282-985
    G - derico - 485-415-992-225
    G - Prettymae - 390-926-972-067
    G - tehn00bslayer - 352-272-377-814
    G - dragonkeeper - 068-804-526-718
    G - Pwnd0z3r - 180-473-715-312
    G - tantricmoon - 433-876-530-662
    G - chugachuchukabo - 403-811-638-362
    G - darkouer - 322-207-679-741
    G - CRACKRaPTOR - 446-761-538-804
    G - pzothewarrior - 098-869-319-242

    Page Six/Seven/Eight People

    G - Chocobo Madness - 085-983-886-833
    G - JOshBlade - 408-106-506-044
    G- dannyboy14 - 296-439-538-724
    G - Pezmage - 395-223-812-143
    G - kirstpo - 536-957-826-191

    G = Good Friend Code
    E = Error Friend Code

  17. #107

    Friend Code Swap?

    Looking for people to swap friend codes so I can unlock the coveted Onion Knight.

    My code:

    I'm ready to buddy up!

  18. #108
    Final Fantasy III Mognet-Thread david_pickett_84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Merrill, Wisconsin
    makonna, i'm willing to bet if you send a PM to one of the last few members that where on my list they would be more than willing to add you to their list to exchange emails on MOg-Net. If you want to with me send me a PM, and i can email you when i play. Remember all you have to do is send the messages, it really doesnt matter if the person replies back. It just makes it more fun if they do. I hope this helps. Talk to you soon,!

  19. #109

    Mognet - Is this normal?

    I was able to write Cid and get messages from everyone, and then when I wrote Sara I got nothing. Do you only get responses some of the time?

    And do I need 7 different ppl to write me before the Onion Knight side quest unlocks?

  20. #110
    You only need to send 7 mails period, to one person, to three people, however you want to mix it. And what will probably happen to you, like what happened to me, is once you send your first mail you'll get a bunch of responses back from the NPC people you've been mailing. It was weird. But once you have the seven mails sent you should be able to trigger everything else no problem!

  21. #111
    Final Fantasy III Mognet-Thread david_pickett_84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Merrill, Wisconsin
    Quote Originally Posted by makonna
    I was able to write Cid and get messages from everyone, and then when I wrote Sara I got nothing. Do you only get responses some of the time?
    And do I need 7 different ppl to write me before the Onion Knight side quest unlocks?
    Like Pezmage and I said above just send 7 messages, thats all that matters. You can send them to 7 different people, of seven to the same person. Either way it works.

    As far as the NPC emails some of those are are event triggered, if you're not getting a reply from sara just try again later in the story, and send to someone else.

    Good luck!

    Final Fantasy III Master Friend Code List For MOg-Net
    by david_pickett_84

    ***Show Your Appreciation By Giving Gold or Reputation To Whomever Helps You. ***

    Updated 12/22/2006 - 12:02 PM Central Standard Time

    Page One People

    E - MasterMiyamoto - 360-856-192-671
    E - superxboy - 223-419-687-675
    G - Thegreatfrogsoiety - 008-674-035-059
    G - hawksmoke - 107-458-333-074
    G - spartan755 - 270-667-045-968
    G - ベト - 116-048-323-534
    G - tomneil04 - 094-573-519-449
    G - Xantari - 429-580-986-784

    Page Two People

    G - Magnus - 313-617-028-149
    G - trixtra - 399-516-131-494
    G - Adon - 455-351-002-069
    G - Maximus - 335-091-566-467
    G - Zigidias - 068-803-938-460
    G - Grey159 - 403-811-393-084
    G - Silo_Dragoon - 068-803-999-610
    G - david_pickett_84 - 128-933-557-784
    G - dirka dirka - 111-753-724-130
    G - vocal666 - 262-077-540-974
    G - JuniortedTed - 489-710-877-581
    G - old school - 356-566-817-605

    Page Three People

    G - Fairbanks32 - 524-070-687-098
    G - Night-One - 313-617-303-353
    G - knat - 489-710-439-349

    Page Four/Five People

    G - Tak2007 - 287-847-418-646
    G - darkshadow321 - 124-638-282-985
    G - derico - 485-415-992-225
    G - Prettymae - 390-926-972-067
    G - tehn00bslayer - 352-272-377-814
    G - dragonkeeper - 068-804-526-718
    G - Pwnd0z3r - 180-473-715-312
    G - tantricmoon - 433-876-530-662
    G - chugachuchukabo - 403-811-638-362
    G - darkouer - 322-207-679-741
    G - CRACKRaPTOR - 446-761-538-804
    G - pzothewarrior - 098-869-319-242

    Page Six/Seven/Eight People

    G - Chocobo Madness - 085-983-886-833
    G - JOshBlade - 408-106-506-044
    G- dannyboy14 - 296-439-538-724
    G - Pezmage - 395-223-812-143
    G - kirstpo - 536-957-826-191
    G - makonna - 335-094-461-386

    G = Good Friend Code
    E = Error Friend Code
    Last edited by david_pickett_84; 12-22-2006 at 12:11 PM.

  22. #112
    Add me ya'll!!

    My friend code:

  23. #113
    Final Fantasy III Mognet-Thread david_pickett_84's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Merrill, Wisconsin
    Like I have been suggesting to new people popping in here is just scroll to the bottom of the Friend Code list i prepared and pick a couple people from there and send them a PM on the board to set something up. That pretty much will make sure someone hooks up with you. I'll add you to the list tommarow or something when i get around to it. Good Luck

  24. #114
    Hey! Lemme get in on this action too!
    Pm me if you want to add me.


  25. #115
    I'm trying to complete the side quests too. I really hate that Square added this feature, but please add my friend code to your list.

    FC: 021-562-315-354

    I know I have dannyboy14 in my list and a few others from the list. I'll keep adding from the list though.

  26. #116


  27. #117
    Here's my friend code:

    485 - 418 - 907 - 933

  28. #118
    hey...i have no one as a friend on FFIII
    my FC:043037318320

  29. #119
    plz mail me if anyone wants to talk or b friends...

  30. #120
    Ok my freindcode for FFIII is - 4 5 9 6 4 8 9 5 8 4 5 4
    Send me random mail and mabey we can talk and send mail to each other.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    ~Much Love To My Family~

    My singing sister Xeim
    My cool brother Doughboy

    My crazy music-loving cousin jenova33

    My awesome black mage cousin BadWolfX
    My other cousins Summon Marluxia
    The Bleach Club ~Shinobi Masters~ Yaoi Otakus of TFF

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