Got my hands on some really stellar games for GB/GBC/GBA, Golden Sun being one of them, heard such a great things about the game. Will not use the word “stellar” in the same context as Golden Sun anymore, but that’s beside the point. Story, characters, as generic as it gets, story being told to player like he’s the biggest kreten ever, but the visuals and gameplay are on point. Gameplay in particular, the djinn system is great, I only wish the psynergy puzzles were a lot more complex, like in Zelda.

Anyways, I reached what I thought was halfway point of the game, defeat a rather challenging boss, a short scene plays out and instead of me going further the credits roll in. The game just abruptly ends, the story isn’t finished, so many questions unanswered, at that point you know so little about the villains and their motivations. So where’s the rest of the game? There’s a sequel that came out a year out two later that wraps up the story. Some of you may think why I’m bothered by this, this isn’t all that unusual, well, let me explain.

Take The Witcher for instance, despite being part of the ongoing series each game still wraps up nicely, you have a sense of accomplishment, games have self contained stories with the main story looming in the background. Same can be said for Mass Effect.

That’s not the case with Golden Sun though, it just abruptly ends and at such a stupid point in the story I might add. There’s no sense of accomplishment, no satisfaction, game gives you nothing, it all felt like one massive unnecessary filler. I bet everything I have (ain’t much, lol) they cut the damn thing halfway through production and just released it while they work on the rest of it. F**k this game and it’s sequel. Imagine going through FF VI and it just ends as Kefka tears apart the world, even worse than that because that's actually a neat teaser for what next to come.

Ever played a game with unsatisfactory closure or nonexistent one?