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Thread: Tackling your Backlog of Games

  1. #1
    Registered User Tackling your Backlog of Games
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    Tackling your Backlog of Games

    I have sooo many games that haven't been finished yet, and for a while didn't even know where to start. I figured the best way to get through all these games would be to find the ones that already had a lot of time put in already and finish those off, and start on the ones that seemed kind of short. Figured doing that would at least knock a dent in my collection of shame games I haven't completed yet. That plan kind of went to pot though when I got back into playing Persona 3 Portable...Haha... Great game. Everyone should get a copy. /shameless plug


    How many TFFers have games that have yet to be completed? Do you have a plan to get through all the games, or do you not care and only play the ones you feel like playing when you feel like playing them?

    Gaming is supposed to be an enjoyable pastime (for most anyway), but it does kind of bother me that I have games that haven't even been touched yet just sitting on my shelf. I vow to complete them all! Someday...
    Last edited by Dodie16; 05-29-2011 at 12:26 PM.
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  2. #2
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    Y'know, I dunno. I got games that I've never put in my system that I got years ago, but I don't really plan on playing them anytime soon. Some of them are remakes, so technically I've already played them (I got that Super Mario All Stars port for the Wii, for example). But my wall of shame includes:

    Star Fox Command, DS (Played a little bit, decided it was hard)
    Castlevania X, PSP (I've played it a little bit off and on, not gotten very far)
    MadWorld, Wii (Not even played once)
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle Nexus, GC (Not even played once)
    Kingdom Hearts 2, PS2 (started years ago, didn't get very far)
    Metal Gear Solid 1-3, PSX/PS2 (Started Metal Gear 1, didn't get very far. Haven't touched other two)
    Nier, PS3 (Not even played once)
    Super Street Fighter 4, PS3 (Turned on. Played a bit at friend's house, but not my own copy)
    The majority of the games in Sonic's Sega Genesis Collection, PS3 (I have played through the majority of Shining Force 2, and I beat Shining Force 1 on my Wii.)

    I'm not even including games I've played at least halfway through but not beaten. I might beat them all some day, when I have time and am interested. Right now, neither seem to be the case. If I don't sell them however, I probably will play them some day. When I have gray hair, maybe. Until then, they're part of my collection! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  3. #3
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Tackling your Backlog of Games che's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    The fact that you haven't completed them means you don't really want to! Don't force it!

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  4. #4
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Tackling your Backlog of Games ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    I have a lot of games on backlog that I'm trying to wade through at the moment. The big one was Final Fantasy XIII, which I have finally beaten. I still have, not just PS3 games, but some on all of my consoles.

    Thing is, you buy new games and you get sidetracked. It's like, for example, I was playing Dragon Age II, and then I got Batman: Arkham Asylum and I have been playing that non stop and forgotten about DAII. It's the gaming circle of life.

  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    Over 3/4 of my games are still shrink-wrapped, an unfortunate result of work (which is why I can afford them in the first place) and social commitments. My trouble is I want any game that looks like I'd enjoy it and I tend to buy several games a week even though I'm lucky to complete one every month or two.
    victoria aut mors

  6. #6

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    I have a few games I haven't even opened yet, and plenty of games I probably haven't played a full hour of them. I try to play one game at a time in each of my systems, hoping to slowly make progress through my pile of games.

  7. #7
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    I've honestly never beat a Final Fantasy in my life. In 4.. I think 4, the one with Cecil, I hit underworld, or something, whatever it was called, VI I'm at Kefka, VII I got to Seph, VIII I got to Ultimecia, IX I got.... close to the end, X I was in Zanarkand, 12 I was 2 or or so main bits away, 13 I made it to the other world, but a lot of that has to do with the fact I think X and up are shit games....

    They aren't really on my list to bother finishing, though.

    I used to have a huge problem with finishing games, but nowadays games are shorter than ever, so it's not so hard to get through them. It took me a year to pick back up Lost Odyssey and finish it, though.

    I tend, lately, to play a game nonstop until it's beaten. I also tend to play games that are relatively short and can be beaten in a couple of days.

    Recently, however, I picked up Fallout 3 GOTY. Between the DLCs and all the sidequests the game is incredibly long, so I keep taking breaks for other games. I picked up my gamefly subscription again so I can plow through the 15 or so games I want to play this summer.

  8. #8
    ___________ Tackling your Backlog of Games Kyreaan's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    Games I never finished? I felt that way with the Phantasy Star Portable. I got to the end, but I never completed the last fight. It's worked where you either need fast combos or a tank. I never finished expansion packs for NWN because I kept testing new characters after beating the main one-player mode. Some games I finally got back to and ended up trading them in: Beyond Good and Evil and Dark Angel for example. The Persona I had for the PSP was the collector's edition, and I noticed that more starting coming out for PSP. Most of my games end up going to someone else. I've only been holding onto my UMD games.

    Chrono Cores:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyreaan View Post
    I would skip the part about it being a 100lb box set and consider the relative mass to converted energy for the staircase. The style I would first choose is to go for the Aeronaut legos and calculate relative time and distance to the axis points within the electromagnetic field that could cross over warping into a wormhole given enough density converted into energy by using the funnelled power of the sun. Enough power may be derived not from the sun, but from the mass of an artificial, contained black hole connected to a semi-quantum theorized single vacuum tube for energy wave processing. You cause youself to fold inward and then collapse in on itself, while rematerializing into another universe or within the same universe with the rest of your ship. Your reference points will be the nearby astrology of wherever you ended up, as well as the age of the nearby stars relative to your current star maps. Go ahead and give me a call or send me an email if I am considered for the position. Thanks. It was nice meeting you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyreaan View Post
    I am slapping this thread up for an update. There was a petition set up at Petition Spot for .hack//Link (PSP). It says it is needing 50,000 signers, but it looks like they are asking for only 100 right now. This is asking for either an English patch or an English release towards both NA and Europe regions. It is the last game of the entire series.

    .hack//Link English Localization- Petition Spot

    The first two series, for those of you who don't read or know, were 7 volumes total and all for PS2. There was also an 8th; it was called .hack//Fragment Offline. A lot of people didn't know that I bet. Has anyone read any .hack manga? If you don't plan on getting Link and instead prefer to read, I recommend at least trying out .hack//Link Manga- Read .hack//Link Manga Online for Free at Manga Fox. Let me know what you think.

  9. #9

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    I've had Final Fantasy X and X-2 sitting on the shelf for a long time now and still have yet to even so much as put one in the disc tray.

    I also got through a good portion of New Super Mario Bros Wii and never completed it. Not that it's a bad game or anything. I just like to focus on one game at a time and right now, I'm busy with Final Fantasy.

  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    I don't think I actually do. I only play the games when I'm in the mood to do so, or if I can play with a group of friends. A few weeks ago, I had all the time in the world to play video games when I was looking for work. Now that I have a job, a job with weird hours at that, I don't even have the energy to tackle a game for longer than one or two hours a day.

    I tend to buy one or two games a month, maybe more... so my backlog goes back to November last year with Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, The Sims 3 (not satisfied until that's been platinum'd - you can't really finish a Sims game), LBP2, Dead Space 2 (barely started), Dragon Age 2, Yakuza 4, and there's definitely more.

    I also own, but have not touched Bioshock 2, Mortal Kombat (they're STILL in the plastic), and Batman: Arkham Asylum (still got a pre-owned seal on it). I won't even go into my list of games to get this year...

    I'm playing through L.A. Noire and White Knight Chronicles at the moment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  11. #11

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    Every game I have I've made sure I complete it. I never buy a game unless I know I like it, if I don't that game doesn't stay in my backlog long.

  12. #12
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Tackling your Backlog of Games Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    I tend to finish all the games I play, nevertheless, every now and then I stop playing certain game for often unknown reason or I just switch to other game leaving it behind unfinished. Sometimes I return to it and continue where I left, though if it's been a while since I played it I have to start all over again, just to pick all the details I forgot.

    Right now I have quite a few games that still need to be cracked (Dragon Age Origins along with every available DLC, and it's sequel, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Kingdom Hearts 2, and Birth by Sleep, Crysis 2...), some on the other hand to be finished (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena)...

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  13. #13
    I want to play a game. Tackling your Backlog of Games Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    I've got quite a list of mostly old games that I just haven't gotten around to playing. Though I may not have had them since their release case in point Xenosaga Episode III which I got early this year.

    I do plan & hope to finish all the games, which are mostly RPGs, in time. Though it may take a long time for that too happen. Let me see if I can remember all that I have yet to beat:

    Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
    Star Ocean: The Last Hope
    Kingdom Hearts (got half-way when I rented the game when it was released)
    Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
    Kingdom Hearts II
    Unlimited Saga
    Front Mission
    Front Mission 4
    Valkyrie Profile 2
    Valkyria Chronicles
    Persona 3
    Persona 4 (very close)
    Xenosaga Episode 1 (restarting though got real close to beating when I borrowed from a friend)
    Xenosaga Episode II
    Xenosaga Episode III
    Suikoden II
    Suikoden III
    Growlanser: The Sense of Justice
    Growlanser: The Dual Darkness
    Dragon Quest VI
    Dragon Quest VII
    Dragon Quest IX (very close)
    Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
    Magna Carta: Tears of Blood (half-way)
    Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
    Summoner 2
    Vagrant Story
    Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
    Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light
    Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
    Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
    Crimson Sea 2
    Genji: Dawn of the Samurai

    Yeah, I think I got everything. Too long a list, but I don't have the time to devote heavy amounts of game time in my life.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  14. #14

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    It's the gamer's curse I have games still in shrinkwrap I'm only started getting to them now. I'd list them but I'm too lazy and I'm scared to actually see just how much I would have to play.

    What I hate is when you love a game stop for some reason and then go back to it but have forgotten some of the story. I either A, play forward and realize some plot twist isn't as shocking since I have no idea who that guy / what happened and its implications. Otherwise I end up restarting the story and get close if not exactly where I was before and stop again only to be plague with having to restart again in the future or I just don't go back to it and call it a "rainy day Rpg". That's what I like games like the tales series or any game that has a journal or backtrack feature so you can re-watch the cinematics or get caught up with the story.

    However when I do finish one....nothing is as sweet of a victory

  15. #15
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Tackling your Backlog of Games nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    Wow, i'm getting a panic attack at the number of unplayed or uncompleted games on people's shelves

    I'm really picky, and HAVE to complete a game if I get it, can never play a game and never complete it. And for that matter, can never buy a game and never play it either...

    Weird ...
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  16. #16

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackBlade View Post
    It's the gamer's curse I have games still in shrinkwrap I'm only started getting to them now. I'd list them but I'm too lazy and I'm scared to actually see just how much I would have to play.

    What I hate is when you love a game stop for some reason and then go back to it but have forgotten some of the story. I either A, play forward and realize some plot twist isn't as shocking since I have no idea who that guy / what happened and its implications. Otherwise I end up restarting the story and get close if not exactly where I was before and stop again only to be plague with having to restart again in the future or I just don't go back to it and call it a "rainy day Rpg". That's what I like games like the tales series or any game that has a journal or backtrack feature so you can re-watch the cinematics or get caught up with the story.

    However when I do finish one....nothing is as sweet of a victory
    It seems I have a clone! Lol! This is EXACTLY what I do! Here is a list of my wall of shame;

    Tekken 6
    Skate 2
    Final Fantasy III
    Final Fantasy IV (GBA)
    Final Fantasy IV (DS)
    Final Fantasy IV The After Years
    Final Fantasy VII
    Final Fantasy IX
    Final Fantasy X
    Final Fantasy XIII
    Viewtiful Joe
    Metroid Prime
    Metroid Prime Echoes
    Metroid Prime Corruption
    Devil May Cry 3
    Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
    Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicle's
    Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicle's
    Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
    Maijin and the Forsaken Kingdom
    Uncharted Drake's Fortune
    Dead Nation
    Castle Crashers
    Grand Theft Auto IV
    Far Cry 2
    Dead Rising 2
    Batman Arkham Asylum
    Mirror's Edge
    Unreal Tournament III
    Dragon Age Origins
    Aliens vs Predator
    Call of Duty Black Ops
    Assassin's Creed II
    Red Dead Redemption
    Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare
    Demon's Souls
    Dead Space
    Star War's Rogue Squadron Rogue Leader
    Star War's Rogue Squadron Rebel Strike
    The Legend of Zelda The Phantom Hourglass
    Starfox Command
    Advance War's Dark Conflict
    Sonic Rush Adventure

  17. #17
    Registered User Tackling your Backlog of Games kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    of the games i have i think ive only half of them. a few of them (lunar -psp verison- and disgaea 2 for example) i had started over, with full intention of finishing them, but never really getting around to it. but yeah, if i haven't beaten a game its just i havent gotten around to it; not that i think it sucks and i dont want to see it

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    final fantasy xiii-2
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  18. #18
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    I definitely have a few of these, but I rent a lot now so at least if I don't want to play it right then I can send it back and find something else without feeling like I wasted money. I just put the game back in my queue later.

    Some games that I have bought I haven't finished though. Some I plan on finishing, others I probably never will.

    Rented and unfinished:

    Star Ocean IV: The Last Hope International (will come back to eventually)
    Resonance of Fate (may come back to)

    Owned and unfinished:

    Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (I may actually play this one next, been meaning to get back to it, especially with Revelations being unveiled and all that.)
    Dragon Age: Origins (will come back to eventually)
    Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker (will probably never finish)
    Izuna 2 (again, will probably never finish)
    Final Fantasy III (got to final boss, may come back to)
    Final Fantasy IV (will finish someday)
    Final Fantasy VII (got to final boss, probably won't come back to)
    Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (will not finish)
    Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (may come back to)
    Okami (will definitely finish)
    Demon's Souls (may come back to)
    Mirror's Edge (borrowed from a friend, probably will not finish)

    Most of these I've had for years and just never feel like playing, or in the case of games like Okami, somehow forgot about. Most of the time if I don't finish a game before moving on to another, I simply will not finish it. Part of this is because I usually leave a game for so long that by the time I get back to it I forget what's happened and in many cases, the precise controls, so I usually end up starting it all over again.

    I have the same problem with books, actually. Over half of the books on my bookshelf and a fair number on my Nook are unread.

    It's not really a huge deal to me anymore though; I'm not quite so driven to finish everything as I used to be. I figure if I don't come back around to it I didn't like it that much to begin with anyway. The rare exceptions are games that I put down with every intention of picking back up again and just haven't yet. The rest just kind of faded out of my mind until threads like this remind me of them.

    Last edited by DragonHeart; 07-19-2011 at 09:46 AM.
    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  19. #19

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    I have a chunk of games that are unfinished sitting on my shelf, such as;

    Mass Effect 2 (Only one more mission for it)
    Dragon Age: Origins (Haven't started it yet)
    Battlefield Bad Company 2 (Need to play the multiplayer still)
    Final Fantasy XIII (Working on this year-old one now)
    Assassin's Creed II (Went achievement hunting, might finish this one)
    Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
    Fable II
    Dead Space
    Pokemon Black
    Disgaea 3
    Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (I just MP with a friend for this one)
    Knights in the Nightmare
    Halo Wars
    Starcraft (My account got hacked a while ago, so I doubt I'll finish this one)

    I want to play the RPG's first, mostly because I just enjoy them more.

  20. #20
    Crash Boom Bang Tackling your Backlog of Games Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    i seem to get games and never even look at them again

    I had a back log a bit back and went on a bit of a marathon and just powered through them one after the other. Ive since got yet more games i need to get round to playing, problem is I just never do...

    I still have PS2 games that have been left bought and untouched....

  21. #21
    is not a douche Tackling your Backlog of Games Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffles View Post
    I have a chunk of games that are unfinished sitting on my shelf, such as;

    Mass Effect 2 (Only one more mission for it)
    Dragon Age: Origins (Haven't started it yet)
    Battlefield Bad Company 2 (Need to play the multiplayer still)
    Final Fantasy XIII (Working on this year-old one now)
    Assassin's Creed II (Went achievement hunting, might finish this one)
    Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
    Fable II
    Dead Space
    Pokemon Black
    Disgaea 3
    Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (I just MP with a friend for this one)
    Knights in the Nightmare
    Halo Wars
    Starcraft (My account got hacked a while ago, so I doubt I'll finish this one)

    I want to play the RPG's first, mostly because I just enjoy them more.
    GET TO IT!!

    the only game I got on backlog is,
    Shadow of the Colossus

    bout it...

  22. #22
    Badass Military Agent Tackling your Backlog of Games Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    Man I have crapload of backlog games, here's my list

    Final Fantasy IV (Somewhere in the middle)
    Final Fantasy IV The After Years (Never started it)
    Orge Battle 64 (Still at the beginning)
    Disgaea 2 (PSP and PS2 version) (Never played it)
    Kingdom Hearts 2 (Never played it)
    Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories (Somewhere in the middle)
    Shiren The Wanderer (Somewhere at the beginning)
    Starcraft 2 (Mainly because my PC broke, getting a new one)
    Nier (Never played it)
    Lost Odyssey (Never played it)
    Record of Agarest War (Never played it)
    Baten Kaitos (Got stuck on the last boss).... (then my game and memory card got stolen)... (Just started over)
    Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga 1 (In the middle)
    Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga 2 (Never started)
    Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3FE (something like that) (Never started)
    Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4 (Never started)
    Metroid Prime (Never started)
    Metroid Prime Echoes (Never started)
    Metroid Prime Corruption (Never started)
    Tales of Symphonia (Had to start over, game and memory card got stolen once)
    ICO (Never started)
    Dark Cloud (Never started)
    Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (Somewhere at the beginning)
    Odin Sphere (Took a break, beat 3 storylines got 3 more to go)
    Makai Kingdom (Never started)
    La Pucelle Tactics (Never started)
    Grand Theft Auto 4 (Never started)
    Suikoden Tactics (Never started)
    Perfect Dark (don't even remember)
    Scott Pilgrim VS the world (Never started)
    Castlevania Lords of Shadow (Never started)
    Dynasty Warriors Gundam (Game is pretty hard)
    Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 (Never started)

    I know there are like 20 more, just can't think of them right now (not at home)....
    Last edited by Linus Li Lelouch; 07-20-2011 at 11:03 AM.

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  23. #23
    TFF's Resident Messenger Tackling your Backlog of Games Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Tackling your Backlog of Games

    I, like many of us, have a backlog of games as well. My problem isn't that I don't have time, because I have plenty of that. I only have to go to the office one day each week, the rest of the time I work at home. And since, I write a game review column, I have to play games.

    My problem is, I get to a part in the game that is really difficult, and I try and try, and I still can't get past it. Instead of becoming frustrated and throwing the controller through the TV, I sit it aside and plan to get back to it.

    The planning never works. When I think that I should get back to it, I get this urge to NOT get back to it.

    Here's my list of unfinished games:

    Atari Anthology
    ATV Offroad Fury
    Cabela's Big Game Hunter, Trophy Bucks, Deer Hunt 2004, Dangerous Hunts
    Crash TwinSanity
    Final Fantasy XII (curse you Vayne)
    Ford Racing 2
    Gran Turismo I-IV
    Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, San Andreas, Vice City Stories
    Hard Rock Casino
    High School Muscial 3: Senior Year DANCE! (I bought it for the dance pad)
    Hitman: Blood Money
    Hot Shots Tennis
    Jak 3
    Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights
    Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
    Monster Jam
    Mountain Bike Adrenaline
    Need for Speed: Most Wanted
    Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
    RPG Maker 3 (I played the demo within the game, but never made one...yet)
    Sega Genesis Collection (another anthology game)
    Sega Superstars Tennis
    Sonic Heroes (I have completed two of the stories)
    The Plan
    The Sims 1 and 2
    Tokyo XTreme Racer Drift
    Unlimited Saga (Square-Enix, but not a very good one)
    Xenosaga (doesn't play in my console for some reason)
    Project Gotham Racing 2
    Tetris Worlds
    NCAA Football 2005, '08
    Top Spin
    Midnight Club II
    Stake Fortune Fighters
    Midway Arcade Treasures 2
    IHRA Professional Drag Racing 2005
    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (never finished the movie either)
    Ghost Recon: Island Thunder
    Star Wars: The Clone Wars
    High Rollers Casino
    Outlaw Golf
    Sonic Mega Collection (another anthology)
    The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition (I, II, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask)
    The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
    F1 World Grand Prix
    IHRA Drag Racing (PlayStation version)
    Mortal Kombat Trilogy
    Nascar '98, '99
    Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012
    Strike Point
    Tomb Raider I and II
    Twisted Metal 4 (given to me broken, never fixed or replaced it)
    WWF Smackdown!, Wrestlemania 2000
    Gex 64
    Pokemon Stadium
    Quake (Bought it at a yard sale, but too lazy to switch TV over to N64)
    The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

    It may seem like I never have completed a game before. My list of completed games is just as long. If you want proof, look at collection of game reviews here on TFF for some of my completed work.

    Edit: I just realized that as of now, I have longest list among all of us. This is something I am definitely NOT proud of. I am going to try to take care of this right away.
    Last edited by Michael Swayne; 08-21-2011 at 07:27 AM.
    Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):

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    Communist Theocratic Commonwealth of the Illustrious and Eternal Al-ha Empire and Crown Dependencies

  24. #24
    Hewerya love...? Tackling your Backlog of Games seanb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    There's most likely a few ps1 games stored away somewhere that I never finished when I was a child, maybe one day I'l dig them all out and do them.

    At the moment I have yet to complete Final Fantasy VIII and XII ... It's because I don't have time now, but hopefully I'll try to continue playing them this year.

    As for Michael, I am nearly sure there are more games on your list than I have ever played in my life, haha. You have a tough job ahead of you!

  25. #25
    Just kind of there. Tackling your Backlog of Games Calvan's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Blog Entries

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    My Backlog includes

    Star ocean tille the end of time,
    Rogue galaxy
    Jak and Daxter
    Jak II
    Onimusha 2
    Dynasty Warriors 5/Xtreme Legends
    Final fantasy XII

    Star wars the force unleashed
    LA Noire
    3D dot game heroes
    Lego batman

    Super mario Galaxy 2
    Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
    Metroid other M

    Final Fantasy III
    Final Fantasy IV
    Dragon Quest V hand of the heavenly bride
    Grand theft auto Chinatown wars
    Pokemon White

    Fallout New Vegas(The DLCs)
    Lord of the rings battle for Middle earth
    Heroes of Might and magic II,III and V
    Halflife Squared+ episodes 1 and 2
    Oddworld stranger's wrath
    Star Wars Knights of the old republic
    Assassin's creed
    DooM 3

    I have a huge collection of games, (No kidding)
    So I know i've missed a few.
    -My Tee Eff Eff Family-
    Unknown Entity, My recipe trading, PS3 playing cousin.
    And then just like that i'm gone again.

  26. #26
    Registered User Tackling your Backlog of Games Coolmcdum's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    Orwell, Ohio

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    Hmmm..... I had had a running list of games i didn't touch for years then idk someday i just wanted to finsh them and i went one after another like crazy... But currenttly i need to by more games.
    Everyone Needs their box....

  27. #27

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    At the moment, i'm powering through the old school Final Fantasy games. I'm almost finished with I, and then i will move onto II and onwards in numerical order until i finish VI.

    Aside from those i also have Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, GTA Advance and Golden Sun waiting for me, so needless to say i will be a bit preoccupied in the coming months with games xD
    My TFF Family:

    My TFF girlfriend who hearts root beer - Chocobo_Lover 17
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  28. #28
    Peace Through Power Tackling your Backlog of Games Kinzerelli's Avatar
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    Jun 2011

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    Something tells me I will find out that I have a lot of games to finish....As with Calvan, will arrange them in order of console.

    Kingdom Hearts 2 - got to last boss, never completed. Swapped it with a friend for FF10 so doubt I will ever finish it
    FF12 - I always get bored of the Gambit system about 3/4 through the game and stop playing it.... that and I get lost.
    Spiderman 2 - Couldn't get past the 2nd Dr Octopus battle, then gave up
    Driv3r - couldn't get past the 2nd mission.....doubt I will start it again
    Burnout Dominator - As it was just pure racing and no crashing, I lost interest. Might pick it up again later....maybe

    Resident Evil Zero - Got to about 3/4 through the game....then lost the box with disc 2......
    Metroid Prime 2: Dark Echoes - Got to a certain boss.....and no matter what walkthrough I tried to use, I couldn't beat it. Gave up.

    PC: (the big one)
    Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights - I sort of play this on and off....still never finished it.
    Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Could never get into the game. Finishable?...doubt it.
    Need for Speed Prostreet - Got bored.....doubt it will get re-installed
    Need For Speed Shift - Not my type of racing game. Same as Prostreet, I doubt it will get re-installed

    Will update once I get back online, as I have to head out.... (got a lot more PC games to put on)

  29. #29

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    Wow, seems i'm not the only one. My gf has stopped me buying new games as she sees how frustrated i get at not having the time to make any inroads into my backlog.

    I had some time off console gaming so it probably didn't help that i got back into it buying two consoles(ps3 and wii) and about 9 games to start with. When i got my xbox i did the initial games spooge was starting off losing before i began...

    Worst thing for me is entire series' of games i've not touched, i missed out on the ps2(being a nintendo fanboy at heart) and so have the entire god of war and mgs solid series' sitting there haunting me with their HD remakes...

    Also, not being focussed does not help. Spreading your time between various games means it's tricky to get back into them when you pick them up again. I've now had to promise myself i'll complete 4 in my half-completed games before i'm allowed to start any new ones. Mostly playing rpgs is also a no-no as the hours involved is lucidcrous.

    Wish i was a teenager again as i took the spare time for granted, the added content with achievements/trophies in games these days is phenomenal also.

    I suppose spending your time on forums listening to other peoples gaming habits and watching tv doesn't really get any games completed though. Just sometimes the backlog scares me so much i have to hide away in more passive pursuits...

  30. #30

    Re: Tackling your Backlog of Games

    Oh and the rate at which decent games are coming out these days makes the situation almost unworkable. We're truly spoilt at the moment!

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