A. It depends on which hand or both you hold it with:
Primary Hand Attack Power: 59
Secondary Hand Attack Power: 56
Attack Power when held with two hands: 111
Q. What is the attack power for both the Sun Blade, and the Wing Sword?
Printable View
A. It depends on which hand or both you hold it with:
Primary Hand Attack Power: 59
Secondary Hand Attack Power: 56
Attack Power when held with two hands: 111
Q. What is the attack power for both the Sun Blade, and the Wing Sword?
Time to revive:
A. Wing Sword 87 and Sun Blade 169.
Q. When the Masamune is used as an item in battle what spell does it cast on you?
A: Haste 12
Q: What floors can you encounter the Iron Giant in the last level?
A. Hmm, I encountered him on the Third, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and I think the Ninth, note: all of those encounters were completely random. ( correct if wrong )
Q. What is the name of Josef's Daughter?
I think yours is right, i found him on 6,7 and 9
A: Nelly(I think)
Q: How many spells does Minwu(spelt wrong) start with?
A. I'd say about 10 or so, he pretty much has almost all of the spells. ( correct if wrong )
ya i think he has 10
Q: How many monster in a boxes are there in the last level?
A. About 13 boxes
Q. What other bosses besides the Dark Emperor do you encounter in Pandemonium?
A: Iron Giant, Tiamait, Zombie Borgan, Dark Bethmoth, Blue Dragon, Red Dragon, Thunder Gigas, Fire Gigas, Ice Gigas, Buzuble(That bud thing)and Asothrioth
Q: What weapons do you find in Pandemonium?
Borgan never learns does he?:lol:
A. Masamune was the only weapon you find in Pandemonium I think, ( correct if wrong )
Q. What do you win when you defeat Tiamat?
A: An Elixir, Flare Tomb, Holy Tomb, Magus Robe and there is more but I forgot
And Yes, Borgan never learns...
Q. In Soul of Rebirth ( GBA ) what is the name of the Town you find after you finish the Jade Passage?
A: Machanon(I think)
Q: What boss replaces Tiamat in the GBA bonus doungen(y......)?
A. Was it Lucifer? If not him then I think it was Yamatano Orochi.
Its Yamatano
Q: How much Hp does Guy start out with
A. Been awhile so forgive me, I'd guess around somewhere between 50-70HP ( correct if wrong. )
Q. Name all of the Guests' that join your party throughtout the course of the game.
A: ummmmmmmmmm i think some where in the 1000 range. I think 1500. Somone correct me
Q: What items does the Iron Giant drop?
ya I think thats right
A: Minwu,Lelia,Joseph,Richard,Gordan,and Leon(I guess he is a guest because he comes in at the last level so ya)
FQ if right
Yup correct:)
Q. When Hilda is kidnapped where is she tooken to?
That collesum place where you fight the bethmoth
FQ if right
Q. How much HP does a Behemoth have?
he has 1500 hp or so
FQ if right
You were close, its 2000HP
Q. What items does a Death Rider drop?
I think sun blade, flare domb, death tomb and i know theres more.
Q. Where can you find the Wyvern Lance?
I think from Black Drgon
Q: Name all the lances and rods in the game
Mythril Spear
Demon Spear
Flame Spear
Ice Spear
Thunder Spear
Holy Lance
Wyvern Lance
Rods ( counting as Staves as well I guess lol )
Mythril Mace
Mage's Staff
Power Staff
Wizard's Staff
Healing Staff
Diamond Mace
Stardust Rod
Q. Name all of the Knives and Axes in the game.
Gouche(SNES tarns)
Orachaon(Snes but in gba i think its oracli....what ever i suck at spellin)
Cat Claws
Battle Axe
So sorry, I suck at spellin
Q: Name all the Bows and Swords in the game
A. Bows:
Mythril Bow
Dark Bow
Flame Bow
Ice Bow
Killer Bow
Yoichi's Bow
Mythril Sword
Ancient Sword
Sleep Sword
Wing Sword
Blood Sword
Gaia Blade
Flame Blade
Ice Brand
Sun Blade
Wild Rose
Q. Name all of the Shields in the game.