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Thread: FF1 Challnge - Follow my progress

  1. #1

    FF1 Challnge - Follow my progress

    I've just downloaded FF1 on my mobile phone (NES version) and I'm pretty excited to play it again. It's my favourite of the NES FF games.

    I've completed it once before so I'm going to take on a challenge I read about.
    The challenge is that when a party member dies, death is permanent! No bringing them back to life.

    I'll be posting progress updates on here but 2 notes.

    1) Updates won't be mega quick. My progress will be quite slow due to other commitments.
    2) I've never done ANY challenges on FF, so this thread will probably end way before I get deep into the game!

    Let me know your thoughts. Hopefully it temps a few more people to try this challenge and probably do it better than me!

  2. #2
    Registered User FF1 Challnge - Follow my progress
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I will follow although I have never completed this game! I do however have it on my phone and may start a new game right now (not the task tho )

  3. #3

    Re: FF1 Challnge - Follow my progress

    When I beat this I played with a fighter, thief, black mage and white mage. For variety I've changed my party a bit.

    Fighter - Kicks Ass. Never leave home without one.
    Black Belt - I've heard lots of good things about them on this forum, so I thought I'd see what the fuss is about.
    Red Mage - Not so excited about this but I've never used one in this game. I get an extra healer which will be handy for a challenge like this, and also some physical damage at the start of the game.
    White Mage - Essential to keep my party healthy.

    Lets get going!

  4. #4

    Re: FF1 Challnge - Follow my progress

    First of all, I remember money being tight on this game but this is ridiculous! After kitting out my team, and buying my white mage a cure spell I was broke. I hear the local imps have a gold coin or two . . .

    I decided to level my characters up to level 3 by doing a few laps of the castle. My black belt hits for 1 point of damage! When does this guy get good?!

    In one battle I bump into a MadPony. He hits my black belt hard and brings his HP under 20! I figure that an enemy at this stage of the game can't be too tough so I keep attacking but my fighter misses! Luckily the beast attacks someone else for low damage and I'm able to get a cure spell in next round before a critical from my red mage finishes it off.
    I realise after that if i venture too far north by the sea, i bump into enemies that aren't meant to be encountered until the next stage. Still, I'm up to level 2 now so the HP boost should stop anymore scares. I could have lost a man at such an early stage!

    The rest of the levelling up goes without incident but I find myself being cautious with healing, and wincing everytime someone hits me with a critical.

    Final preperations done. Now off to save the princess!

  5. #5

    Re: FF1 Challnge - Follow my progress

    Bumped into a couple of Creeps on the way to the cave. They're a bit tougher than what I've been fighting so far.
    It's amazing how this challenge makes me a bit nervy anytime I fight something other than a puny imp or wolf!

    Garland wasn't too tough. He hits hard but careful healing keeps me out of trouble.

    The trip over to the next village is pretty uneventful. Whenever I get hit with a critical it always seems to be my black belt who gets it. I'm still not convinced about this guy!

    I ran from my first fight though. 4 Mad Ponies. Normally I never run, but you can't be too careful!
    I take on 4 later, when I'm up to level 5, and my Fighter gets knocked down to 14HP! I need to show less bravado. Everyone comes out alive though. No more playing this game after a few drinks though!
    Another fight with 3 Mad Ponies almost loses me my black belt (again!) He gets put down to 17 HP. Not knowing who'll get in first I ask my red mage and white mage to heal him. My red mage cures him then right after he gets hit again for 21HP. If I'd just asked my white mage to cure him, I'd be a man down already.

    I figure I need to spend some of this gold on better equipment so I fight the Pirates. They're a pushover and after a bit of levelling to get the equipment and spells I want I set sail to Elfland.

  6. #6

    Re: FF1 Challnge - Follow my progress

    Wow - Elfland is expensive!
    I grind to upgrade my equipment and get the level 3 spells but I haven't got the patience to get the level 4 ones yet. I get the Pure spell for my white mage though. Lots of poisonous creatures live by Elves apparently.

    I reach a new low on HP again after not being cautious enough healing. It's my blackbelt again who gets as low as 8HP before my white mage saves him.
    He is dealing a bit more damage now, and after it dawning on me I should swap him with the more durable red mage, I have no scary moments.
    I'm quite impressed with the red mage. He hits hard. I remember the black mage really sucked when attacking physically.

    The trip through the marsh cave isn't troublesome.
    I'm up to level 11 now, and it's time to fight Astos, the first big danger to my challenge!

    Anyone else playing FF1 at the moment?

  7. #7

    Re: FF1 Challnge - Follow my progress

    The battle with Astos

    For those who don't know, what makes this guy such a danger to my challenge is he has an instant death spell (Rub) despite just being an angry elf!

    The plan is to Fast my big hitters, Mute Astos, and finish it quick.

    My white mage gets in before him, casts Mute . . . and misses!
    Astos casts Rub on my fighter, I clench my teeth . . . and Rub misses!
    Next round Astos attacks first but he goes for Slow this time, which affects my fighter. I'm a bit annoyed as I've only just cast Fast but it could be much, much worse!
    This time my white mage scores with Mute.
    From here it's just a matter of grinding a much less dangerous Astos down now which I do with no problems.

    That's a big step put of the way, and I'm hoping things should be pretty calm now until I venture my way to fight the first fiend!

  8. #8

    Re: FF1 Challnge - Follow my progress

    Well, I seem to be getting into this now. The more HP I have the more comfortable I seem to be, even if the enemies are hitting harder.

    I do a bit of grinding in the Hall of Giants to save up for spells and Silver armor.

    Then I pretty much breeze through the dungeon. I'm surprised how easy Vampire & Lich are. I unload the big Fire and Harm spells and they're almost dead there and then.

    After Lich I even have enough energy to go back and raid a few treasures!

    I still run from Coctrices though. After getting this far with all 4 warriors the last thing I want it for everyone to get turned to stone!

    Anyone else out there doing any challenges on FF1? 4 white mages maybe, or a solo character walkthrough?

  9. #9

    Re: FF1 Challnge - Follow my progress


    I decided to venture into the Ice Cave. The plan was to get gradually deeper and deeper, picking up some goodies, and beefing my party up.

    On the 2nd floor, I get into a fight with 1 lonely Sorcerer, who instakills my Red Mage! I beat a hasty retreat.

    I think I'll do things in the proper order, and head to Gurgu Volcano.

    No more Fast spell, no spells that attack a group of enemies (except Harm on undeads only)

    RIP Red Mage

  10. #10

    Re: FF1 Challnge - Follow my progress


    I travelled through Gurgu Volcano and got to the bottom without too much trouble.
    I avoided the treasure figuring I'd make another pass through for that.
    I did decide to try and grab the Flame Armour though and had to fight the Flame Dragon.
    His first attack (scorch or something) did massive damage to my 3 remaining warriors, killing my Fighter.
    I managaed to get a Heal spell in on the next round but a phsyical attack killed my Black Belt, and my poor White Mage got killed trying to flee.

    I can't believe it's over so quick!

    Has anyone here completed this challenge? I guess the trick is in levelling up high, and getting hold of some Pro Rings to prevent instant death as early as possible.

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