Seeing all these Game of the Year talks and best of 2014 lists got me thinking about a few things. One, it reminded me I was really bad about working out those reviews, bad Andromeda. Two, I bought a decent number of games. Three, I didn't play as many as I thought. I was trying to think of all the ones that played/completed and thought it was a lot. Actually ran the numbers and found out how mistaken I was. Christmas is coming up and I'm going to be in heavy write stuff mode. So I thought everyone else is doing lists, why don't I and I just do a little something extra.
Anyway, the point of this thread is to talk about all the games you bought and played this year. And if you can think of what was the best to you and heck if you can rank them. I'm planning on it.
The thing I'm going to do is from December 22nd until December 31st each day I'm going to rank the top ten games I've played this year. Since they are largely RPGs that I played, it's going to be a Top 10 JRPG. However, since I want to be better on the reviews. I'm also going to deliver a new review for every game on the list that I haven't already reviewed and completed as well. If I haven't completed it then I'm not reviewing, it's not fair to the game to review it incomplete. I can still at least rank them. So I'll be delivering 6 new reviews this month I'm pretty sure, a bonus review will be the Dark Cloud review requested back when I thought I was going to be more regular about this sort of thing.
So on to my list.
Here is the games that I bought this year:
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remastered
Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars
Drakengard 3
Tales of Xillia 2
Dark Souls II
Atelier Escha and Logy
Senrai Kagura: Shinovi Versus
Ar noSurge
Fairy Fencer F
Kingdom Hearts II.5 HD ReMix
Danganrompa Trigger Happy Havok
Danganrompa 2
Freedom Wars
Hakuoki: Memories of the Shinshugumi
Natural Doctrine
Miku Hatsune Diva 2nd
Tales of Hearts R
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
Akiba's Trip
Civilization: Beyond Earth
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment
Demon Gaze
Velocity Ultra (Free)
Surge Deluxe (Free)
Pixel Junk Shooter (Free)
Wipeout 2048 (Free)
Tokyo Jungle (Free)
Mirror's Edge (Free)
Tomb Raider (Free)
Dust: An Esylian Tale (Free)
Rainbow Moon (Free)
Galaga Legions DX (Free)
Velocity 2X (Free)
ibb & obb (Free)
Pix the Cat (Free)
Playstation All Stars Battle Royale (Free)
Ignoring free games I got, 23 games along with 14 free ones. From the 23 games I bought this year, I've only completed
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Atelier Escha and Logy
Tales of Xilla 2
Ar noSurge
Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Drakengard 3
Fairy Fencer F
Ys: Memories of Celceta (Which I bought last year)
Civilization: Beyond Earth
I started but never finished:
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God (Which I also bought last year)
Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars
Dark Souls II
I've got ten games I've beaten out of 23 and one of them Civilization, which is a vague sense of beating unlike the other games. I've got a lot of games left unplayed. How does your purchases stack up? I give myself a pass on two Final Fantasy X/X-2 and Kingdom Hearts II.5 because I've beaten FFX, FFX-2 and KH2 already and I beat Hakuoki as well on the PSP. I just wanted to replay it with the new scenes at some point on the PS3.
I love JRPGs, so I buy a lot of them, not all, since there are some on other platforms, but I do buy all the ones for the PS3 and PS4 and some for the Vita (means most, but not all). Which is part of the reason I have so many that I don't play, but I bought them with the intention to play them at some point. It's just hard these days.
I'm working on my top 10 list of best JRPGs this year. So let me know what your best games this year were. And how is your completion to purchase ratio this year?