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  1. #1

    what psp games do you have

    tell me what psp game do you have
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  2. #2
    Stream Crosser what psp games do you have Ann's Avatar
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    Re: what psp games do you have

    Most of games that I have are RPGs; Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Parasite Eve, Persona 3 Portable, etc. But playing too many RPGs sometimes makes me sick and I just want to relax by playing casual games such as Hot Shot Golf or maybe otome games.

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  3. #3
    Registered User what psp games do you have
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    Re: what psp games do you have

    I own these games:

    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - The reason I paid money for a PSP in the first place. :3
    Daxter - It came with my PSP when I bought it (bundle pack). Haven't played it at all though. Just haven't been that interested to really try it out.
    Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep- Got it for my birthday when it was released. Pretty great game, and I'm sort of itchin' to do another playthrough. I really don't want to go through fruitball and
    Possessed Zack
    again though...
    Both of the Dissidia Games - I'm more of a fan of Duodecim than the first one, but they're both fairly decent for me when I want to beat the tar out of some FF characters.
    Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection - Still haven't plugged much time with this one... Really need to get on that one of these days... Maybe after I'm finished with Skyward Sword...maybe.
    Persona 3 Portable - Holy hell, this game got a lot of playtime in from me. Loved the game, even if Tartarus got a tad bit repetitive pretty quickly.
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  4. #4
    The White Wizard of Fynn what psp games do you have Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: what psp games do you have

    The only PSP games I currently have are Silent Hill: Origins and Ratchet & Clank.

    I did have Crisis Core, but traded it after I finished it; I knew it was highly unlikely I would play it again. I also used to own Medal of Honor: Heroes, but was so disappointed with it I never bothered completing it. I loved SH, but R & C has been doing my nut in; the difficulty on the last levels is ludicrous and I've got very little motivation to keep going.

    The main PSP games I'm looking to buy when I've got some money behind me are Birth By Sleep and the Dissidia ones.

  5. #5
    Certified tech, come at me! what psp games do you have SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: what psp games do you have

    I have Ys Seven, and Ys: The Oath in Felghana. Both games ROCKED! However my psp is pretty much done for. I'm looking to sell these games and a 2GB memory stick if I can possibly find a taker.
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  6. #6
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み what psp games do you have ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: what psp games do you have

    All the cool ones! Haha.

    Most of them are FF to be fair. I have FF I, II, IV: Complete, Dissidia, Dissidia 012, War Of The Lions and Crisis Core. I do also have KH: Birth By Sleep, Star Ocean: First Departure, Tactics Orge, 3rd Birthday and Lord of Arcana. They are all my good ones anyway (and I just notcied, they are all Squeenix).

    Do need to pick up some of the Ys games though. They look awesome.

  7. #7
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: what psp games do you have

    Some cool, some uncool.

    Breath of Fire
    Dissidia 012
    Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
    Final Fantasy I
    Final Fantasy II
    Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection
    Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
    Gods Eater Burst
    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
    Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
    Lord of Arcadia
    Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
    Samurai Warriors: State of War
    Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
    The Sims 2 Pets
    Tomb Raider Anniversary
    Valhalla Knights

    UMD: Advent Children

    Out of all of them, I've mostly played the Final Fantasy games. Crush is also a brilliant puzzle game, but a little annoying at times.

    I'm sure I have more somewhere. My brother has a tendency of borrowing my stuff and not giving it back until I notice it's missing. >>

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  8. #8
    iron gamer what psp games do you have saio's Avatar
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    Re: what psp games do you have

    final fantasy 7 crisis core. final fantasy disidia. final fantasy disidia 012 dragon ball z shin budokai. smart bomb. kingdom hearts birth by sleep.

    thats all i can think of

  9. #9

    Re: what psp games do you have

    FFVII: Crisis Core
    Need for Speed Underground Rivals (i think?)
    Modnation Racers


    Wasn't a huge fan of most of the PSP games, this is my current list. I tried out a couple more games, but traded them back in.

  10. #10
    The Quiet One what psp games do you have Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: what psp games do you have

    I have Hakuoki, even though I don't own a PSP. But Hakuoki is the first otome game to get a US release on the consoles. So I could not turn it down. Need to support more visual novels coming out! Plus it's an otome game, I've always wanted to play one.

    Now I just need to start hunting down a PSP so I can start making those handsome samurai men all mine. ^^;
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