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Thread: RP Profiles

  1. #1
    Memento Rhapso RP Profiles Rhaps's Avatar
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    RP Profiles

    Hopefully this thread won't be aborted mid-post and you guys won't ignore my VM's if it does >.> But I figure it's high time to move our profiles over to boot up the RP which never got started at SG Red Leather lol
    Simply copy and paste. Make any modifications if needed. Remember to incorporate your actual Rank Data and use it as our EXP system. Oh, and the Stat-roid discussion is still open, so feel free to discuss it.

    Name: Genesis Rhapsodos
    Age: ??? (twenties)
    Gender: Male
    Birthplace: Banora
    Race: Human
    Master: None
    Personality: Intelligent and calculating until infuriated
    Temperature: Warm
    Favourite Music: The Metal!
    Favourite Food: ???
    Favourite Drink: Tea
    Weapon: Rapier
    Advantage: High skill in fire magic/ arcane magic
    Disadvantage: Sephiroth (lol)

    Level: 2
    HP: 3550
    RP: 260
    STR: 36
    DEF: 44
    RUN: 23
    SPR: 44
    EVA: 2.5%
    CRT: 1%
    LUK: 6
    Exp: 85
    Gil: 600
    20% Common Drop: Bangle
    12% Rare Drop: Silver Bangle
    1% Very Rare Drop: Red Leather
    --Dark Green Materia—
    --Green Materia—
    --Yellow Materia—
    Charge Materia
    MP Cost: 4, also costs one elemental materia
    Infuses the strength of elemental materia into sword
    Pray Materia
    MP Cost: 2
    -Gives small health boost to all in party
    —Limit Level: 1
    -Utilizes a special Flare materia which casts several smaller, dart like versions of Flare
    --Desperation Moves—
    "You're not the only hero"
    -When HP hits 15% and allies have 50% or higher, he leaps out and grabs the toughest enemy by the face and casts Flare
    --Passive Abilities—
    -Auto- Equip Fire Materia (adds +5 Fire Damage)
    Description: The original Red Rapier
    Attack Power: +12
    Ability: Burning Magic
    Rarity: High
    Red Leather
    Description: Hand made by specialists at ShinRa, this jacket not only breaks the uniform mold, but it adds a little more defense
    Defense Power: +9
    Ability: Weak Blizzard Ward
    Rarity: High
    Not sure how the story is going to go yet, so leave stats open to editing
    Last edited by Rhaps; 07-21-2010 at 03:03 PM.

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

    I won something :3

    Also member of something that won another thing

    Don't click this.

  2. #2
    Memento Rhapso RP Profiles Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: RP Profiles

    Sorry for double post mods, but I want some activity T.T

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

    I won something :3

    Also member of something that won another thing

    Don't click this.

  3. #3
    The Mad God RP Profiles Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    New Sheoth

    Re: RP Profiles

    Name: Tsukiyo Amenochiyuki
    Level: 1
    Teacher/"Master": A now deceased Wutai master swordsman.
    Age: 23
    Weapon: Naraku no Hana (Translation: Flower of Hell)
    Advantages: Very advanced physical strength and magic abilities. Many attacks cause instant death.
    Disadvantages: Rather low endurance and HP
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Harsh, violent, quick to judge and quicker still to punish. However, he is generally very calm, and quiet.
    Temperature: Ice cold, connects with nobody he doesn't have to.
    Race: Jenova Experiment 'X'
    Hometown: Small village near Wutai (now destroyed)
    Favorite Music: Symphonic Metal
    Favorite Food: Sushi
    Favorite Drink: Sake
    Fighting Skill: His sword skill and technique is rivalled only by Sephiroth.
    Fighting Style: Self-taught and emulated blade techniques; all meant to be lethal, no defensive moves. When he draws his weapon, his intent is clear, he takes no prisoners and accepts no surrenders. He fights very analytically, quickly sizing up his enemy and its abilities, and calculates the most effective way to terminate it. As a result, he has a high ciritcal hit rate.
    Gil: 0
    Rare Drop: none

    Level: 1
    HP: 350/350
    MP: 105/105
    ATK: 70 (Max: 999)
    DEF: 25 (Max: 999)
    RUN: 70 (Max: 999)
    RDEF: 25 (Max: 999)
    EVA: 10% (Max: 100%)
    CRT: 15% (Max: 100%)
    LUK: 25 (Max: 999)
    Exp: 0
    To Next: 520
    Gil: 0


    Materia Matricies (Internal Skeletal Materia):
    Contain (Master)
    Cure (Master)
    Devastation (Master) (This is materia of my own creation, I'll explain its use later)

    Cure (Cure) MP Cost: 6
    Cura (Cure) MP Cost: 12
    Curaga (Cure) MP Cost: 24
    Regen (Cure) MP Cost: 36
    Freeze (Contain) MP Cost: 40
    Break (Contain) MP Cost: 46
    Tornado (Contain) MP Cost: 52
    Flare (Contain) MP Cost: 60
    Damnation (Devastation) [Basically, Ultima with death ailment] MP Cost: All + Full Limit Guage

    LIMIT BREAKS (moves in blue not yet learned)

    Horizon Blade: A high speed lunging slash parallel to the horizon. 25% stronger than a normal attack, a critical hit causes instant death (Odin effect, not the status ailment)
    Zenith Blade: A high speed rush followed by a swift violent upward slash, perpendicular to the ground. 50% stronger than a normal attack, a critical hit causes instant death (Odin effect, not status ailment)

    Starcross: A high speed lunging Horizontal slash through the victim, followed by a quick pivot and a followup upward slash. 100% stronger than a normal attack, a critical hit causes instant death (Odin effect, not status ailment)
    Earthsplitter: A heavy downward slash delivered after an extremely high-speed dash. 250% damage to target, plus 75% of a normal attack's damage to all other enemies from shockwave. Critial hit causes instant death to main target (Odin effect, not status ailment).

    Sakura Jinkouu: A fierce, ominous wind carries strange glowing red flower petals through all enemies as they rain down from the sky. These petals, though seemingly harmless are actually razor sharp blades. 300% damage to all enemies. Critical hits cause instant death (Odin effect, not status ailment)
    Saddist's Parade: 12 strikes divided evenly amongst all enemies with tripled critical hit rate. If unleashed upon a single foe, a powerful 13th strike is added, and if the final hit is critical, it causes instant death (Odin effect, not the ailment)

    Blurry Moon: The sky darkens, and a strange moon appears in the sky, blanketed by mysterious clouds. A gentle wind blows, carrying glowing cherry blossoms. Tsukiyo dashes straight through enemy lines as he executes a powerful draw slash at speeds undetectable by human eyes. This slash deals 400% damage to all foes, inflicts the death ailment, and carries a 25% chance of casuing instant death (Odin effect)

    Weapon: Naraku no Hana (Translation: Flower of Hell)

    Description: A longsword with an extremely long blade nearly 5 feet, the entire weapon is 6 feet total. The blade is reddish near the hilt, but turns blueish towads the tip. The blade is also highly reflective. The hilt is primarily black, with some dark green. The wrapping of the handle is meant to look like dark colored vines, complete with thorns. The pommel is a black metal rose, with a thorn protruding from the center. It continuously drains health from it's weilder (effect similar to poison, but not poison), but aborbs half the damage it inflicts (Blood weapon effect). The user must keep fightng to stay alive. Though invisible to the naked eye, the blade is completely covered with near microscopic serrations, giving it extreme cutting ability. Flesh and Blood is mysteriously absorbed into the blade, leaving it perfectly clean.

    Effects: Life Drain, Absorb (50%)

    Rarity: One of a kind

    Armor: Leviathan's Gift

    Description: A simple black silk training robe, with deep bue trim. This garment was blessed by Wutai's gaurdian Eidolon, Leviathan. It offers little physical defense, but resists many forms of magic. It is also lightweight and allows high mobility.

    Effects: Absorb water, Null-frost, Resist Lightning (50%), Resist Fire (50%), SOS Shell


    Infused with Jenova cells, he is similar in creation to Sephiroth. But rather than being exposed in a fetal stage, he was continuously treated with engineered Jenova cells for the first several years of his life. He has never been exposed to Mako in a liquid state, instead his skeletal system has been augmented with pure materia. This allows him the use of magic without equipping materia, as well as adding a hefty affinity with it. He destroyed his creator, his own father, before he had a chance to present his experiment to Shinra. Tsukiyo joined the Wutai army in the war against Shinra, but slowly came to realize he was on the losing side of the battle. He has recently fled Wutai to join SOLDIER; where he believes he will surely become an elite, and be remembered as a hero for all time.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  4. #4
    Angelicos RP Profiles Alther Primus's Avatar
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    Atop the Nexus of Creaton, awaiting my vengeance

    Re: RP Profiles

    Name: Alther Primus
    Level: 1
    Teacher/"Master": N/A
    Age: Unknown
    Weapon: Asphyxiated Soul (Think Darth Maul's sword, but katana blades instead of lightsaber blades)
    Advantages: High HP and TONS of power!.
    Disadvantages: ???
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Calm, Cool, and collected, withholds information until neccesary, but still trustworthy, holds a grudge.
    Temperature: Antarctica cold, has a small circle of friends.
    Race: "Human"
    Hometown: Midgar
    Favorite Music: Death Metal
    Favorite Food: Jalepenios
    Favorite Drink: Water
    Fighting Skill: Nigh Unrivaled (IE, only rivaled by Sephiroth and Tsukiyo, perhaps Genesis)
    Fighting Style: Unique Style developed through the ages, created for taking on powerful opponents with ease.
    Gil: 1,000
    Rare Drop: Elixir

    Level: 1
    HP: 700/700
    MP: 55/55
    ATK: 54 (Max: 999)
    DEF: 55 (Max: 999)
    RUN: 55 (Max: 999)
    RDEF: 55 (Max: 999)
    EVA: 4% (Max: 100%)
    CRT: 8% (Max: 100%)
    LUK: 20 (Max: 999)
    Exp: 220
    To Next: 20
    Gil: 200
    Can equip materia


    Materia Matricies (Internal Skeletal Materia):
    Enemy Skill

    Blade Toss: Alther throws his blade, causing it to twirl through the air until it hits the target and returns to Alther's hands. Attacks 5 times for 75% DMG each.

    Forsaken Eagle: Alther pulls out his handgun, and fires 1 shot for 200% DMG.

    Shadow Throw: Alther uses Blade Toss, but causes an eruption of pure darkness before returning the blade to himself. 6 hits at 75% DMG each until the final blow, which attacks for 300% DMG and has a chance to cause blind.

    Bloodlust: Alther slows and breaks his opponents, while he berserks, hastes, and walls his allies.

    Fatal Gravity: Alther uses his powers to grab an opponent by there throat, lifting them up, and slamming them down. Deals 90% of its HP at the time. Gravity elemental. Has a chance to cause death (status)

    Vengeance: Alther uses dark magic to drain 90% of the opponents current healther into his party members. 10% chance of filling up their limit meters.

    Armageddon: Alther causes fire to erupt around the opponents group, trapping them as they are barraged by flares. 10 Flares.


    Asphyxiated Soul
    Description: A sword that can only be weilded by Alther Primus, forged by an ancient power.
    Rarity: One of a kind


    A mysterious warrior, Alther Primus has quickly moved up to SOLDIER 1st Class. He enjoys Loveless almost as much as Genesis, he is infused with JENOVA cells as was everyone else. Sees Genesis as the brother he never had.

    Alther - Time is but a fleeting dream.


    Main Theme
    Sign of Evil (Alther's theme)

    A Challenge
    The Struggle
    Soul of Darkness
    Sorrow's Wrath

    Alther's Defeat
    Alther's Victory
    Last edited by Alther Primus; 07-20-2010 at 12:19 PM.

    My soul, corrupted by vengeance
    Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
    In my own salvation
    And your eternal slumber

    My junk:

    "Time is but a fleeting dream. I shall be awaiting in some tomorrow to avenge this day.
    -Alther Primus
    Feel free to VM me about joining my TFF Family!


    Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

    Elyon Seraphim



    Dark Angel




    Genome's Blade



    My frat!


    Daz 3d! Awesome!

  5. #5
    Memento Rhapso RP Profiles Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: RP Profiles

    *Victory Dance*!
    Still haven't gotten the Spreadsheet updated. . . heh
    Kinda thought the group was dead. My bad! I'll have updates up soon, so hang tight lol

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

    I won something :3

    Also member of something that won another thing

    Don't click this.

  6. #6
    The Mad God RP Profiles Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: RP Profiles

    Hurry! Do it nao! I could go for some hardcore RP right about now.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  7. #7
    Memento Rhapso RP Profiles Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: RP Profiles

    Ok Ranks later then lol I'll get cracking on the RP OP. Be looking for the entry tonight or tomorrow. I'll double as narrator as I don't think I'd do Genesis justice in his lines lol

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

    I won something :3

    Also member of something that won another thing

    Don't click this.

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