I need help deciding on which magic I should put on my team. I got the PSP one recently. I have a knight, ninja, white wizard, and black wizard.
I was thinking of having this:
White wizard
lvl 1-cure, dia, blink
lvl 2-silence, nulshock, invis
lvl 3-cura, diara, heal
lvl 4-poisona, nulfrost, vox
lvl 5-curaga, diaga, healara
lvl 6-stona, protera, invisra
lvl 7-curaja, nuldeath, healaga
lvl 8-full life, holy, nulall
lvl 1-cure, protect, blink
lvl 2-blindna, invis, nulshock
lvl 3-cura, nulblaze
black wizard
lvl 1-fire,thunder,sleep
lvl 2-blizzard,slow,temper
lvl 3-fira,thundara,focara
lvl 4-haste,sleepra,blizzara
lvl 5-firaga,scourge,slowra
lvl 6-thundaga,death,quake
lvl 7-blizzaga,break,saber
lvl 8-flare,kill,warp
lvl 1-fire,thunder,focus
lvl 2-temper,dark,blizzard
lvl 3-fira,thundara,hold
lvl 4-haste,blizzara,confuse
I'll consider any suggestions or comments. Also, are stun and stop good spells? I've read faqs and they prefer the instant death spells.