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  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! Your crossover game SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Your crossover game

    To shake things up in here and to get activity going on the forums, I thought of a really interesting topic for this forum. In this thread discussion you get to think of your own crossover of any two game titles. Be sure to answer the four questions below:

    1. Name of your crossover title?
    2. Characters featured in the crossover?
    3. Brief storyline of the crossover (or detailed)?
    4. Style of gameplay?
    (optional) Character cameos?

    1. Tales of Phantasia x Fire Emblem
    2. Tales side: Cless, Mint, Chester, Klarth, Arche, Sheena. FE side: Marth, Lyn, Ike, Erika, Seth, Kent, Sheeda, Dorcus.
    3. Story takes place in the Phantasia universe 5 years after the events of the original game. The use of mana is being practiced throughout generations of families around the world. One person, who visited the morrisons often in secret while they were vacationing to other continents committed his study to time travel. He was curious to find out if he could use the power of mana to manipulate the time portal in the Sunken City of Thor (now risen to the surface). After much determination in his research, he traveled to the location of Thor by sail and wandered his way up to where the portal awaits. He examines the machine carefully and begins to experiment with different spells he has mastered over time, however, upon casting spells, he has damaged the machine to the point where it has caused a disturbance in the whole island and created a dimensional rift. Meanwhile in the Fire Emblem world, Marth is currently wandering the castle halls. Sheeda quickly runs in and tells Marth something is happening outside the castle. Marth runs out, sword in hand, ready to face what's ahead. As soon as he gets outside, he doesn't notice anything immediate in sight, however, he felt a change in the sky and he felt himself leave the ground not too much later. A portal suddenly appears and Sheeda attempts to rescue Marth from the gravitational pull of the strange looking object before them. Unfortunately, it was a futile attempt as both Marth and Sheeda were dragged in. Marth and Sheeda appears in a strange place (phantasia world) and the mysterious man responsible for the outcome wound up dragged into a world he never laid eyes on before himself (FE world). The journey begins for Marth and Sheeda in this strange new world and they come to meet up with Cless, Chester, and Mint. The portal appeared to do even more than drag the 3 characters to opposing worlds and more familiar faces turned up in different parts of the continent. What fate lies ahead for these characters as they face this dangerous situation? little do they know something sinister awaits them all.
    4. The gameplay in this crossover is based on the tales of games where characters learn skills as they level up and can use arcane artes and magic as they discover more abilities. A new feature in this gameplay will be included where you can learn abilities based on the titles you earn, each title will have a set of abilities to learn and once you master each ability you can equip any ability combination you want.

    EDIT: Cameos from the FE series will make an appearance in the game such as Eliwood, Sain, Wil, and Alm
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  2. #2
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Your crossover game T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSabin View Post
    To shake things up in here and to get activity going on the forums, I thought of a really interesting topic for this forum. In this thread discussion you get to think of your own crossover of any two game titles. Be sure to answer the four questions below:

    1. Name of your crossover title?
    Dissidia: The Super Final Fantasy Wars

    2. Characters featured in the crossover?
    Final Fantasy Side
    Final Fantasy I: Warrior of Light, Garland, probably the Four Fiends (Lich, Kraken, Marilith, Tiamat), Cid of the Lufaine
    Final Fantasy II: Firion, Leon, Emperor Paramecia, Min-Wu, Princess Hilda
    Final Fantasy III: Onion Knight (probably as Luneth), Dorga, Unei, Xande, Desch, Cloud of Darkness
    Final Fantasy IV: Cecil Harvey, Rosa Farrell, Rydia, Kain Highwind, Edge Geraldine, Golbez, Zemus, the Four Fiends (Scarmiglione, Cagnazzo, Barbariccia, Rubicante)
    Final Fantasy V]: Bartz Krauser, Lenna Tycoon, Faris Scherwiz, Galuf, Krile Baldesion, Exdeath
    Final Fantasy VI: Terra Branford, Locke Cole, Celes Chere, Edgar Figaro, Setzer Gabbiani, Leo Cristophe, Emperor Gestahl, Kefka Palazzo
    Final Fantasy VII: Cloud Strife, Aeris Gainsborough, Tifa Lockhart, Barret Wallace, Cid Highwind, Vincent Valentine, Rufus Shinra, Sephiroth, Angeal Heaway, Genesis Rhapsodos
    Final Fantasy VIII: Squall Leonhart, Rinoa Heartilly, Zell Dincht, Irvine Kinneas, Quistis Trepe, Selphie Tilmitt, Seifer Almasy, Edea Kramer, Adel, Ultimecia
    Final Fantasy IX: Zidane Tribal, Adelbert Steiner, Garnet til Alexandros, Freya Crescent, Amarant Coral, Queen Brahne Alexandros, Garland, Kuja
    Final Fantasy X: Tidus, Yuna, Auron, Rikku, Kimahri Ronso, Seymour Guado, Sin, Jecht, Yu Yevon
    Final Fantasy XI: dunno. Probably Shantotto, Prishe, Eald'narche, Maat, the Shadow Lord and Promathea
    Final Fantasy XII: Basch fon Ronsenburg, Ashe bin Dalmasca, Balthier Bunansa, Vaan, Penelo, Fran, Dr. Cid Bunanza, Al-Cid Margrace, the Judge Magisters, Vayne Solidor
    Final Fantasy XIII: Claire "Lightning" Farron, Snow Villiers, Hope Estheim, Sazh Katzroy, Oerba Yun Fang, Oerba Dia Vanille, Barthandelus, Noel Kreiss, Caius Ballad
    Final Fantasy Tactics: Ramza Beoulve, Delita Heiral, Agrias Oaks, Mustadio Bunansa, Wiegraf Folles, Dycedarg Beoulve, Zalbaag Beoulve, Cidolfas Orlandeau, Meliadoul Tengille, Loffrey Wodring, Cletienne Duroi, Folmarv Tengille
    Dissidia: Final Fantasy: Cosmos, Chaos, Shinryu

    Super Robot Wars Side
    Hero Senki: Project Olympus: Gilliam Yaeger
    Super Robot Wars II: Masaki Andoh, Shu Shirakawa, Bian Zoldark, Shiva Volkruss
    Super Robot Wars III: Lune Zoldark, the Inspectors (Mekibos, Aguija, Sikalog, Vigagi, Wendolo)
    Super Robot Wars IV: Irmgard Kazahara, Ring Mao, the Guests (Teniquette Zezerman, Grofis Lacrein, Zebris Forschwa, Justine Chafrois)
    Super Hero Sakusen: Ingram Plissken, Villetta Badam
    Super Robot Wars: the Lord of Elemental: the rest of the Masoukishin (Hwang Yang Long, Tytti Noorbuk, Mio Sasuga)
    Super Robot Wars Impact: Kyosuke Nanbu, Excellen Browning, Einst Alchemie, the Neue Regisseur
    Shin Super Robot Wars: Ryusei Date, Raidiese F. Branstein, Aya Kobayashi
    Super Robot Wars Alpha: Kuzuha Mizuha, Brooklyn "Bullet" Luckfield, Rio Mei Long, Ryoto Hikawa, Yuuki Jaeger, Ricarla Borgnine, Tasuku Shinguji, Leona Garstein, Euzeth Gozzo
    Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden: Sanger Zonvolt
    Super Robot Wars Advance: Axel Almer, Lamia Loveless, Lemon Browning, Vindel Mauser
    Super Robot Wars Reversal: Raul Gureden, Fiona Gureden, Raji Montoya, Duminuss, Despiniz, Tiz, Lalia
    Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Elzam Von Branstein, Kai Kitamura, Latooni Subbota, Shine Hausen, Radha Byraban, Katina Tarask, Russel Bagman, Daitetsu Minase, Tetsuya Onodera, Eita Nadaka, Lefina Enfield, Sean Webley, Eun Hyojin, Rishu Togo, Maier Von Branstein
    Super Robot Wars Alpha 2: Arado Balanga, Seolla Schweizer, Ibis Douglas, Sleigh Presty, Tsugumi Takakura, Irui Gan Eden
    Super Robot Wars Compact 3: Folka Albark, Fernando Albark, Mizal Touval, Alkaid Nassh
    Super Robot Wars Destiny: Joshua Radcliffe, Cliana Rimskaya, the Ruina generals (Glacies, Wintos, Igniz, Aquila, Umbra, Contagio, Perfectio)
    Super Robot Wars MX: Hugo Medio, Aqua Centrum, Albero Esto, Foglia Esto, Eldy Mitte, the Medius Locus
    Super Robot Wars Original Generations 2: Ratsel Feinschmecker
    Super Robot Wars Alpha 3: Touma Kanou, Cobray Gordon, Selena Recital, Baran Doban, Luria Kayitz, the Judecca Gozzo family (Ephesus, Pergamum, Philadelphia, Sardis, Smyrna, Thyatira, Laodicea), Son Gan Long, Ruach Gan Eden, Keisar Ephes
    Super Robot Wars Judgment: Touya Shun, Calvina Coolidge, Katia Grineal, Festeria Muse, Melua Melna Meia
    Super Robot Wars Original Generation Gaiden: Kyle Bean, Wilhelm von Juergen, Kouta Azuma/Fighter Roar, Keisaburo Azuma, Shouko Azuma/Fighter Emi
    Super Robot Wars W: the Valstork family (Kazuma Ardygun, Mihiro Ardygun, Akane Ardygun, Shihomi Ardygun, Blessfield Ardygun, Aria Advance)
    Super Robot Wars: Endless Frontier: Haken Browning, Aschen Brodel, Kaguya Nanbu, Suzuka-Hime, Reiji Arisu, Xiaoyu, Saya, the Orchestral Army (Eizel Granada, Katze Kotolnos, Henne Valkyria, Kyon Feulion), the Silent Works pirate group (Anne Sirena, Bonny Maxmad), other antagonists (Shuten, Cardia Basirissa, Otone, Koma, Dorothy Mistral, Rubor Cucullus), the Wahrscheinlichkeit
    Super Robot Wars Original Generation Endless Frontier EXCEED: Aleidy Nashe, Neige Hausen, Pete Pain, Gagun Laos
    Super Robot Wars Z: Rand Travis, Mel Peter, Setsuko Ohara, Denzel Hammer, Toby Watson, Asakim Dowin, Xine Espio
    Super Robot Wars Z2: Crowe Brust, Marguerite Pistil
    Real Robot Regiment: Ariel Org, Devant Org
    The 2nd Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Ing Egret, Michiru Hanaten
    The Great Battle: Dark Brain

    Why so many? Well, it's basically Dissidia: Final Fantasy with an extended cast crossed over with The 2nd Super Robot Wars Original Generation, adding the missing pieces. So it's almost twice the cast of a typical Suikoden game, just in case.

    3. Brief storyline of the crossover (or detailed)?
    It's...complicated, but that's the specialty of the Super Robot Wars series. The crossover deals with Shinryu, suffering a terrible defeat at the hands of the Warriors of Cosmos, making a deal with the Dark Brain, who seeks to find the 12 Spheres to achieve ultimate power in the SRW Universe. Because the Steel Dragon Group and the Warriors of Cosmos are too powerful, the deal consists of overloading the SRW universe with Mannikins of formerly defeated villains, while the Final Fantasy multiverse would be overwhelmed by the sheer firepower of the various SRW enemies. Cosmos, realizing the battle will be dire, orders Cid to find her Warriors once again, and to reunite the power of the Crystals to halt the invasion. However, the world is swiftly overwhelmed by the forces of Dark Brain, who make a truce with the Warriors of Chaos (but all with their own intentions: the Emperor reunites with Ultimecia and others loyal to him, Golbez and Jecht ally with the (Neo) Divine Crusaders, Kefka and Gestahl ally with the Shadow-Mirror, and others remain separate but under a fragile alliance. Desperate, Cosmos sends a large amount of power to cross the beacon, and it's the entire Steel Dragon group (comprised of the ATX team, the SRX team, and all supporters). The Steel Dragon group is tasked with halting the forces of the Warriors of Chaos and their own former enemies, while seeking the Crystals and opening the portals to the worlds inhabited by the Warriors of Chaos, joining forces for a final showdown.

    4. Style of gameplay?
    The system would be somewhat similar to Suikoden in scope, combining the RPG aspects of Super Robot Wars: Endless Frontier and the tactical RPG system of all other Super Robot Wars. Some missions will involve a smaller part of the Steel Dragon Group (namely, Axel, Alchemie, Sanger and Kouta as Fighter Roar) trying to fight against some of the FF villains to rescue the crystals, to which the heroes from Endless Frontier and the FF heroes join. Attacks would resemble much like those of Dissidia, with Bravery and HP attacks becoming normal attacks and EX Bursts becoming Overdrive attacks. Magic is divided into White Magic (reuniting most of the Seishin commands from Super Robot Wars like Faith, Valor, Zeal, Hot Blood and Iron Wall) and Black Magic (reuniting the typical spells such as Fire, Blizzard and Thunder, up to and including Ultima). Summons would take the part of support monsters, while including some of the Steel Dragon units. On the other hand, the Steel Dragon will face massive monsters (including the One-Winged Angel forms of many bosses, of course including the fourth form of Kefka, Zeromus, Safer Sephiroth, Necron, and even Sin) using their full arsenal, alongside some special appearances of the FF team (Terra's Magitek Armor, Rikku's Machina Maw, Vanille's Hecatoncheires in Gestalt mode, and the airships) fighting alongside the units.

    (optional) Character cameos?
    I'd go for the ultimate character cameo. You'll never expect it, but it'd be a nice gesture of Monolith Soft for Square-Enix...
    The cast of Xenogears: Fei Fong Wong, Elhaym Van Houten, Citan Uzuki, Bartholomew Fatima, Ricardo Banderas, Billy Lee Black, Maria Belthasar, Emeralda Kharim, Grahf and Deus.

    And for the kicker? Why not add the cast of Xenosaga as well? People like Shion Uzuki, Jin Uzuki, M.O.M.O, Ziggurat 8, Gaignum Kukai "Jr.", chaos, KOS-MOS (lawl!), or the antagonists: Wilhelm, Albedo Piazzola, Margulis and T-ELOS.

    Add the mechs, and they can fight in both sides at once.
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

    Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.

    The Final Boss Theorem:
    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
    Silver, Omnitense, Govinda, Aerif, Meier Link,
    (whatever is the name of) The Stig, Grizzly, Fishie,
    Craven, Spiral Architect, Flash AND Froggie.

    Spaces still available. Join today!!

    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

  3. #3
    1. Name of your crossover title?:

    Final Fantasy #: Dark Days
    2. Characters featured in the crossover?:

    Final Fantasy II: Cecil Harvey, Rydia, Kain Highwind, Golbez
    Final Fantasy VI: Terra Branford, Locke Cole, Celes Chere, Kefka Palazzo
    Final Fantasy VII: Cloud Strife, Sephiroth.
    Final Fantasy VIII: Rinoa Heartilly, Ultimecia.
    Final Fantasy X: Tidus, Yuna, Seymour Guado
    Final Fantasy XIII: Claire "Lightning" Farron, Hope Estheim, Snow Villers, Barthandelus

    Devil May Cry Series: Dante, Vergil, Trishe.
    Bayonetta: Bayonetta, Rodin, Luka, Jeanne.

    3. Brief storyline of the crossover (or detailed)?:

    Set somewhere after the events of Devil May Cry 3 and Bayonetta, seeking to put an end to Dante and Bayonetta, a dark unnamed force forges a pact with the darkest of evils causing a rift in the dimensions across time and space. People from other worlds fighting their own battles for their worlds are dragged into Dante and Bayonetta's world causing storylines and enemies to become crossed. Dante and Bayonetta decide to team up to fix this whilst fighting angels demons and creatures from other dimensions alike.

    4. Style of gameplay?

    Based on a mix of the ATB gamestyle and DMC/Bayonetta's chain of attacks method with creating parties with DMC/Bayonetta and Final Fantasy alike, you would be able to say have a party consisting of Bayonetta, Terra and Lightning or say Dante, Cloud and Tidus.

    (optional) Character cameos?:

    IF there are any cameos, I'd like to think it'd be either from other Capcom or Square Enix games, like Valkryia Profile or Resident Evil characters as hidden bosses in the same way Bayonetta unlocked her hidden boss. Like for facing each one of the Valkryie's individually, you could find a different kind of feather OR for Resident Evil, you could find a vial of the T-Virus and then Wesker appears etc.

    Please feel free to let me know what you think!

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