View Poll Results: When is it okay to openly talk about spoilers?

11. You may not vote on this poll
  • When the first person spoils it for everyone, it's okay from then on.

    0 0%
  • You shouldn't be on a forum reading topics on a game you haven't beaten yet.

    4 36.36%
  • After everyone has at least had a fair chance to play the game.

    5 45.45%
  • It's never okay to post spoilers without spoiler tags.

    2 18.18%
Results 1 to 7 of 7

Thread: When is it okay to openly discuss spoilers?

  1. #1

    When is it okay to openly discuss spoilers?

    I noticed not many people censor things like Aeris' death in FFVII anymore. At what point do you think it's generally acceptable to discuss major event spoilers in videogames without tagging them as such?

  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: When is it okay to openly discuss spoilers?

    If people look into threads with possible plot details and they haven't finished the game they're asking for spoilers. Spoiler tags are just a way people who give a damn about spoiling a game for other people can use to be nice.
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3
    Registered User When is it okay to openly discuss spoilers?
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    Re: When is it okay to openly discuss spoilers?

    A Statute of Limitations on Spoilers, eh?

    I think it depends on the time the game was released. If it's been a few years, I'm pretty sure that it's okay to keep spoilers out in the open. Now if the game gets a re-release after so many years, then I think that spoiler tags should be a part of people's post so they won't ruin important plot points for the young 'uns or the people who didn't get to play the game the first time around.

    However, if some info about a game becomes "common knowledge" in regards to the plot, or heck, even becomes a cultural reference (I don't really know of any at the mo' like that...I'm just saying), then I don't think there should be a spoiler. It would just seem redundant at that point.

    But really, I went with the second option on the poll. You probably shouldn't read up on a topic if you haven't played the game and the thread is about some sort of integral plot element. You're just asking for it to be spoiled if you do stuff like that.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 02-15-2010 at 11:06 AM. Reason: spelling and clarified some points.
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  4. #4
    Tsuna Feesh When is it okay to openly discuss spoilers? Fate's Avatar
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    Re: When is it okay to openly discuss spoilers?

    I agree with Dodie, but I voted for the third choice instead. If the majority of the people, or practically everybody, knows of an important part of the story, then why bother to put it in a spoiler box? It gets annoying after a while, actually, because you'd have to type in the BB Code. =P

    Oh, and also:
    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    I noticed not many people censor things like Aeris' death in FFVII anymore.
    Heh-heh, I think you have some idea, Che, because you didn't spoiler that one yourself, now did you? ^ ~

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  5. #5
    Our Hopes and Expectations When is it okay to openly discuss spoilers? Ernest's Avatar
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    Re: When is it okay to openly discuss spoilers?

    The options are a little limiting.

    I would say the fourth, unless it has been five years. Seriously. It's so unessecarry to drop plot-bombs in seemingly old games. A lot of people on Final Fantasy forums are in their younger teens and have not had the time for finances to complete the entire series.

    More people will read your posts just to unveil your hidden spoiler anyway, so you might as well use them?

  6. #6
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: When is it okay to openly discuss spoilers?

    I dunno, I think people should generally tag their spoilers unless we're discussing a very old game.

    I'd have to say... the 3rd option. I think it's fine to openly discuss spoilers once the game's been around for awhile, so long as the beginning of the thread says "Hey, spoilers ahead, **** off if you haven't played it."

  7. #7
    My couch pulls out but I don't. When is it okay to openly discuss spoilers? midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: When is it okay to openly discuss spoilers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    I noticed not many people censor things like Aeris' death in FFVII anymore. At what point do you think it's generally acceptable to discuss major event spoilers in videogames without tagging them as such?
    Sorry to ruin it for you, but Darth Vadar is Luke's Father.

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