Mines an easy one, Super Mario Bros/Duckhunt for NES. It was like when I was 4 and we had an NES (not sure when/how we got it). I didn't even play video games much my cousins did more when they baby-sat me and I just watched. I played that and Excite-bike sometimes. I also owned a Ninja Turtles game and a Roger Rabbit game.
I didn't own another system or game way until right before N64 came out. I bought/inherited my oldest cousins SNES with Super Mario world, Super Mario Kart and some Star Wars game. I hated Star Wars so I traded the game quickly to my brothers friend for Yoshi's Island. Then I played Yoshi's Island endlessly,
Since then I've owned almost all home consoles except Dreamcast and the Xboxs, even virtual boy (ouch!, I wonder why I wear glasses?).