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  1. #1
    *There can only be one* What was the story again? Bangladesh's Avatar
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    What was the story again?

    Dont you hate it when your into a game and a new one comes out so your start to invest all your time into that one.So when you go back to replay the first one you forgot the story and have to start all over again! Happens to me all the time its a tough world out there!!!!

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: What was the story again?

    No I usually finish games I start. That has only happened to me when I played FFVI for the first time. I got caught up on some other stuff that I jumped back into the WoR and didn't know where or what I was doing.
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  3. #3
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: What was the story again?

    It happens a few times, especially around that time of year when ALL the games seem to come out at once, or when I find myself getting attached to another game.

    When I got my PS3, and built up a collection of games, I neglected my PS2 for a long time. At the time, I was playing Yakuza 2, and ended up forgetting about it. When I got back to Yakuza 2, I'd forgotten what was happening, so just explored the cities to see if I could ring any bells. I never quite did in the end... but I'm going to have to give it a whirl pretty damn soon to finish it because now I have Yakuza 3. =/

    Or I could try playing them both at the same time...

    It's also happened with Fallout 3. I know you could just go to the menu and find out what's going on story/quest wise, but when I stopped playing that for something else or my other load bits, I'd come back to it and be a little lost. Especially lost when I load up and I've saved in a ghoul infested train tunnel for some reason. >>;

    FFI was another one too. I stopped playing because my PSP gives me headaches and hurts my hands after a while. Sure, it was only a week, but I couldn't remember how to bring up the map, or where I was heading to.

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    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  4. #4
    *There can only be one* What was the story again? Bangladesh's Avatar
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    Re: What was the story again?

    Right i guess thats something i have to work on, i try to limit myself to three games at a time so i dont get overwhelmed and still have some diversity just wanted to know if i was the only one thanx!

  5. #5
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: What was the story again?

    This happens to me mainly when I've hit endgame in an RPG I've played before and go off doing random sidequests or leveling or...I don't even know. Usually when I hit that point in the game I'll start playing something else and not come back to the first game for awhile. By the time I do I've completely forgotten what I was doing so I often wind up in some very strange areas. On more than one occasion I've run into some uber optional boss I had been preparing to fight but then forgot it was even there. =X

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  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth What was the story again? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: What was the story again?

    Only when I'm trying to beat several games at once, I usually end up neglecting one game over other and thus forget some parts of the story, I don't give up on it though, I just refresh my memory via internet and continue from where I left.

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  7. #7
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: What was the story again?

    It happens to me fairly frequently, though usually around the time several awesome games are released at once. My problem is with a large disposable income I'm constantly buying games and often want to play some as soon as I get them meaning it's not uncommon for me to be partway through several games at once. Add work into the equation (especially the long hour, multiple days in a row I get every so often) as well as how crappy my memory is and you have a recipe for story remembering disaster.

    I do notice the odd game with a very original story seems to stick with me a lot longer though.
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  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor What was the story again? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: What was the story again?

    This doesn't happen to me at all. If I start a game I don't get a new one til I finish it. This helps avoid forgetting about the storyline and things of that nature.

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  9. #9
    The Bad Boy of TFF What was the story again? Block's Avatar
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    Re: What was the story again?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bangladesh View Post
    Dont you hate it when your into a game and a new one comes out so your start to invest all your time into that one.So when you go back to replay the first one you forgot the story and have to start all over again! Happens to me all the time its a tough world out there!!!!
    This is how I do as well. Except most of the time I just keep on rolling through the game, I find that as long as you know where you're supposed to go next, the story kind of slowly comes back to you.

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