It would be interesting to see Square go in with Nintendo to make a Zelda RPG, call me crazy but I can see it being waaaaaay better than Mario RPG. Eh? Eh? Come on, agree with me.

I mean I love Ocarina of Time, it's my favorite game, but imagine a turn based Zelda.... that would be sick! Leveling up before fighting ganon, upgrading that master sword, finding different tunics to wear that have different effects.

I dunno, I googled it and it looks like people have already tried making something like it, but really? I want someone to do it right... it would be amazing.

Zelda RPG

I guess they have one where you actually ROLE PLAY with other people? Sounds lame, I never got into that, check it out.

The Legend of Zelda RPG - Zelda Roleplay

What are your thoughts? I never see it happening, but it's interesting to talk about.